The National Center for Scientific Research

Short name: CNRS |
Contact name: Antoine Grémare |
Email address: Please login or register to view contact information. |
Brief Description of Organisation:
CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research) is the principal organization for fundamental scientific research in Europe. CNRS carries out research in all fields of knowledge through its 10 thematic institutes, such as the National Institute for Earth Sciences and Astronomy-Insu. Insu elaborates, develops and coordinates research and projects in astronomy, earth and planetary science, ocean and atmosphere sciences and space sciences. Within its field, INSU undertakes and coordinates research performed at national and international levels by CNRS and other public French research bodies. It develops, pilots and implements instruments for large facilities: platforms (networks of geophysical and geodesic instruments and borehole measurements), observatories (astronomy, seismology, oceanography, meteorology, geophysical hazards, land use), observation services, software facilities. CNRS earned the HR Excellence in Research" award from the European Commission for its Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) in February 2017. CNRS co-leads the National Research infrastructure on Coastal Ocean and Seashore observations, ILICO (“Infrastructure de Recherche Littorale et Côtiêre”), established in 2016 with the support of French Ministry for Research. JERICO-S3 will contribute to the development of ILICO through a better integration between disciplines and countries on the three French maritime facades and enhanced harmonisation. Ten laboratories associated with the CNRS will be involved in JERICO-S3. They are identified in the subsequent “THRID PARTIES” section as “linked third parties”.
JERICO-S3: Main tasks attributed under Work Packages:
CNRS and associated third parties will contribute to JERICO S3 WP1 to 9. CNRS will co-lead WP1 (Strategy and Design). CNRS will be involved in two Pilot Super Sites (NW Mediterranean Sea and English Channel-North Sea) within WP4. CNRS will contribute to the interactions between JERICO-RI and other infrastructures (WP2). It will also be part of the elaboration of the Bay of Biscay Integrated Research site (WP3). CNRS will contribute to the spread of best practices and their harmonization through the JERICO-RI (WP5). It will also take an active part in the optimization of data management procedures within this infrastructure (WP6). CNRS will strongly contribute to technological innovation (WP7) through dedicated developments allowing for a better monitoring of both pelagic and benthic systems. CNRS will contribute to TNA/VA (WP8 & 11) by providing access to different infrastructures including sediment and water column profilers, and a glider fleet). CNRS will finally contribute to the design and long-term sustainability of the JERICO-RI (WP9).
JERICO-NEXT: Main tasks attributed under Work Packages:
CNRS INSU and associated third parties will contribute to: (1) NA (co-lead of WP, and participation to various aspects of WP2 including HF radars and gliders); (2) TNA (by providing to different infrastructures including gliders, sediment and water column profilers, and access including a specific imaging software; and (3) JRA (co-lead of WP4, responsibility of JRAP 2 and participations to several others, developments of several innovative equipment within WP3 including new optical sensors and a new eddy covariance system).
Relevant Projects- previous and existing
The National Center for Scientific Research
Street Rue Michel -Ange 3
75794, Paris