Milestone Number | Milestone Title | WP Number | Lead beneficiary | Due Date (in months) |
Means of verification | Downloads |
MS1 | All-regions workshop 1 | WP2, WP3, WP4, WP5, WP9 | 1 – IFREMER | 1 | WS happening during the JERICO week #1 |
MS2 | Feedback from WP9 on draft D1.1 | WP9 | 1 – IFREMER | 9 |
MS3 | All-regions workshop 2 | WP2, WP3, WP4, WP5, WP9 | 1 – IFREMER | 13 | WS happening during the JERICO week #2 |
MS4 | All-regions workshop 3 | WP2, WP3, WP4, WP5, WP9 | 1 – IFREMER | 25 | WS happening during the JERICO week #3 |
MS5 | All-regions workshop 4 -synthesis of implementation | WP2, WP3, WP4, WP5, WP9 | 1 – IFREMER | 37 | WS happening during the JERICO week #4 |
MS6 | Bilateral communication with DANUBIUS and AQUACOSM partners to plan activities and explore synergies (task 2.2) |
WP2 | 7 – CNR | 6 | T2.2 |
MS7 | Workshops with RI’s (task 2.2) | WP2 | 7 – CNR | 37 | Due dates: M13, 25, 37 T2.2 |
MS8 | Review of opportunities (task 2.3) | WP2 | 9 – COVARTEC | 8 | T2.3 |
MS9 | Preliminary bilateral communication with ESA, EuMedSat and CMEMS (task 2.3) | WP2 | 9 – COVARTEC | 12 | T2.3 |
MS10 | Identify gaps in resolving regional connectivity and multi-scale processes in obs and modelling systems (task2.4) | WP2 | 11 – DMI | 24 | T2.4 | |
MS11 | Recommendations for treatment of regional connectivity and multi-scale processes in future integrated observing-modelling systems (task 2.4) |
WP2 | 11 – DMI | 36 | T2.4 |
MS12 | WP3 session in ARW#1 including individual IRS breakout sessions #1 | WP1, WP2, WP4, WP5, WP6, WP9 | 25 – NIVA | 1 | WS happening during the JERICO week #1 |
MS13 | WP3 session in ARW#2 including individual IRS breakout sessions #2 | WP1, WP2, WP4, WP5, WP6, WP9 | 25 – NIVA | 13 | WS happening during the JERICO week #2 |
MS14 | WP3 session including in ARW#3 individual IRS breakout sessions #3 | WP1, WP2, WP4, WP5, WP6, WP9 | 25 – NIVA | 25 | WS happening during the JERICO week #3 |
MS15 | WP3 session including in ARW#4 individual IRS breakout sessions #4 | WP1, WP2, WP4, WP5, WP6, WP9 | 25 – NIVA | 36 | WS happening during the JERICO week #4 |
MS16 | WP3 session including in ARW#5 individual IRS breakout sessions #5 | WP1, WP2, WP4, WP5, WP6, WP9 | 25 – NIVA | 48 | WS happening during the JERICO week #5 |
MS17 | Analysis of regional actors and critical gaps in multidisciplinary data provision for user needs per PSS | WP1, WP2, WP4 | 34 – SYKE | 4 | T4.2 |
MS18 | Joint WP1, WP3 & WP 4 workshop to draft D4.1 | WP1, WP3, WP4 | 34 – SYKE | 5 | T4.2 |
MS19 | Start of PSS implementation | WP4 | 34 – SYKE | 7 | T4.3 |
MS20 | Presentation of PSS progress at ARW#2 | WP4 | 34 – SYKE | 13 | Presentation of PSS progress at ARW during JRW #2 |
MS21 | Presentation of PSS progress at ARW#3 | WP4 | 34 – SYKE | 25 | Presentation of PSS progress at ARW#3 – JW#3 |
MS22 | End of PSS observations | WP4 | 34 – SYKE | 31 | T4.3 |
MS23 | Presentation of PSS progress at ARW#4 | WP4 | 34 – SYKE | 37 | Presentation of PSS progress at ARW#4 – JW#4 |
MS24 | Presentation of PSS final results at ARW#5 | WP4 | 34 – SYKE | 48 | Presentation of PSS final results at ARW#5 – JW#5 |
MS25 | Harmonization workshop (coorganised with WP6). State of the art capturing and analysing gaps in BP’s for implementing and operating biological data acquisition in coastal observatories | WP5 | 8 – CNRS | 6 | ST 5.3.3 |
MS26 | SOP version 1 available to WP7 for implementation of the WASP | WP5 | 4 – AZTI | 7 | ST 5.3.2 |
MS27 | Workshop on the Readiness Level of each technology in PSS/IRS | WP5 | 7 – CNR | 13 | ST 5.2.1 |
MS28 | Establishment of the dashboard integrating the KPPIs and KIPIs | WP5 | 4 – AZTI | 24 | ST 5.4.3 |
MS29 | Training material on the functional homogenization tools for WP10 workshop |
WP5 | 7 – CNR | 28 | ST 5.2.2 |
MS30 | Revised SOP provided to WP7 for adjustment of the WASP | WP5 | 4 – AZTI | 34 | ST 5.3.2 |
MS31 | Inventory of coastal citizen science initiatives | WP6 | 24 – MARIS | 9 | T6.2.3 |
MS32 | Workshop reports for establishing best practices for imagery data management | WP6 | 8 – CNRS | 24 | Due date: M12/24 – CNRS- LOV – T6.3.1 |
