The JERICO approach is strongly based on the “use of what exists” through the creation of suitable partnerships with ongoing European data management initiatives for the minimization of duplication of efforts. Thus, there has been no development of a specific data management structure for JERICO. Instead, the use of, and integration with, already available data management infrastructures is being promoted. This strategy is consistent with the policy behind SeaDataNet and MyOcean, the major ongoing European initiatives for the establishment and coordination of infrastructures for the management and distribution of marine data and products.
By treasuring the lesson learned from these projects, the JERICO data management framework for delayed-mode data uses the SeaDataNet (SDN) infrastructure, while real-time data are being handled through MyOcean (MyO). The JERICO approach is driven by the great importance that MyO and SDN initiatives have had in the last few years, since both systems proved to be robust and successful in the archiving and distribution of marine data, and correspond to a perspective of long-term sustainability for the European marine infrastructures.
Continuous interaction with MyO/EuroGOOS and SDN takes place in order to facilitate seamless integration with both these established infrastructures for managing the JERICO data stream. This Data Management Report wants to illustrate the JERICO approach and its links, together with the efforts made during the first 24 months of Project with reference to the Data Management and Distribution (WP5) and the results obtained so far as the contribution to the activity performed in Services and Data Access (WP7). This first version of this Document will be updated (month 48) to a final version in order to account for the achievements made during the whole Project.