User Stories

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The JERICO-RI is a long-term framework providing high-quality marine data, expertise and infrastructures for Europe’s coastal seas. The data are multidisciplinary, standardised, quality controlled, sustained, interoperable and free to access and use.

As part of the JERICO-S3 Project, in our continuation to develop the JERICO-RI, we are building an e-infrastructure to enable stakeholders and end users to have direct, easy access to the data, tools and information they need. To help us understand how we can help you in your work, we are collecting user stories.

What do we mean by a User Story? A User Story is a very high level and informal record of who you are, what you are doing (job or task title/description), what you need to do it (what sort of tools, data, knowledge you need for that job or task) and what are the task outcomes. It could also mention any special needs – in quantity or quality of the data and information.

You may just have one user story, or you may have several. Please complete a form for each of your stories. Also, forward this survey to your colleagues. You could also add additional user stories on behalf of other people or your own stakeholders and end users.


What do you do?

Please enter in a job title or task title. For example: As a..."Wave forecaster for the Greek coast."

Needs and Use of the Coastal Observing Systems integrated in the JERICO Research Infrastructure

Please enter a summary (data,products, services) provided by JERICO-RI that you need and use for your role. For instance answering these questions:

  • What data do you need and use?
  • What main products or services do you use?

Reason and Purpose of the current use of the JERICO Research Infrastructure

Please use a few lines to describe how the data, products or services you need from the Research infrastructure are supporting your activity. For instance answering these questions:

  • What do you need to do with the data?
  • Why are those data/products/services valuable to you?
  • How exactly do they support your activity?

Expectations towards Coastal Observing Systems for your mission

Please use a few lines to express what needs are not yet fulfilled by the current ocean observing systems you are using. For instance answering these questions:

  • What are the weaknesses of the coastal observing systems you are using?
  • What data/products/services can’t you find in the current offer of Coastal Observing infrastructures?

  • What improvements would support your activity at best?
  • What requests/advice would you address to the service providers?
  • What should be the priorities of the coastal observing products and services providers in the next decades?

Optional questions

To assist us further in the development of the Research Infrastructure, we would appreciate it if you could answer the following questions.

We'd like to take this opportunity for your interest in the JERICO-RI and we look forward to continuing to provide you with world class marine coastal observatories, facilities, expertise and data for Europe.

According to the Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) and the 78-17 modified law of 6 January 1978, you have a right of access, rectification, erasure of your personal data and a right of restriction to the data processing. You can exercise your rights before the Ifremer data protection officer and the JERICO-S3 Coordination by mail at the following address: Ifremer – Délégué à la protection des données- Centre Bretagne – ZI de la Pointe du Diable – CS 10070 – 29280 Plouzané - FRANCE or by email: + JERICO-S3 and Ifremer shall not hold your personal data for longer than necessary with regard to the purpose of the data processing and shall destroy it thereafter.