Norwegian Institute for Water Research

Short name: NIVA |
Contact name: Andrew King |
Email address: Please login or register to view contact information. |
Brief Description of Organisation:
The Norwegian Institute for Water Research (NIVA) is Norway’s leading centre of expertise in water related issues. NIVA's competence spans a wide range of environmental issues including oceanography, marine biology and ecology, chemistry, pollution, sediments, and physical processes. The Marine Biogeochemistry and Oceanography (MBO) department is one of 15 departments at NIVA. MBO undertakes many research and development activities in coastal and oceanic systems which include sensor development, use/interpretation of remote sensing data, in situ measurements for marine ecosystem research and policy advice, lab and field based experimental approaches, and physical and biogeochemical modelling. NIVA has a large pool of instruments for measurements of ecological and oceanographic processes both for moored and ship-borne configurations (e.g., FerryBox). NIVA leads the Norwegian Ships of Opportunity Program for marine and atmospheric research (NorSOOP).
JERICO-S3: Main tasks attributed under Work Packages:
WP2 tasks related to links to earth observations; WP3 lead and tasks on Skagerrak-Kattegat and Norwegian Sea IRS; WP4 tasks on North Sea and Cretan Sea PSS; WP5 tasks on platform (FerryBox) and sensor (biogeochemical and biological) harmonisation; WP6 on FerryBox-related data handling; WP7 on new innovative sensors and samplers (automated filtration samplers, flow cytometric techniques for phytoplankton, microplastics sampling); WP11 on virtual and transnational access provision; WP9 on regional sustainability plans.
JERICO-NEXT: Main tasks attributed under Work Packages:
In work package1, NIVA will be working in task 1.2 through the leadership of the JARP-3 on contaminants, in task 1.4 the Interaction with European and international Ocean Observing networks through over involvement in international commitees on the subject and in task 1.5, Interaction with biology and biogeochemistry infrastructures and consortia.
In WP2, NIVA will be involved in task 2.1 Coordination of network harmonization, in task 2.2 Consolidation of initiated network harmonization actions by coordinating the activity on the Ferrybox infrastructure, NIVA will lead the subtask 2.4.3 on Sensors for parameters of the marine carbonate system and participate in task 2.5 on Calibration and Assessment.
In WP3, NIVA will lead the task 3.5 on Combined sensors for carbonate systems with the experience on biogeochemical sensors.
In WP4 NIVA will lead the JRAP-3 on the contaminants through the expertise in these topics and participate in JRAP-1 on pelagic biodiversity and JRAP-5 on CO2-fluxes. In the data management work packages NIVA will contribute with experience from MyOcean real time QA on Ferrybox data in subtask 5.3 on Data policy and in subtask 5.4 on Enhancement of Quality Control procedures for sensor based biochemical data. NIVAs infrastructure will be offered to the project in virtual access (WP6) and trans national access (WP7).
Relevant Projects- previous and existing
NIVA has participated in the following relevant projects:
- Research Council of Norway-funded Norwegian Ships of Opportunity Program for marine and atmospheric research (NorSOOP) Research Infrastructure project.
- Ongoing INTAROS (EU-H2020) project on integrated Arctic observing systems.
- Ongoing JERICO-NEXT (EU-H2020) and past JERICO (EU-FP7) projects on coastal observing in many WPs especially in the developmental work packages on FerryBoxes, contaminants, and carbonate system sensors.
- Ongoing ResponSEAble (EU-H2020) Ocean Literacy project.
- NeXOS (EU-FP7) project with tasks related to carbonate system sensors and automated contaminant samplers/sensors.
Norwegian Institute for Water Research
Gaustadaleen 21
0349, Oslo