Third call

The third JERICO-RI S3 Transnational Access (TA) call closed in May 2022. From this call, 12 projects were selected and 10 hosting facilities utilised. Three project applications included collaborations with other RIs: AQUACOSM and EuroFleets. These RI-RI collaborations are encouraged by JERICO-RI for unique project studies and to create strong networks with other EU RI’s. This third call saw 15 user nationalities of group members and infrastructures were selected for use in 6 hosting countries. In summary, this third call was successful in establishing and strengthening RI-RI collaborations and in facilitating infrastructure access for a diverse user group.

Below are the project summaries of the successful proposals. Work is scheduled to commence, at the earliest, in summer 2022 and contracts are in the final stages between user groups and host facilities.

Acronym  Project Title Project Principal Investigator Host Facility   Short Project Summary Final Project Report
ABACUS 2023 Algerian Basin Circulation Unmanned Survey 2023 YURI COTRONEO

SOCIB glider facility,


The project aims at confirming the importance of the ABACUS monitoring line across the AB between Palma de Mallorca and the southern part of the Algerian basin, contributing to data collection in The Southern European Seas, one of the main EU maritime policy objectives, as outlined in the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). ABACUS-2023 will allow us to realize 3 glider missions, in the study area during three different seasons between October 2022 and July 2023.

Final Project Report

Data: Socib

BalHObEx Baltic Sea Heat Waves: Observation and Experimentation Iordanis Magiopoulos SYKE-ALG@LINE,
SYKE Marine Research Centre Lab , Finland 
Our proposed project aims to follow a holistic approach on the effects of extreme heat waves on the planktonic food web of the Baltic Sea. More specifically:
1. Investigate the effects of extreme heat waves on the marine plankton food web via a mesocosm experiment. Mesocosms allow experiments on whole plankton food web in close to real-life conditions and it is considered the most reliable way to test hypothesis and predict effects of environmental pressures on the complex marine ecosystem.
2. Compare and combine the results from the mesocosm experiment with findings in the natural environment in order to get a more complete view on the effects of the heat waves on natural plankton community of the Baltic Sea.

Final Project Report

Data: Not yet available

CABS Capacity Building for Autonomous Biogeochemical Sensing in the Southwest Black Sea Dimitar Berov

COSYNA Stationary FerryBox system,


Our project aims at the eventual integration of automated FerryBox type monitoring of water quality, as the one carried out by Hereon, in the work of the partner laboratory (LME-IBER-BAS), as a continuation of the ongoing water quality monitoring campaigns of the research institute and in particular our laboratory. One goal of this project is to apply current autonomous methods of EOV observations to a Jerico-S3 FerryBox station, with the intention of using such methods at oceanographic facilities at the Black Sea coast. The primary goal is to study the effect of eutrophication on sea grass beds and biodiversity along the southern Black Sea Coast. We intend to use this collaboration with Hereon, to further enhance our observational capabilities in these EOVs, and to further our collaboration with our German partners. We plan to work with our Hereon partners and deploy two instruments not currently deployed at the Cuxhaven FerryBox station. 

Final Project Report 

Data: Link not Available yet 

FRIPP-CEE Frontal dynamics influencing Primary Production:
Carbon Export Experiment
Antonio Olita  

SOCIB glider facility,


The project aims to study, through a multisensor sea-glider mission supported by modeled and remotely-sensed data, the impact of frontal dynamics on the Phytoplankton production and distribution as inferred from fluorometric measurements during a DCM stage. Deep Chlorophyll maximum is also a good situation to estimate the role of the Mesoscale and submesoscale features on Carbon export. This is the main aim of the present project.

Final Project Report

Data: Socib

GliderBloom Use of FMI glider during the EMB-cruise GER – FIN -GER
Dr. Henry Bittig FMI Baltic Sea Glider, Finland

In this TA-proposal, we apply the use of FMI glider to support the IOW research project “NitroFix” on Algae bloom N2 fixation during the summer 2023, along the VOS route between Germany and Finland using two observing platforms, VOS Finnmaid and RV Elisabeth Mann Borgese (EMB). The use of FMI glider, in the northern part of the Blatic Sea, will support the research focusing on nitrogen dynamics and its relationship to cyanobacterial bloom by increasing the vertical and temporal coverage of the planned research. 

