Ports of Spain

Short name: PdE |
Contact name: Enrique Alvarez |
Email address: Please login or register to view contact information. |
Brief Description of Organisation:
Puertos del Estado is the Spanish Government Agency (dependent of the Ministry of Public Works), responsible for the coordination and efficiency control of the state-owned Spanish Port System (it includes 46 ports managed by 28 Port Authorities).
By means of the own-managed operational oceanographic system, the Physical Environment Area provides to the port system, the society and other stakeholding institutions with met-ocean data essential for reducing costs, increasing efficiency and sustainability and ensuring safety in routine port operations. Puertos del Estado employs more than 143 multidisciplinary skilled people, with a turnover in 215 of roughly 34 million euros.
JERICO-S3: Main tasks attributed under Work Packages:
Puertos del Estafo will contribute directly with man/months and/or its observing/modelling/data services infrastructures to WP’s
WP3: IRS: it will contribute to the Iberian Peninsula IRS lead by IH, with up to 6HF radars (including 3 in the Strait of Gibraltar), 5 multi-parametric buoys and 12 tide gauges in the region. It will as well contribute with regional/coastal/harbour scale models operational in the area.
WP4: PSS: task 4.3, subtask 4.3.1: Pilot Supersite at North-West Mediterranean, with HF radar at Ebro delta, 5 multiparametric buoys and 10 tide gauges, and regional/coastal/harbour scale models operational in the area.
WP11: VA: Puertos del Estado will contribute to the project with its applications PORTUS REST API, OpenDap and Web Service (VA#29, VA#30, VA#31).
Relevant Projects- previous and existing:
Puertos del Estado counts with a big expertise in obtaining, analysing and forecasting data of the ocean. Currently the institution is involved in the Iberian-Biscay-Irish Monitoring and Forecast Centre (IBI- MFC) of the Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service (CMS) and is leading the IN-SITU TAC for the IBI Region. Nivmar (Storm Surge forecast system for the Spanish Cost), the Wave Forecast System for Port Authorities, the circulation forecast in the IBI area and the SAMPA circulation model at the straits of Gibraltar. Puertos del Estado has been involved in the projects ECOOP, MYOCEAN2 (Prototype Operational Continuity for the GMES Ocean Monitoring and Forecasting Service), “MEDESS-4MS” (Mediterranean Decision Support System for Marine Safety), “MyWave” (A pan- European concerted and integrated approach to operational wave modelling and forecasting – a complement to GMES MyOcean services) and the first JERICO, among others. In the framework of the national projects SAMOA and SAMOA2, Puertos del Estado in collaboration with the Spanish harbors have implemented new coastal and harbor domain models (waves and circulation), nested in the regional CMEMS models, with up to 60 models running operationally around the Spanish coast. A new downstream service developed for the harbors integrates in-situ and models data to provide products of interest for harbor and coastal management.