European Global Ocean Observing System

Short name: EuroGOOS |
JERICO-S3 contact name: Inga Lips |
JERICO-S3 email address: Please login or register to view contact information. |
JERICO-DS contact name: Glen Nolan |
JERICO-DS email address: Please login or register to view contact information. |
Brief Description of Organisation:
EuroGOOS identifies priorities, enhances cooperation and promotes the benefits of operational oceanography to ensure sustained observations are made in Europe’s seas underpinning a suite of fit-for-purpose products and services for marine and maritime end-users. EuroGOOS is the European component of the Global Ocean Observing System of the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO (IOC GOOS). EuroGOOS Secretariat is in Brussels, serving 42 members and supporting five regional systems (ROOS) in Europe. The EuroGOOS ROOS coordinate and support development and joint oceanographic service production in European maritime regions. The ROOS, the EuroGOOS working groups, and networks of observing platforms (task teams) provide fora for cooperation, unlock quality marine data and deliver common strategies, priorities and standards towards the European leadership in oceanography. The EuroGOOS members and the many networks work towards integrated, sustained and fit-for-purpose European ocean observing, underpinning the EOOS framework.
JERICO-S3: Main tasks attributed under Work Packages:
This participant is co-leading WP9 and is involved in sub-tasks in WP 2.
JERICO-DS: Main tasks attributed under Work Packages:
Contribution to WP1 and WP5. Co-Lead of the WP4: Sustainability
JERICO-NEXT: Main tasks attributed under Work Packages:
WP1, contributor task 1.3 and 1.4, WP3, contributor task 3.2, WP5, Co-lead, task leader 5.3 and 5.8, contributor task 5.5, WP8, co-lead task 8.7
Relevant Projects- previous and existing
"EuroGOOS coordinates five European regional systems, the EuroGOOS Regional Operational Oceanographic Systems (ROOS), four working groups, spanning pan-European data management, technology development and coastal oceanography, and seven infrastructure networks, EuroGOOS Task Teams, dedicated to European ocean technologies. EuroGOOS also chairs the EOOS steering group. In addition to this, EuroGOOS is involved in several European Commission projects supporting and developing the pan-European oceanographic research, innovation and services, among others:
1. AtlantOS (2015-2019) international trans-Atlantic consortium aiming to optimize and enhance the integrated Atlantic Ocean Observing System.
2. INTAROS (2016-2021) aiming to help build an efficient integrated Arctic Observation System by extending, improving and unifying existing systems in the different regions of the Arctic, contributing to the implementation of the EU Arctic Strategy.
3. JERICO-NEXT (2015-2019) contributes to the implementation of the coastal part of the European Ocean Observing System, cooperating with other European initiatives such as ESFRI (EURO-ARGO, EMSO, EMBRC), Ocean of Tomorrow sensor innovation projects and emerging European networks.
4. EMODnet-Physics (2017-2019) contributing to the EMODnet portal with layers of physical data and their metadata available for open use.
5. SeaDataCloud (2016-2020) works to advance SeaDataNet services and increase their usage adopting cloud and high-performance computing technology. SeaDataNet is driving several EMODnet portals and complementing the Copernicus Marine Environmental Monitoring Service, CMEMS.
6. ENVRIplus (2015-2019) provides a strategic forum for European environmental research infrastructures, towards a more coherent, interdisciplinary and interoperable cluster across Europe
European Global Ocean Observing System
Avenue Louise 231
1050, Brussels