JERICO-DS: Work Packages

This project is made up of 7 work packages. An overview of each work package is available below.

WP1 – NA1: Co-construction of a long term Coastal Science plan between nations and EU in the European RI landscape

State of the Art:

For task 1.1: The conclusion of JERICO-NEXT scientific actions gathered in D4.5 and regional approaches to be established in JERICO-S3 WP3 will provide as the basis of information to be delivered to nations.

For task 1.2: Work led in WP2 of JERICO-S3 will provide a top down approach of the possible collaborative framework with other RIs. This will be delivered to nations in order to optimise the discussions related position of JERICO-RI within the EU and national landscape of environmental RIs.


WP1 aims to establish the long-term scientific plan of the JERICO-RI that will include a description of socio-economic impacts from national, regional and EU viewpoints. It will consider both the top-down and the bottom-up perspective. The bidirectional approach will ensure a continuous exchange and update of scientific strategies and socio-economic impacts, from the global to the national scale and vice versa. WP1 will take advantage of the JERICO-DS national partnership scheme to optimise its scientific strategy by considering the national ones and taking into account national constraints within the scientific vision outlined in previous JERICO projects at European and regional (transnational) levels. As a consequence, JERICO-DS WP1 will include the national perspectives as a fundamental key for the distributed research infrastructure envisaged for the European coastal seas. An analysis of how to integrate national scientific and societal needs into the European framework, including synergies with other RIs, is the main targeted outcome of WP1. An overview, from global to national, and from national to global, of the JERICO-RI landscape is envisioned.

The WP1 activities are organised as follows:

  • The general scientific approach matured in the previous projects at the pan-European and regional level will take into account national constraints and needs, and new scientific frontiers will be identified. The general scientific goals of JERICO-RI will be updated to improve their relevance to specific national scientific needs. The complementarity and strengths of available national assets will be reviewed and evaluated as well as the added value of the pan European JERICO-RI to jointly address these needs in Task 1.1.
  • The scientific synergies with other marine and environmental RIs will be assessed at national and pan-European levels. National strategic long-term plans regarding the respective national RI landscapes will be shared and discussed to design the dynamic framework under which JERICO-RI will evolve during the next 10 years. Task 1.2.
  • The scientific achievements will be followed using Key Performance Indicators, Task 1.3.
WP2 – NA2: Technical Design for an Operational JERICO-RI (physical part of the RI)

State of the Art:

For Task 2.1 and Task 2.2: Pilot structuring in Supersite and Integrated Regional Sites of JERICO-S3 will provide a basis to design an operational functioning.

For Task 2.4: Specific KPIs developed in JERICO-S3 (D5.3) to assess the Platform Performance (KPPI) and the Integration Performance (KIPIs) will extend the JDS proposed KPI for this WP.


WP2 provides a practical technical roadmap for an operational JERICO-RI to implement a distributed Research Infrastructure for European coastal seas. According to this plan, the technically feasible operational JERICO-RI network could be composed of interlinked, and eventually integrated, national nodes of observatories providing consistent data and products for user communities. It will also include a description of the technological solutions that can be implemented. To achieve such a sustainable, efficient and scientifically excellent pan-European coastal RI is a demanding task, due to the heterogeneity of marine systems, variety of topics studied and diversity of national observing practices. JERICO projects have so far brought together and consolidated different:

  • Observing communities, employing different observation platforms (e.g. ferrybox, glider, fixed platform, HF-radar) and sensor technologies.
  • Disciplines focusing either physics, chemistry, biology, and some combination of those.
  • Blocs targeting either scientific, environmental, societal or commercial topics.
  • Regions and nations, each with their own specificities, needs and practices.

WP2 aims to continue this consolidation process, while also accounting for regional specificities and national requirements. WP2 will establish a Conceptual Design of the physical (hardware part) of JERICO-RI, and finally provide a technical roadmap for the implementation of JERICO-RI as a preliminary document for a Technical Design Report in the further Preparatory Phase, along the ESFRI roadmap. To reach these objectives, WP2 is organised in the 4 following tasks:

Task 2.1: Provide a technical and technology outlook how the optimal and fit-for-purpose operational JERICO-RI should look like.

Task 2.2:  Identify major technical and technology gaps of existing JERICO-RI.

