Harmonizing new network sensors
Lead: HZG (Wilhelm Petersen)
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The JERICO network is always striving to increase its suite of sensors to anticipate likely future demands. As part of this effort, it is now implementing a variety of sensors for a number of bio-geochemical measurements. Task 2.4 will deal with the harmonization of these sensors and their underlying technologies within the network through the subtasks which are described below. Two workshops will be held to support the activities of the subtasks during the project. The work planned in task 2.4 will provide insights and useful information to active EU projects dealing with the development of new marine sensors such as NEXOS, EnviGuard, MariaBox and Sea-at-ship. The work performed in this task will be reported in deliverables D2.2 and D2.5.
Subtask 2.4.1 Sensors for nutrients (led by CEFAS): Nutrients are important environmental parameters in coastal waters. Most of the commercially available in-situ nutrient analyzers use wet-chemical techniques based on standard laboratory methods for making measurements (e.g., NAS-2, NAS-3, Ecolab, and SubChemPak), though sensors based on an optical spectrophotometric method are available for nitrate (e.g., ISUS and SUNA). A number of JERICO Partners are employing in-situ nutrient sensors in their installations or on their measuring platforms, in different settings and under diverse conditions. Subtask 2.4.1 aims to review and evaluate the effective capabilities of the nutrient sensors utilized within the JERICO network, describe the current modes of their deployment, and deal with data quality concerns. The goals are to define Best Practice in the use of similar sensors, and investigate their portability (across systems/platforms), interoperability and performances with a view to providing recommendations regarding these issues to manufacturers and industry (link with SMEs).
Subtask 2.4.2 Optical sensors for biological parameters (led by SYKE): Optical sensors employing different measuring techniques (fluorometric, spectral irradiance/absorbance/fluorescence, fluorescence induction and scattering), imaging flow systems and scanning flow cytometers can provide valuable information on the biology of coastal marine waters. Many such sensors are standard equipment in many JERICO installations and/or measuring platforms. However, the effectiveness of these kinds of sensors in a networked environment such as JERICO is plagued by a number of problems intrinsic to the measurements themselves (e.g. sample characteristics, measurement technique, calibration, different types of reference material, conversion of measurands to concentrations, etc.). Subtask 2.4.2 aims to review and evaluate the capabilities of the optical sensors employed for biology-related measurements within the JERICO network, describe the current modes of their deployment, and deal with data quality concerns. The goals are to define Best Practice in the use of similar sensors, and investigate their portability (across systems/platforms), interoperability and performances with a view to providing recommendations regarding these issues to manufacturers and industry (link with SMEs).
Subtask 2.4.3 Sensors for parameters of the marine carbonate system (led by NIVA): At the present time, in-situ commercial sensors are available for mainly two parameters of the marine carbonate system: seawater pCO2 and pH. The pCO2 sensors are based either on the equilibration of a carrier gas phase with a seawater sample and subsequent determination of the CO2 that diffuses through by means of NDIR spectrometry (e.g., PSI CO2-Pro, Contros Hydro-C), on reagent-based colorimetry (e.g. SAMI-CO2) or on species-specific solid-state detectors. The pH sensors are based on potentiometric measurements, either employing pH glass electrodes or ISFET technology (SeaFET), or are wet-chemical analyzers (e.g. SAMI-pH). pCO2 and/or pH sensors are being employed by a number of JERICO Partners in their installations or on their measuring platforms in different settings and under diverse conditions. Subtask 2.4.3 aims to review and evaluate the effective capabilities of these sensors, describe the current modes of their deployment, and deal with data quality concerns. The goals are to define Best Practice in the use of similar sensors, and investigate their portability (across systems/platforms), interoperability and performances with a view to providing recommendations regarding these issues to manufacturers and industry (link with SMEs). The possibility of links with other EU initiatives like, for example, the Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) which currently employs an observing network for studying the carbon system – mainly in the terrestrial and atmospheric compartments for now, but with plans for extending coverage to include the marine system in the future – will be carefully explored and coordinated.
Subtask 2.4.3 Sensors for parameters of the marine carbonate system (led by NIVA): At the present time, in-situ commercial sensors are available for mainly two parameters of the marine carbonate system: seawater pCO2 and pH. The pCO2 sensors are based either on the equilibration of a carrier gas phase with a seawater sample and subsequent determination of the CO2 that diffuses through by means of NDIR spectrometry (e.g., PSI CO2-Pro, Contros Hydro-C), on reagent-based colorimetry (e.g. SAMI-CO2) or on species-specific solid-state detectors. The pH sensors are based on potentiometric measurements, either employing pH glass electrodes or ISFET technology (SeaFET), or are wet-chemical analyzers (e.g. SAMI-pH). pCO2 and/or pH sensors are being employed by a number of JERICO Partners in their installations or on their measuring platforms in different settings and under diverse conditions. Subtask 2.4.3 aims to review and evaluate the effective capabilities of these sensors, describe the current modes of their deployment, and deal with data quality concerns. The goals are to define Best Practice in the use of similar sensors, and investigate their portability (across systems/platforms), interoperability and performances with a view to providing recommendations regarding these issues to manufacturers and industry (link with SMEs). The possibility of links with other EU initiatives like, for example, the Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS) which currently employs an observing network for studying the carbon system – mainly in the terrestrial and atmospheric compartments for now, but with plans for extending coverage to include the marine system in the future – will be carefully explored and coordinated.
Deliverable 2.2: Report on the status of sensors used for measuring nutrients, biology-related optical properties, variables of the marine carbonate system, and for coastal profiling, within the JERICO network and, more generally, in the European context.
Deliverable 2.5: Report on Best Practice in the utilization of sensors used for measuring nutrients, biology-related optical properties, variables of the marine carbonate system, and for coastal profiling.