FCT Workshop 2

Second FCT workshop: London March 2014 / 11-13

This workshop took place on the 13 March 2014 in the framework of Oceanology International event organised in London.

 Date:          March 13th 2014     9 am-5 pm

Venue:        OI 2014, Excel (London, UK)

 2nd Jerico Forum for Coastal Technology

FCT Workshop picture

Within the FP7-JERICO Project framework, IFREMER organized its second ‘Forum for Coastal Technologies’ workshop. This Forum aimed at providing a forum for the marine sensor user community and sensor industries to regularly exchange information about user requirements and technological developments. 

This second workshop was dedicated to dissolved oxygen sensor calibration issues (see http://www.jerico-fp7.eu/events/233-the-jerico-2nd-fct-meeting). It occurred at OI 2014, a perfect location that gathers most of the main sensors manufacturers. 

The workshop agenda was divided in two sessions:

1.The morning sessions was devoted to presentations about DO calibration issues from scientists, users (e.g. environmental services companies), manufacturers and distributors..

2.The afternoon session was consecrated to interactive discussions in small groups about specific calibration issues (market, coastal specificities, low cost sensors…)

The presentations and the detailed agenda are available to download in the table below:

FCT OI 2014 Agenda104.8 KiB
OI 2014 JERICO FCT2 DO Aanderaa2.9 MiB
OI 2014 JERICO FCT2 DO Seabird4.4 MiB
OI 2014 JERICO FCT2 Ifremer1.0 MiB
OI 2014 JERICO FCT2 LNE674.6 KiB
OI 2014 JERICO FCT2 Marine Institue1.2 MiB