MS33 | Workshop reports for establishing best practices for data management for biological sensors | WP6 | 8 – CNRS | 24 | Due date: M12/24 – CNRS MIO / LOG – T6.3.2 | |
MS34 | Workshop reports for establishing best | WP6 | 15 – FMI | 24 | Due date: M12/24 – FMI – T6.3.3 | |
practices guidelines and strategy for coastal carbonate systems data management |
MS35 | Gap analysis of Best Practices draft | WP6 | 33 – SOCIB | 12 | T6.4.1 |
MS36 | Review of emerging technology | WP7 | 26 – NORCE | 8 | ST 7.3.1 |
MS37 | WASP available for test-cases | WP7 | 26 – NORCE | 24 | ST 7.3.3 |
MS38 | Demonstration of VA infrastructure | WP7 | 33 – SOCIB | 25 | ST 7.5.2 |
MS39 | Sensor packages ready for deployment | WP7 | 26 – NORCE | 36 | ST 7.3.4 |
MS40 | Intelligent services integrated in JIIM and data science methodologies integrated in the VA e-infrastructure Demonstration of Pilot |
WP7 | 7 – CNR | 36 | ST 7.4.3 ST 7.4.4 | |
MS41 | Sensor packages and deployment sites prepared for demonstration mission |
WP7 | 29 – PLOCAN | 36 | ST 7.6.1 |
MS42 | 1st Call for TA Applications | WP8 | 23 – MI | 6 | T11.5.2 |
MS43 | 2nd Call for TA+VA Applications | WP11, WP8 | 23 – MI | 18 | T11.5.2 |
MS44 | 3rd Call for TA Applications | WP8 | 23 – MI | 30 | T11.5.2 |
MS45 | First meetings of the user committee held at month M1 and M6 (Task 9.2) | WP9 | 13 – EuroGOOS | 7 | T9.2 |
MS46 | Informative document to support the preparation of the business plan dedicated to JERICO-RI operators and contact persons for business per partner (Task 9.4) |
WP9 | 23 – MI | 12 | T9.4 |
MS47 | Meetings of the user committee held at month M13 (Task 9.2) | WP9 | 13 – EuroGOOS | 14 | T9.2 |
MS48 | chapter 1 of D9.6: Proposed organisational and governance scenarios (T9.5) |
WP9 | 1 – IFREMER | 24 | T9.5 |
MS49 | JERICO-RI preliminary design report, version 2 |
WP9 | 1 – IFREMER | 24 | T9.3 |
MS50 | Meetings of the user committee held at month M25 (T9.3) | WP9 | 1 – IFREMER | 26 | T9.3 |
MS51 | chapter 2 of D9.6: Skeleton of national nodes: involved institutions and definition of national representatives. (T9.5) | WP9 | 1 – IFREMER | 36 | T9.5 | |
MS52 | Presentation of draft D9.6 to the committee for long term governance. (Task 9.5) |
WP9 | 1 – IFREMER | 37 | T9.5 |
MS53 | Meeting of the user committee held at month M37 (Task 9.5) | WP9 | 1 – IFREMER | 38 | T9.5 |
MS54 | Launch enhanced web presence | WP10 | 5 – BLIT | 6 | ST 10.5.1 |
MS55 | Review status dissemination and exploitation plan (phase #1) | WP1, WP10, WP12, WP13, WP2, WP3, WP4, WP5, WP6, WP7, WP8, WP9 | 19 – IH | 18 | ST 10.2.2 |
MS56 | Review Communication plan (phase #1) | WP10 | 9 – COVARTEC | 19 | ST 10.3.1 |
MS57 | Dissemination materials with statements of the JERICO-RI Mission, Value and Vision | WP10 | 9 – COVARTEC | 24 | ST 10.3.2 | |
MS58 | Webinar #1 | WP10 | 19 – IH | 24 | T10.4 |
MS59 | Promotion of TNA & VA activities including impact (phase #1) | WP10, WP11, WP8 | 5 – BLIT | 24 | ST 10.5.2 |
MS60 | Training workshop #1 | WP10, WP5, WP6 | 19 – IH | 29 | T10.4 |
MS61 | Review Communication plan (phase #2) | WP10 | 9 – COVARTEC | 33 | ST 10.3.1 |
MS62 | Review status dissemination and exploitation plan (phase #2) | WP1, WP10, WP12, WP13, WP2, WP3, WP4, WP5, WP6, WP7, WP8, WP9 | 19 – IH | 36 | ST 10.2.2 |
MS63 | Review on communication tools: description of the tool per targeted group | WP1, WP10, WP12, WP13, WP2, WP3, WP4, WP5, WP6, WP7, WP8, WP9 | 19 – IH | 38 | ST 10.5.3 |
MS64 | Training workshop #2 | WP10, WP5, WP6 | 19 – IH | 42 | T10.4 |
MS65 | Webinar #2 | WP10 | 19 – IH | 42 | T10.4 |
MS66 | Promotion of TNA & VA activities including impact (phase #2) | WP10, WP11, WP8 | 5 – BLIT | 42 | ST 10.5.2 |
MS67 | Review Communication plan (phase #3) | WP10 | 9 – COVARTEC | 45 | ST 10.3.1 |
MS68 | Review on production of communication material dedicated to increase the visibility of JERICO-RI | WP10 | 5 – BLIT | 48 | ST 10.5.1 |
MS69 | Kick off meeting | WP13 | 1 – IFREMER | 1 | Report | |
MS70 | Intermediate GA / Mid term Review | WP13 | 1 – IFREMER | 24 |
MS71 | Final GA / JERICO- Week | WP13 | 1 – IFREMER | 48 |