Task 2.3: Create a roadmap for technical design of operational JERICO-RI.

Task 2.4: Establish a preliminary list of KPIs to assess the future impact of the RI hardware part.

WP3-NA3: e-Infrastructure technical design and data integration strategy

State of the Art:

For task 3.2 & task 3.3 the pilot version of e-JERICO is developed in task 7.5 of JERICO-S3 and operated in VA (Virtual Access) as a test case. WP3 of JERICO-DS envisioning its further development. For task 3.4 the regional site structuration with regional operational capacities will be developed and tested
in WP2 & 3 of JERICO-S3.


JERICO e-infrastructure (or e-JERICO) is envisioned as a one-stop-shop service providing JERICO users an optimal way to gain an integrated form of access to:

  • TransNational Access to the JERICO physical infrastructures (platforms and sensors) offered by the
    national coastal observatories and JERICO technical expertise centres.
  • Resources required to both harmonise and implement JERICO data lifecycle management methodologies: Best Practices, tools and services, and e-training modules.
  • Quality controlled data that is routinely acquired by the different national coastal observatories, following the FAIR principles.
  • Added-value products and services (indicators, nowcasts, analysis, etc.) generated by each individual JERICO thematic expertise center.
  • Dedicated cloud computing resources (hardware and software) allowing researchers to perform advanced analysis on multi-disciplinary, multi-scale, multi-domain and multi-sensor data sets. WP3 overall objective is to conduct the design study of the e-JERICO and to produce a strategic plan and roadmap for the implementation within the framework of the ESFRI roadmap. By gathering key requirements of both scientific (WP1) and technical design studies (WP2), and including eJERICO’s own requirements, deduced from stakeholders’ expectations (WP4), a gap analysis will be produced from which the e-JERICO technical design will be proposed. It will also consider the context of eJERICO that includes both outlined access and security policies, and the drafted data management plan provided by the JERICO-S3 project. The strategic plan will reflect the dynamics that e-JERICO will have to follow in accordance with the expected requirements to progress on the ESFRI roadmap and within the EU landscape of RIs. A KPI analysis will also be provided in order to monitor the overall e-infrastructure performance during the progress of the strategic plan. WP3 work flow will be organised following an iterative, agile-like methodology, since the content of the different WP3 tasks will be interrelated and linked to the progress of other WPs.
 WP4 – NA4: Sustainability

State of the Art and ref. documents.

For task 4.1: Main input from User strategy will come from conclusion of VA and TNA exercises after JERICO-NEXT and the upcoming work of Task 9.1 of JERICO-S3 where user analysis is expected.

For task 4.2: The Operations Committee of the European Ocean Observing System (EOOS) will interact with the consortium.

For task 4.6: Cost Business analysis of JERICO-NEXT (D1.3) as preliminary information for the Business plan. Other ref:

  • ESFRI Scripta Volume II. Long-Term Sustainability of Research Infrastructures. European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures Long-Term Sustainability Working Group 2017. ISBN PDF: 978-88-901562-8-1
  • Guide to Cost-Benefit Analysis of Investment Projects Economic appraisal tool for Cohesion Policy 2014- 2020 © European Union, 2015 ISBN 978-92-79-34796-2.
  • Reference framework for assessing the scientific and socio-economic impact of research infrastructures. OECD Science, Technology and Industry Policy Papers, No. 65, OECD Publishing, Paris, 2019.


History shows that a robust long-term vision is the most important prerequisite in order to successfully and sustainably build and operate a RI. This vision requires an adequate framework and must be embedded in a supportive policy driven environment to be successful. This work package will incorporate recommendations and guidelines from the ESFRI Long Term Sustainability Working Group to develop a sustainability framework whilst also integrating cost benefit analysis guidelines for research infrastructures to incorporate objective and verifiable methods in the JERICO RI financial and sustainability design process.

