Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche

Short name: CNR |
JERICO-S3 contact name: Annalisa Griffa |
JERICO-S3 email address: Please login or register to view contact information. |
JERICO-DS contact name: Annalisa Griffa |
JERICO-DS email address: Please login or register to view contact information. |
Brief Description of Organisation:
CNR is a governmental research performing organization whose mission is to carry out, promote, spread, transfer and improve research activities in the main sectors of knowledge growth and of its applications for the scientific, technological, economic and social development. CNR is composed of several Research Units managing in situ and remote observing systems, such as fixed platforms and moorings, HF radars, a glider and an observational system based on fishing vessels. The groups mailny involved in this project are based in La Spezia and Trieste and are active in physical and chemical oceanography and fishery research, concerning both technological development and environmental aspects.
JERICO-S3: Main tasks attributed under Work Packages:
Co-leader of: WP5 (Griffa) and WP7 (Marini)
Leader of Tasks/subtasks: 2.2 (Cantoni), 3.2.2 (Cantoni), 5.1 (Mantovani), 7.3 (Marini)
Participant in tasks/subtasks: 1.3 (Griffa), 2.3 (Magaldi), 4.2 (Berta, Griffa), 5.1 (Cantoni, Corgnati), (Mantovani, Corgnati), (Cantoni), 9.1 and 9.5 (Griffa), TNA/VA?
JERICO-DS: Main tasks attributed under Work Packages:
Leader of WP1, Leader of Task 1.1, Leader with CNR-OGS of Task 5.4. Participation to Tasks 1.2, 1.3, 3.3 and 4.4, Collaboration in WP1-6 as nation representative.
JERICO-NEXT: Main tasks attributed under Work Packages:
Leader of WP7 - Transnational Access to Coastal Observatories. Leader of tasks/subtask: 2.4.4, 3.2, 5.1, 8.9 ; Participant in tasks/subtasks: 1.4, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3.1, 2.4.3, 2.5, 2.6, 3.7, 4.4 (JRAP #4), 4.5 (JRAP #5), 4.6 (JRAP #6), 5.2, 5.3, 5.5, WP6
Relevant Projects- previous and existing:
JERICO-NEXT- Toward a joint European research infrastructure network for coastal observatories- Novel European eXpertise for coastal observaTories. H2020-INFRAIA-2014-2015 Research and Innovation action. September 2015 – August 2019.
IMPACT- IMpatto Portuale su Aree Marine protette: azioni Cooperative Transfrontaliere. It-Fr Interreg Maritime Program. January 2017- December 2020.
ECOSS - ECOlogical observing System in the Adriatic Sea: oceanographic observations for biodiversity. January 2019 – June 2021. Interreg Italy - Croatia
SEADATACLOUD Further developing the pan-European infrastructure for marine and ocean data management (European Union H2020-INFRAIA-2016-2017). 2016-2020.
CMEMS Insitu TAC Phase 2 (Copernicus Marine Environment Monitoring Service - Call for Tenders 82-CMEMS-TAC-INSITU).
National Research Council
Piazzale Aldo Moro 7
00185, Roma