Reconstruction of the 3D coastal dynamics
Objectives: This Action provides a transnational approach to study the Northern Current overall dynamics, encompassing and connecting specific sea areas under investigation by the partners involved. It uses the Regional Data in the Northern Current region, to reconstruct the 3-D coastal dynamics and, in combination with modelling, to analyse dispersion of marine life (larvae, jellyfish, phyto- and zooplankton) in different current scenarios, with possible applications to distribution of pollutants, jellyfish, alien species and in support of fisheries and regional management.
Action Lead and other Partners (with contact persons): CNR (Berta, Griffa), SOCIB (Mourre), CNRS (Coppola), PdE (Sotillo), UPC (del Rio)
JERICO-S3 Platforms included: ILICO gliders, coastal buoy (CNRS), HF radar network (CNR), Corsica Channel mooring with imaging (CNR), gliders, HF radar, moorings and numerical model from the Coastal Ocean Observing and Forecasting System (SOCIB), OBSEA, Expandable Seafloor Observatory (UPC), PORTUS observing and forecasting system (PdE)
Additional infrastructure: HF radars (CNRS, PdE), buoys (CNRS, PdE), tide gauges (PdE), coastal moorings, river stations (CNRS), monitoring by R/V (SOCIB, CNRS, CNR), SIROCCO modelling system (CNRS)
Other data sources and external partners for implementation: CMEMS satellite and model data. The CMEMS Mediterranean forecasting model will provide boundary conditions for our high-resolution models. Possibly data is also obtained from LABMARE mooring (CNR, ENEA, DLTM, INGV, IIM), additional HFR antennas (LAMMA consortium), ALBATROSS mooring (EMSO-ERIC) and new bio-glider (LOV CNRS), pre-operational forecasting modelling system MENOR and coastal buoy (MESURHO, IFREMER).
Overall timetable of action: Dec 2020 – Aug 2022
Description of action: The planned multiplatform network covering the NW-MED will include a wide range of observations managed at the transnational level. Several observing systems based on autonomous platforms are already active and will cover the whole duration of the project (remote and in situ fixed stations, for example, HF radars and moorings). Other targeted field activities and samplings (ships and gliders) will be planned by each partner during 2021-2022.
The Action will explore best practices to integrate the multiplatform observations (at the sea surface and at depth) and investigate the overall dynamics at various scales. In-situ measurements can be used to validate/calibrate remote measures. The investigation of circulation effects on dispersion of biological and pollutant particles will be supported by historical dispersion datasets in the NW-MED (e.g. drifters at various depths, CMEMS products) and targeted in situ trajectories collected in specific sites of the PSS. Several numerical models will also be used in this action.
The data-assimilative WMOP hydrodynamic model (SOCIB) will integrate multiplatform coastal observations from HF radar, gliders, and moorings along the whole path of the Northern Current. The results of the MENOR pre-operational model (IFREMER) covering the whole PSS area will be made available both for comparison with recorded data and dispersion modelling. Two-way nested zooms (with a horizontal resolution in the range of 400 m) will be activated in chosen areas (mainly where radars are installed) allowing local comparison with observations.
Moreover, the SYMPHONIE/SIROCCO model (CNRS) will be used to specifically analyse cross-shelf exchanges and dispersion associated with the meandering of the Northern Current. Model intercomparisons using the whole set of PSS observations will be carried out to better understand model performance and limitations.
This activity will benefit from the availability of standardized and quality-controlled coastal data made available by the different countries and institutions involved in the NW-MED PSS, demonstrating the added value of transnational data integration. Best practices used or developed: Application of best practices as provided in WP5 and WP6.
Data flows: Data will be made available by the national coastal research infrastructures through their threads or other web servers.
Data QC routines: QARTOD QC routines can be used for RT data flagging, including links to WP5 and WP6.
Data management issues: Some issues need to be clarified during the Action, e.g. if data is provided in real-time or periodically, and which formats will be used.
Expected results: Improved coordination of independent and complementary observing and modelling systems for the characterization of the 3D coastal dynamics over the NWMED coastal area, allowing a better understanding of the variability and instabilities of the slope current and the analysis of the dispersion of nutrients, fish larvae, contaminants, plastics or jellyfish. The organic suspended matter as well contaminants distribution driven by currents affects water quality, whose characterization provides useful information for fisheries and marine regional management.
Users of results: Scientific community, managers of coastal areas in the NW-MED PSS region.
Dissemination of results: Results will be made available as peer-reviewed publications and presentations in conferences related to coastal ocean dynamics.
Links: Links to WP1 for multidisciplinary integrated observations approach, WP 5 and 6 for infrastructures and data management, WP 7 (technological innovations introduced within specific PSS infrastructures), WP9 (sustainability of observations), WP10 (communication), WP2 (interaction with complementary RIs in the region), WP11 (VA of data).