Final Project Report


GOOM Glider Cooperation Mission in Eastern Gotland Basin Lars Arneborg  FMI Baltic Sea Glider, Finland The main objectives of this glider mission are related to the central Baltic Sea water exchange and circulation. The period of the observations is selected so that it will support the fixed ADCP-mooring observations carried out in the Estonian EUROFLEETS study, CABLE.

Final Project Report

Data: Link not available yet

IMAPOCEAN Integrated Multilevel Active Passive Ocean Current
Education Advancement Network
Ariadne Dimoula

SmartBay Cabled Observatory, SmartBay Buoy


The purpose of this research is to continue expanding IMAPOCEAN from the Mediterranean experiment (Call 2 project, IMAPOCEAN) into Galway Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. This joint scientist and citizen science experiment combines deep and midlevel ocean current research using tilt current meters as well as an ocean surface flow current recording unit. Both tools can be built by students at schools who are already working with the Marine Institute.

Final Project Report


OBS-EXP-Bridge Bridge between OBServation and EXPerimentation
communities of JERICO and AQUACOSM
Dr. Francesca Vidussi SYKE Marine Research Centre Lab , Finland  Our main scientific objectives are to:
1) Study the metabolic and structural responses of plankton communities of the Baltic Sea to heat wave using high-frequency sensors of LAMP-Sensor-System and Low-Cost-Sensor System that we have developed and will be installed in the inland mesocosms at the host SYKE laboratory,
2) Compare data obtained by LAMP-Sensor-System and Low-Cost System with those continuously acquired using the AQUABOX-device already installed and running at the host facility, and
3) Compare the responses of the Baltic Sea communities to heat wave obtained by LAMP-Sensor- System which those obtained previously in the NW-Med Sea during the in situ mesocosm experimentations and also with ongoing experiment that we will run in the frame of Transnational Access of AQUACOSM-plus between April 25 and May 25 2022, called “Effects of consecutive heat waves on the resistance, resilience and recovery of marine plankton communities (Heat Waves)” (

Final Project Report

Data: Soulié Tanguy, Vidussi Francesca, Parin David, Mas Sébastien, Mostajir Behzad (2022). High-frequency sensor data from a mesocosm experiment testing the effects of marine heatwaves of various intensities on a plankton community from the Gulf of Finland. SEANOE.

PoGo Po delta to Gulf of Trieste: Microbiological connectivity
study and field testing of a Video-CTD probe prototype
Martin Vodopivec



The first objective of the PoGo proposal is to compare ADCP and microbial ecology data at two different North Adriatic areas, Po Delta – site S1-GB and Gulf of Trieste – site Vida, characterised with different degree of anthropogenic pressure and riverine water discharges. Besides understanding how differences in physio-chemical and biological parameters affect microbial community dynamics, our aim is to provide the first insights on ecological connectivity between sites by coupling microbial analysis with oceanographic observations and numerical modelling. The second objective of the PoGo proposal is to test a Mini Video-CTD probe (V-CTD) prototype in waters with high salinity variations.

Final Project Report

Data: http://10.5281/zenodo.10123570;

SEASAM Simulating an automated environmental DNA sampler/analyser for in situ metabarcoding Maddalena Tibone CNR ISMR Acqua Alta Oceanographic Tower, Italy

The main goal of this project is to advance biodiversity monitoring capabilities by developing in situ environmental DNA (eDNA) metabarcoding approaches. eDNA will be extracted from environmental samples (seawater or sediments) and will undergo metabarcoding on site, using a portable sequencer and targeting marine macrofauna. This approach will allow providing near real-time metabarcoding data, obtained with a non-invasive sampling method, that will be integrated and compared with the imaging data from the platform’s underwater cameras.

Objective 1. Simulate an automated eDNA sampler/analyser. Objective 2. Cross-reference of eDNA with imaging data.

Final Project Report
