ETT S.p.A.

Short name: ETT |
Contact name: Antonio Novellino |
Email address: Please login or register to view contact information. |
Brief Description of Organisation:
ETT is an Italian ICT and creative industry (SME) that designs and develops informative system for management and monitoring of big data and metadata (smart Government). ETT develops and manges ICT projects, web portals, mobile apps, databases, web GIS applications for marine and ocean data information system. ETT is coordinating EMODnet Physics lot, deeply involved in EMODnet Data Ingestion and participates to a series of national and EU projects in the field of oceanography and marine data management (SCHeMA project on FP7 Ocean of Tomorrow; JERICO-NEXT on H2020; AtlantOS on H2020 BG8, SeaDataCloud on H2020). ETT was in charge for the EMODnet Baltic Sea Check Point portal and for the INCREASE CMEMS Service Evolution project data management infrastructure and interoperability. It is involved in the LAMBDA CMEMS Service Evolution for developing the dissemination portal and communication activities. Since December 2017 ETT is contributing to the development, operational maintenance and evolution of the CMEMS DU NRT and CMEMS DU MY (i.e. the CMEMS Dissemination Units). Since 2003, ETT is ISO9001:2008 certified for planning, development and maintenance activities of software services, software instruments, database and planning, development and maintenance activities of web-based systems. ETT is also ISO9001:2008 certified for formation activities management.
JERICO-S3: Main tasks attributed under Work Packages:
In the proposal ETT will contribute in unlocking data, developing the infrastructure and the (big) data flow from the real time domain to validation. ETT will contribute to design and develop new data flows to handle new parameters (e.g. glider data, river data, etc.) and use them in Jerico-Next products. ETT will contribute to design and develop monitoring and diagnostic dashboards to platform operators on their platforms. This will improve the capability of the operators to track and manage the correct validation and preservation of operational data.
WP6 - Data management for multidisciplinary coastal data, T6.2.2; T6.2.3; T6.4.2; WP7- Next generation sensors and platforms T7.4.2.
JERICO-NEXT: Main tasks attributed under Work Packages:
ETT will contribute the JERICO NEXT project under WP5 and WP8.
Relevant Projects- previous and existing
1. EMODnet Physics DG MARE-Call-of-Tender – [Contract n° EASME/EMFF/2016/]
ETT is the coordinator of the EMODnet Physics. EMODnet Physics provides a combined array of services and functionalities (facility for viewing and downloading, dashboard reporting and machine-to-machine communication services) to obtain, free of charge data, meta-data and data products on the physical conditions of European sea basins and oceans. The portal is providing access to data and products of: wave height and period; temperature and salinity of the water column; wind speed and direction; horizontal velocity of the water column; light attenuation; sea ice coverage and sea level trends. EMODnet Physics is continuously enhancing the number and type of platforms in the system by unlocking and providing high quality data from a growing network. The current system provides data and information from more than 7.500 platforms such as moorings, drifting buoys, ARGO, profiling floats, HF Radars, and Ferrybox (,
2. EMODnet Data Ingestion and safe-keeping of marine data – [Contract n° EASME/EMFF/2015/ /SI2.727770]
The EMODnet Data Ingestion portal seeks to identify and to reach out to other potential providers in order to make their data sets also part of the total offer. This can concern historic data sets that can become part of the large European archives that might be of use for many applications. This can also concern operational oceanography data streams from monitoring platforms that can become part of the European operational oceanography data exchange for feeding forecasting models and supporting various operations.
3. Sea Data Cloud Project – H2020-INFRAIA-2016 [G.A. 730960]
The project aims at considerably advancing SeaDataNet Services and increasing their usage, adopting cloud and High Performance Computing technology for better performance. SeaDataNet is a standardized infrastructure for managing the large and diverse data sets collected by the oceanographic fleets and the automatic observation systems. The SeaDataNet infrastructure network and enhance the currently existing infrastructures, which are the national oceanographic data centres or data focal points of 34 countries, active in data collection. The networking of these professional data centres, in a unique virtual data management system provide integrated data sets of standardized quality on-line. As a research infrastructure, SeaDataNet contributes to build research excellence in Europe. ETT is contributing in unlocking data, developing the infrastructure and the (big) data flow from the near real time domain to validation, versioning and long-term preservation. ETT is supporting the design and development of infrastructures and interoperability interfaces for establishing machine-to-machine transfers of monitoring station data from the operational data centres and repositories to the ODC/Archived data centres.
4. CMEMS DU Project – Mercator Ocean - Contract n. 85-OD-MF-CMEMS - LOT1 and LOT2
CMEMS is the operational marine application component of the COPERNICUS program. The aim of the CMEMS is to deliver generic and systematic reference information on the physical state and dynamics of the ocean and marine ecosystems. These products are generated by integrating/assimilating remote sensing data and model data. ETT is contributing to design, run and monitor the Dissemination Units (DUs) that is in charge of the dissemination of the products elaborated by TACs and MFCs making them available to users through several interfaces (WMS, DGF, subsetting, etc.).
5. LAMBDA Project – Mercator Ocean - Contract n. "66-SE-CMEMS-CALL2 LOT 3”. The project aims to improve the CMEMS MFCs thermohaline circulation in coastal areas by a better characterisation of the land-marine boundary conditions. New Earth Observation sea surface salinity products and experts groups will evaluate the project products impact on ocean salinity fields. ETT is developing the data management backoffice and data dissemination infrastructures.
6. SCHeMA Project: FP7-OCEAN 2013.2 [G.A. 614002]
ETT is involved in different WPs of the project in order to develop an innovative web-based system interface for accessing, interacting and configuring the SCHeMA network controller, probes and sensors. A specific task is the development of data accessibility and system interoperability according to the international OGC-SWE standards. (
7. JERICO-NEXT Project: H2020-INFRAIA-2014-2015 [G.A. 654410]
ETT is working in the WP5 “Data management” that is developing procedures and methodologies to enable data collected through the project to comply with the international standards regarding their quality and metadata. A specific focus is to keep developing synergic direct links with EMODnet Physics and the Copernicus Marine Core Service. (
8. AtlantOS Project: H2020-BG-2014-2. [G.A. 633211]
ETT is involved in the project WP7 “Data flow and data integration” that is aimed at improving the observational infrastructures currently managed by a variety of consortia, networks and infrastructures, with a particular focus on efficiently integrating the extremely heterogeneous data collected by the different observing platforms, into a coherent system. ETT is also involved in the WP9 “System evaluation and sustainability” that is working on monitoring tools for the development and evaluation of a long-term, optimized Atlantic observing system. (
ETT S.p.A.
Via Sestri 37 1 2
16154, Genova