Objectives: The Action aims in improving the harmonisation of GoF PSS data, produced by various institutes. Such harmonisation is the first step in merging data from different sources and the creation of consistent datasets for multiple uses. Harmonisation protocols are demonstrated especially for observations on phytoplankton communities, HABs, oxygen and carbonate system dynamics. Shared management actions and communication schemes, and joint QC/QA practices for key observations will allow unified data flows and products, which will also facilitate their discovery, access, and use.
Action Lead and other Partners (with contact persons): SYKE (Seppälä, Haavisto), FMI (Laakso), TALTECH (Liblik, Kikas), IOW (Rehder)
JS3 Platforms included: FerryBox: Silja Serenade and Finnmaid (SYKE, FMI, IOW), Silja Europa (TALTECH), Utö Observatory (FMI, SYKE), Keri Observatory (TALTECH); Gliders (FMI, TALTECH), profiling buoys (FMI, SYKE, TALTECH), Argo floats (FMI), monitoring by R/V (All), calibration lab (SYKE).
Other data sources and external partners for implementation: Additional partners from JERICO-S3 and other national/international collaborators and private sector representatives may participate in the workshops and calibration and validation activities. This may expand the regional impact of the study.
Overall timetable of Action: Jan 2021 – August 2022
Description of Action: Joint actions in calibration and validation, as well as improving and sharing the best practices, will provide a baseline for collecting comparable data for the region. Sharing maintenance actions may provide economic benefits and improve the data coverage due to decreased downtime of sensors.
The practical work includes (Timetable, Lead, partners):
- joint workshops for improving and sharing best practices, QA/QC methods and for sharing sensor/platform maintenance (winter 2021 and 2022, SYKE, all)
- joint workshops for sensor calibration (winter 2021 and 2022, SYKE, TALTECH, IOW, FMI)
- joint cruises for validation of automated measurements (FerryBox, Gliders, Argo floats, profiling buoys) (tentative cruises in autumn 2020, spring 2022, FMI, SYKE, TALTECH; tentative FerryBox co-trips in spring 2021, SYKE, IOW)
Best practices used or developed: Several new best practices agreed for the region, aiming to harmonized measurements for phytoplankton, oxygen and carbonate system dynamics.
Data flows: Action will not collect new observation data but provide means for improved data quality and interoperability.
Data QC routines: Sharing Best Practices for QA/QC agreed and discussed among best practices
Data management issues: Metadata issues noted in best practices
Expected results: Conceptual protocols for transnational platform maintenance, harmonization of observations, and QA/QC protocols, including the analyses of challenges. New transnational practices for sharing sensor calibration, data validation, and platform maintenance action, including Best practices documentation.
Users of results: Primarily GoF PSS partners but shared to the Baltic monitoring community in large. Disseminate the conceptual work for other PSS as well.
Dissemination of results: Results (best practices) shared by JERICO e-infrastructure, aiming to scientific publication of the most advanced practices. The transnational interoperability concept links to GoF PSS #9 and #10.
Links: Results will be efficiently communicated for other PSS, aiming to future joint harmonisation workshops. As well, the experiences on transnational knowledge transfer as disseminated towards WP1 and WP3.
Link to WP5, T5.2, T5.3
Link to WP6, T6.3
Link to WP7, T7.5 especially aiming to provide a demonstration of shared documentation for D2PTS
Links to the metrology community expected, especially following the development of the INFRAIA project MINKE.