The Jerico Project is the first step of a pan‐European coastal Infrastructure, open to all providers and users. Work package 10 is dedicated towards improvement of existing and emerging technologies on coastal observatories The WP description identified three issues which if addressed would result in a quality improvement of a European Observatory of coastal ecosystems.
- Dealing with the improvements and the development of tools and sensors,
- Dealing with the use and the development of platforms
- Dealing with the establishment of a sound implementation strategy for long‐term coastal observatories.
The 10.2 ‘Set of Software’ deliverable is primarily linked to Task 10.1 from the Jerico Description of Work ‐ Development of new tools and strategies for the monitoring of key biological compartments and processes.The idea behind this deliverable is to harness existing imaging and biology expertise within different fields to develop and test new software designed to process the following data:
1. Sediment Profile Images.
SpiArcBase provides an excellent tool for the analysis of Sediment Profile Images (SPI).
2. Mobile platform recorded video.
AviExplore allows the treatment of video imaging of the water sediment interface acquired using a ROV (or other mobile carriers) in order to infer the abundance of epibenthos (suprabenthos).
3. Fixed platform recorded video.
AviExplore is also used to analyse video imaging by fixed cameras. The main purpose is to allow the survey of recruitment on substrates, as well as the growth characteristics of fouling organisms. Image analysis is used to track the animals settling on the substrate, measure their interactions and growth rates.
It is to be noted that for the convenience of final users, a single software (AviExplore) is proposed for video data originating from fixed and mobile platforms giving access to the different modules depending on the desired analysis.
4. Phytoplankton and Zooplankton images. Zooprocess ‐ an integrated analysis system for acquisition and classification of digital zooplankton images from preserved zooplankton and phytoplankton samples
The Deliverable will analyse the functionality and performance of these software systems under the following headings.
- Description of the rationale for the software development
- High level description of software and it functionality
- Information on Manuals and set‐up of software
- How to get Delivery/download of software
- Conclusions
Download the attached PDF for further details relating to this deliverable.