Balearic Islands Coastal Observing and Forecasting System

Short name: SOCIB |
JERICO-S3 contact name: Joaquin Tintoré |
JERICO-S3 email address: Please login or register to view contact information. |
JERICO-DS contact name: Joaquin Tintoré |
JERICO-DS email address: Please login or register to view contact information. |
Brief Description of Organisation:
SOCIB is a marine research infrastructure included in the Spanish Large-Scale Infrastructures Map, a multi-platform ocean observing & forecasting system that is leading a new era of coastal ocean observation, a key grand challenge our society is facing today. SOCIB contributes to state-of-the-art science, implements new technologies, responds to society needs and challenges and develops new products. SOCIB and similar infrastructures worldwide, because of their scientific excellence, critical mass, multidisciplinary, integrated and targeted approach, open data policy and sustained funding, are establishing new research ecosystems that facilitate mission-oriented innovation, by this allowing for a quantitative increase in our understanding of key questions on for example oceans’ functioning, oceans and coastal management and/or oceans & climate change.
SOCIB activity is developed by a dynamic team of approximately 40 people including international leading scientists, engineers, technicians, data experts, postdocs and students. From 2011 to 12/2018, SOCIB team has published 120 papers in peer-reviewed journals and has participated in 11 international projects, including FP7 and H2020. SOCIB products and Services Strategy has identified 10 key user sectors for which SOCIB provides data of value (e.g. value to decision making).
JERICO-S3: Main tasks attributed under Work Packages:
Task 1.2 A 15-year vision for the JERICO-RI (Foresight)
Task 1.3 Next generation European coastal observing system (M12-M48)
Task 2.A: Collaboration and interoperability with marine, river and terrestrial RIs
Task 2.2: Interfacing with COPERNICUS, Coastal-based industries and citizen science (M1-M42)
Task 2.C: Regional connectivity and link between scales and dynamics
Task 2.D: Interfacing with monitoring programs, non-European OOS and the political realm
Task 4.1. Planning and Implementation
Task 4.2. Innovative monitoring and science strategy for Pilot Supersite implementation
Task 5.1: Functional homogenization support and tools for mature coastal observing platforms
Task 5.2 Best Practices for Pilot observing technologies
Task 5.3: Performance Monitoring for the operation and integration of JERICO-RI platforms.
Task 6.2: Data management for coastal platforms
Task 6.3: Data management activities on selected biological sensor types
Task 6.4: Data management support activities
Task 7.1 Innovations in platform, sensor and data interoperability Task
Task 7.2: Innovative ecosystem sensors and sensor package developments
Task 7.3: Enabling data science from innovative observation services and systems Task
Task 7.4: JERICO e-Infrastructure
Task 8.1: Trans-national Access
Task 11.1: Virtual Access
Task 9.1: Committee for long term governance
Task 9.2: Community of users in JERICO-RI: Analysis of Users and usage strategy
Task 9.3: Long term governance and way towards institutional, national and other sustainability initiatives
WP 10: Outreach activities
JERICO-DS: Main tasks attributed under Work Packages:
Leading Work Package 3, “e-Infrastructure technical design and data integration strategy” Named involvement in all other work packages. Other particular involvement in WPs 1 (Science and Technology), 2 (Technical Design), 4 (Sustainability), 5 (Governance and organization and 6 (Communication) as a national representative.
JERICO-NEXT: Main tasks attributed under Work Packages:
WP1: SOIB contributes to the definition of a long term European Strategy on Coastal Research Infraestructures and in particular in task 1.4 on the interaction betwen JERICO 2 and other international observing networks
WP5: SOCIB is actively involved in WP5 and will provide its expertise in data management and quality control (i.e., HF radar, glider). In particular it will be responsible for Task 5.6 related to Quality Assessment procedures on gliders data collection.
WP6: SOCIB proposes the use and Access to the VA framework of the fixed stations (deep and coastal moorings) and the HF Radar Facility all managed through SOCIB Data Center Facility
WP7: SOCIB proposes the use of its glider fleet in the TNA framework to researchers to address key scientific top level priorities, contribute to technology development and respond to society needs.
WP8: SOCIB will participate actively in this WP, related to the development of educational meterial for schools. The ‘follow the glider’ initiative carried out in JERICO will be continued and extended.
Relevant Projects- previous and existing:
H2020 (654410) JERICO NEXT: “Joint European Research Infrastructure network for Coastal Observatory – Novel European eXpertise for coastal observaTories”. Dates: 09/2015 – 08/2019
EC-DG MARE. MEDSEA_CHECKPOINT. EMODNET (European Marine Observation and Data Network), Growth and innovation in ocean economy; gaps and priorities in sea basin observation and data. European Commission, DG for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries. Contract MARE/2012/11- Contract Number: SI2.658137. Dates: 12/2013 – 06/2017
H2020 (654310) ODIP2, Extending the Ocean Data Interoperability Platform. Dates: 04/2015 – 03/2018
COPERNICUS_IN SITU TAC: Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service. European Commission, Main Contractor: MERCATOR. Dates: 04/2015 – 04/2018
COPERNICUS_MED MFC: Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service. European Comission, Main Contractor: MERCATOR. Dates: 04/2015 – 04/2018
MedSUB: Understanding meso and submesoscale ocean interactions to improve Mediterranean CMEMS products. (CMEMSService Evolution Call for Tender 21-SE-CALL1). Dates: 05/2016 – 03/2018
CMEMS-User Uptake IBISAR, real-time information of the ocean current forecast products available in the Iberian-Biscay-Irish regional seas and present their performance skill. 06/2018-12/2019.
Balearic Islands Coastal Observing and Forecasting System
ParcBit, Isaac newton, Edificio Naorte. Bloque A
07121, Palma