
The JERICO consortium is composed of 27 partners representing 17 European countries. The partners have a wealth of experience and expertise in all aspects of coastal observations from the technology used to collect the data through to outputs and dissemination of data products.

  1. IFREMER, French Research Institute for the Sustainable Exploitation of the Sea
  2. SYKE, Finnish Environment Institute
  3. IBWPAN, The Department of Coastal Engineering and Dynamics
  4. DMI, Rks Meteorologiske Institut 
  5. NIVA, Norwegian Institute for Water Research
  6. IMR, Havforskinings Institutet 
  7. DELTARES, Stichting Deltares 
  8. OGS, Istituto Nazionale di Oceanografia e di geofisica Sperimentale 
  9. CNR, Consiglio Nazionale Delle Ricerche 
  10. UOM, International Ocean Institute – Malta Operational Centre
  11. HCMR, Hellenic Centre For Marine Research 
  12. NERC, Natural Environment Research Council 
  13. INGV, Istituto Nazionale Di Geofisica e Vulcanologia 
  14. HZG, Centre for Materials and Coastal Research GmbH
  15. MUMM, The Management Unit of the North Sea Mathematical Models and the Scheldt estuary
  16. CEFAS, the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science
  17. SMHI, the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute
  18. CSIC, Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas 
  19. NIOZ, Stichting Koninklijk Nederlands Instituut Voor Zeeonderzoek  
  20. MI, Marine Institute 
  21. BL, Blue Lobster
  22. TECNALIA-AZTI,  Fundacion AZTI
  23. INSU/CNRS, National Center for Scientific Research
  24. IH, Instituto Hidrografico
  25. UPC, The Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya