Harmonizing new network systems
Lead: AZTI (Julien Mader)
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The JERICO network is constantly working to improve its core functionality, which is the ability to provide comprehensive observations of Europe’s coastal seas and oceans. This means integrating new, promising observing systems that can expand its spatial reach. HF-radar systems and cabled coastal observatories are particularly attractive technologies from this point of view. Task 2.3 will deal with the harmonization of these technologies within the JERICO network through the subtasks which are described below. Two workshops will be held to review the state of the art of the procedures and discuss Best Practices related to these systems.
This task will gather outcome in 2 deliverables: D2.1: Status report on new technology – HF-radar systems and cabled coastal observatories, and D2.4: Report on Best Practice for new technology – HF-radar systems and cabled coastal observatories..
Subtask 2.3.1 HF-radar (led by HZG): HF-radar technology now offers the means to gather information on surface currents and sea state over wide areas with relative ease in terms of technical effort, manpower and costs. HF-radar systems are being operated by several JERICO Partners, though they aren’t part of the JERICO (FP7) observing network yet. Subtask 2.3.1 aims to review and discuss the state-of-the art methodologies utilized for processing and analysing the data that such systems generate, including Quality Assurance procedures, computation of error maps, etc., in order to define Best Practice. This subtask will provide basic information that will be useful to work being done in task3.2 (WP3) and in task 5.6 (WP5).
Subtask 2.3.2 Cabled coastal observatories (led by UPC): Cabled observatories offer the attractive advantage of freeing marine observing activity from the merciless restrictions of limiting power and bandwidth for communication and data transfer. Such observatories can be used with a broad variety of sensors and systems, and allows measurements to be made even under extreme conditions (e.g. storm events, under ice, etc.). Subtask 2.3.2 aims to critically review the current level of development of these observatories and promulgate Best Practice from the specific perspective of operations in coastal waters. Interaction with the ERIC-EMSO, which is involved with European deep-sea cabled observatories, will be strongly pursued in meeting these goals, and common solutions to technical challenges will be actively sought.
Deliverable 2.1: Report on the status of HF-radar systems and cabled coastal observatories within the JERICO network and, more generally, in the European context.
Deliverable 2.4: Report on Best Practice in the implementation and use of HF-radar systems and cabled coastal observatories.