IFREMER, French Research Institute for the Sustainable Exploitation of the Sea, is a national marine research institute whose missions are to improve knowledge about the oceans and their resources, monitor the coastal and marine environment and sustainable development of marine activities. It designs and deploys observational, experimental and monitoring tools and manages the French ocean research fleet on behalf of the entire scientific community.
> Finalized research in the prospect of answering to social expectations (climate change effects, marine biodiversity, pollutions prevention, seafood quality…). The results are scientific knowledge and technological innovations, but also ocean observation and exploration systems. The partnership is public, private or both.
> Oceans seas and coastal waters’ monitoring, in support with public policy for the environment and its resources. In the form of notices or studies reports, the results provide the information about the environment state or the evaluation of a resource and permit the expertise on sea-related questions.
> Development, management and open access of large research infrastructures – fleet, calculation means, data centres, experimental facilities – which are made available to the whole National and European scientific community, as well as to private partners.
The departments of “coastal environment dynamics” and “physical and space oceanography” are yet involved in global and coastal operational oceanography. They have a major role in the development of European operational networking activities in Europe (MyOcean, EuroGOOS) and in Data management (CORIOLIS, SeaDataNet, and PREVIMER). These systems provide data and elaborated products to academic laboratories, research institutions, environmental agencies and SMEs in France and around Europe.
Role within the project and relevant experience
Ifremer brings all his experience in coastal observing systems, research and technology. Within his two technological departments, Ifremer is one of the leaders in definition, development and use of technological observing systems as profiler, Recopesca probes for fishing boats, glider and buoys.
Description of key people involved in the project
Patrick Farcy, Senior Engineer, coordinator of the JERICO Project and leader of the WP7 JERICO Service Access. He was previously Head of CERSAT project (Acquisition and processing of ERS satellites data), deputy director of the spatial oceanography laboratory and then deputy director of the Fleet and Submarine direction at Ifremer. He is now coordinator of oceanographic and technological prospective and strategy in the Research Management Department of Ifremer.
Ingrid Puillat, PhD, member of the coordination team. PhD in Oceanography (“Marine environment science”), deputy coordinator of the FP6 Network of Excellence ESONET. She as experiences in project Management(Coordination of activities between working groups, control of the deliverables according to the timeline, financial management, animation, communication, word-wide collaboration development) and research: Oceanography (Hydrodynamics, marine biochemistry, Instrumentation and measurements at sea, oceanographic surveys, data processing, satellite image processing and analysis).
Sylvie Pouliquen, senior engineer, leader of task 5.3 – Interface with MyOcean. She is the coordinator of the in situ workpackage in the GMES Marine Core Service MyOcean and the Data Management task in Euro-Argo EU FP7 projects. She is also the head of the Data Management and Exchange working group EuroGOOS as well as the chair of the IBI-ROOS (Iberia-Biscay-Ireland Regional Operational Oceanographic System) alliance of EuroGOOS
Gilbert Maudire, SeaDataNet 1 coordinator, senior engineer, leader of task 5.2 – Interface with SeaDataNet. Gilbert Maudire is presently in charge of the Marine Data Centres programme for Ifremer. He has been involved or in charge of the development and operation of several data management systems : French National Oceanographic Data Centre (SISMER), Quadrige (Quality of French coastal water), Coriolis (Global data centre for Argo international program), Medar (Climatology of Mediterranean Sea), Mersea (Sea circulation modelling), Biocean (Observation of deep sea ecosystems). He was also the French representative in the Information Handling Panel of the Ocean Drilling Program and participated to the data management of InterRidge program.
Loic Petit de la Villeon, coordinator of CORIOLIS and CDOCO (operational coastal oceanography), he manages the Ifremer activities in the WP5.
Yannick Aoustin, project engineer. As an engineer in hydrodynamics, he has designed generations of marine measuring instruments and platforms. His background includes deep-sea moorings and automated estuarian or coastal systems for coastal monitoring schemes currently operated in estuaries. He has a long experience and knowledge of operation of systems in real sea environment He is in charge of the developments of innovative instruments for operational monitoring.
Florence Salvetat, project engineer in instrumentation. She coordinates the calibration activities at Ifremer.
Laurent Delauney, project engineer, responsible of the electronic team in the R&D technological unit of Ifremer. He is a specialist in bio-fouling protection research, and well none in that community. For Jerico, he is also task leader of the 10.4 task on “ship of opportunity next generation probes”.
Dominique Gueguen, is the administrative coordinator of Jerico, member or the European unit of Ifremer in Issy les Moulineaux.
Elodie Jousset, is the contractual officer for the Jerico project.
Nadine Rossignol, is the coordinator assistant.
Participation in relevant National or European research projects
IFREMER involvement in recent European projects: As coordinator ESONET (IP), MarinERA (ERANet),Spicosa (IP), SeaDataNet 1 & 2 (I3), EUROFLEETS (I3), EUROARGO (ESFRI). And also main partner in EMSO (ESFRI), MariFish (ERANet), SEASERA (ERANet) and MyOcean 1 & 2.