Objectives: PSSs will interface with other RIs (DANUBIUS-RI, EMBRC-ERIC, ICOS ERIC, LifeWatch-ERIC) by cooperating on key competencies of PSSs and RIs on coastal ecosystem studies and data related to carbon cycling and eutrophication (nutrients particularly) which will advance the interaction with DANUBIUS-RI in resolving land-sea carbon and nutrients fluxes and to facilitate forthcoming collaborations. Particularly, the creation of a network of scientists is sought to be constructed that will allow for better coordination of shared research interests.
Action Lead and other Partners (with contact persons): HEREON (Brix), VLIZ (Deneudt), IFREMER (Lefebvre).
JS3 Platforms included: Not relevant for this task, as this is a networking activity.
Other data sources and external partners for implementation: All RIs as listed in WP2, task 2.2, are identified where present and established contacts will be used to connect to these partners and establish mutual data access.
Overall timetable of action: Dec 2020- Aug 2022
Description of action: The action will connect to other RIs within the PSS region to discuss data and information sharing, coordinate campaigns, identify overlap and gaps in measurement programs. Action will develop a roster of activities and people and develop shared sampling strategies. In addition, the Action will investigate data and technology sharing opportunities, compare approaches to data processing, storage, and dissemination, use of FAIR principles, and develop strategy to facilitate access to data, merge where possible. Action will share knowledge about existing dissemination and outreach efforts. The above will be actualized where added value can be found and existing connections can be exploited.
Best practices used or developed: Build on existing connections to inquire about best practices used and work toward.
Data flows: N/A
Data QC routines: N/A
Data management issues: N/A
Expected results: list of cooperation possibilities and facility overlap/synergies.
Users of results: scientists, public administrations, etc.
Dissemination of results: Report of Actions; Dissemination to other RI through, for example, activities in TNAs, reports at regional meetings; also as part of WP2 activities and deliverables.
Links. Links to other RIs and all J-S3 PSS and IRS sites (mainly during J-S3 GAs).
Links to other WPs in JS3 (e.g. citizen science, D2PTS …).