Task 9.6

Task 9.1: Day To Day Management
Task 9.2: Financial Follow-Up
Task 9.3: General Assembly And Technical Reporting
Task 9.4: Committees
Task 9.5: Quality Assurance Plan
Task 9.6: Other Management-Related Issues

Other Management-Related Issues

Lead: IFREMER (Patrick Farcy)

Email address: Please login or register to view contact information.

The Project Office in collaboration with the Steering Committee will coordinate other related topics that will be addressed in the course of the project e.g. gender equality, relations with other projects, standardisation and dissemination aspects.

To stimulate communication, the consortium will use a dedicated interactive web site that enables its members to share and store documents, follow the execution plan, organise meetings and discuss special issues online.

The Coordinator is responsible for all issues linked to Consortium Agreement.


D9.1) Signed consortium agreement [month 6]

D9.2) Quality assurance plan inc. guidelines, best practices, project handbook [month 6]

D9.3) Final project report (activity financial, societal) [month 48]