Finnish Meteorological Institute

Short name: FMI |
Contact name: Lauri Laakso |
Email address: Please login or register to view contact information. |
Brief Description of Organisation:
The Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI) is the Finnish national authority responsible for meteorological, air quality, climate change, earth observations, marine and Arctic research in Finland. FMI is also in charge of atmospheric and marine observations as well as operative meteorological and marine modeling. The number of employees at FMI is approximately 660 of which around half work in R&D.
JERICO-S3: Main tasks attributed under Work Packages:
WP1: - WP2: T2.4.2 Integrated monitoring-modelling for estuary-coast-open sea continuum
WP3: - WP4: Subtask 4.3.1. Pilot Supersite at Gulf of Finland, Baltic Sea; GoF-PSS (significant role)
WP5: Task 5.1: Functional homogenisation support and tools for mature coastal observing platforms
WP6: Subtask 6.3.3: Guidelines and strategy for carbonate systems data management (significant role)
WP7: Subtask 7.4.3: Data-to-Products Thematic Services (D2PTS) / Multiplatform Integration BGC state of coastal areas (significant role)
WP8: TA: Utö Atmospheric and Marine Research Station TA: FMI glider
WP11: VA: Utö Atmospheric and Marine Research Station e-infrastructure (significant role)
WP9: - WP10: Task 10.3: Strengthening the community through capacity building
WP13: Management
JERICO-NEXT: Main tasks attributed under Work Packages:
FMI is in charge of JRAP5 in WP4. In addition, it participates in JRAP6, WP7 and WP1.
Relevant Projects- previous and existing:
FMI participates in EURO-ARGO and several other international initiatives. On national level, FMI is part of the Finnish FINMARI-consortium, one of the key research infrastructures of Finland. Finland also hosts the head quarters of ICOS (Integrated Carbon Observing System)-ERIC, participating in developing the pan-European network of marine carbon observations.
Finnish Meteorological Institute
Erik Palmenin aukio 1
00560, Helsinki