A state of the art reference framework for assessing the scientific and socio-economic impact of research infrastructures will be incorporated as critical elements in the design of the RIs. The Cost Benefit Analysis completed in JERICO-NEXT used robust and proven economic methodologies and will be further enhanced in JERICO-S3 to produce a business plan for individual nations National Research Infrastructures. We will use these outputs in combination with the National Commitments defined in WP1 of JERICO-DS and the Governance Structure in WP5 to fully synthesise and synergise the cost benefits derived from a fully established JERICO-RI incorporating the results into a comprehensive Business Plan for the JERICO-RI. WP4 Tasks will integrate into the Business plan to create a roadmap for sustainability of the JERICO-RI (see p17 : Figure 1.13: Establishing the JERICO-RI business plan: a key to progress on a sustained JERICO-RI)

WP5-NA5: Governance and organisation

State of the Art:

For task 5.2: WP2 of JS3: Deliverable 2.1: report on collaboration and interoperability with other RIs at EU level.

For task 5.4: Previous version of the Label document after JERICO-NEXT deliverable D2.7. Technical handbook published with Ocean Best practices Repository in JERICO-S3: D5.2.

For task 5.5: Membership of the JERICO label committee in the previous version of the Label document after JERICO-NEXT deliverable D2.7.


This WP will build upon the work from WP1 to WP4 to propose a governance structure and operational structure as well as a roadmap to achieve the implementation of an operational phase. To reach this key objective WP5 will, in synergy with nations:

  • Task 5.1: Develop a Conceptual Design Model to organise operations between Expert centers and central hub.
  • Task 5.2: Deliver a strategic document to co-construct JERICO-RI in the landscape of environmental RIs in line with national strategies.
  • Task 5.3: Assess the available expertise in term of Human Resources and capacities.
  • Task 5.4: Sustain and enhance the research excellence of the RI with specific groups.
  • Task 5.5: Prepare a new version of the JERICO label document to include procedures for best practices, policies, KPI and Term of Reference for some future policies.
  • Task 5.6: Design a possible legal entity to manage JERICO-RI as a conclusion of the Design study, which will include a synthesis of the Conceptual Design and a way forward.
  • Task 5.7 is dedicated to the management of the WP5 and to secure the engagement of nations.
WP6-NA6: Communication strategy

State of the Art

For J-DS Task 6.1: JERICO-S3 will develop an internal communication strategy directed to build a cohesive JERICO-RI community gathered around a common vision and mission of the –RI. It will not, however, be based on the ESFRI methodology and the needed associated know-how.

For J-DS Task 6.2 & 6.3 JERICO-S3 will explore in detail the dialogue with communities at a regional scale implementing several communication tools aimed to engage them. In JERICO-DS the tools will be updated to each target and deployed.

For J-DS Task 6.4: JERICO-S3 will develop a RI oriented website, in English, keeping the project-driven parts. JERICO-DS will increase the visibility, by translating web pages in national languages.


This WP will progress on 2 types of objectives:

  • The communication strategy of the project and the general one internal to the consortium.
  • Set up a long-term communication strategy for JERICO-RI.

Type 1 objectives will update and track the communication and Dissemination actions according to the plan and will support the community engagement and alignment regarding the way on the ESFRI roadmap.

Type 2 objectives are related to the long-term vision of the future JERICO-RI and its further communication plan. Major changes are expected to occur during the next one-two decades in the communication between JERICO-RI and stakeholders, users and society leading flexibility/adaptability to be incorporated in the design of a Pan-European research infrastructure leading the coastal ocean research in the next decades.

Consequently, attention will be paid to the:

  • Design of a communication strategy directed to promote JERICO-RI among the different targeted user communities.
  • Design of a communication strategy that informs the main stakeholders (Nations, European structures and international organisations) about the key importance of a Pan-European RI for the coastal ocean.
  • Design/plan of the communication strategy amongst JERICO-RI and other existent RIs to facilitate the integration of JERICO-RI in the European and global research landscape.
  • Design of the most suitable science to public communication mechanisms to promote marine research and the societal and scientific relevance of JERICO-RI.
WP7-NA7: Coordination


To ensure efficient project coordination adapted to the specifications of the JERICO-DS project and to achieve the project objectives and goals, the management is divided into the following sections:

  • Task 7.1: day to day management including administrative, financial and technical management.
  • Task 7.2: co-organisation of consortium meetings and workshops.
  • Task 7.3: steering of several committees interacting with diverse WPs.
  • Task 7.4 development of a Quality Assurance Plan that includes management strategies, internal rules and procedures. In addition, one task (Task 7.5) is dedicated to the ethics.