Blue Lobster IT Ltd

Short name: BL |
Contact name: Simon Keeble |
Email address: Please login or register to view contact information. |
Brief Description of Organisation:
Blue Lobster IT Ltd is an award winning Web & Software Consultancy, specialising in Web Technologies, GIS, Data Analysis and Presentation, Information Products and Dissemination and Outreach with a strong bias toward the Environmental Sectors. Highly experienced in working with large marine data infrastructures with a large portfolio of web design and development, interactive data and metadata tools and services, and inormation products that are designed to engage with a variety of end-users.
JERICO-S3: Main tasks attributed under Work Packages:
Work Package 8: Development of a front end to the Virtual Access services.
Work Package 10: Work package co-leader. Design and development of the project website. Design and graphics for project outputs. Management of the project Social Media activities. Contribution to other outreach and dissemination activities.
JERICO-NEXT: Main tasks attributed under Work Packages:
Blue Lobster IT Ltd will co-lead WP8 (Outreach, Communication and Engagement). BL will be responsible for the design, development, maintenance and hosting of the Jerico website and its integrated communication portals for the dissemination of project products, services, data, and information for targeted end user groups (T8.2).
BL also have a key role in communicating and engaging with society (T8.3) and participate in the production of products and information for a suite of professional end user groups (T8.4). BL will also contribute to the end-user panel for the co-production of knowledge (8.1) and co-lead the integaration of a data portal onto the Jerico website (T8.8).
Relevant Projects- previous and existing:
Operating a network of integrated observatory systems in the Mediterranean Sea (H2020 - ODYSSEA) - Work package leader for Outreach and Dissemination. Design and development of communication strategy, materials, website etc. Responsible for the development of web based GIS and data visualisation products for the platform for end user products.
Network of Leading European AQUAtic MesoCOSM Facilities Connecting Mountains to Oceans from the Arctic to the Mediterranean (H2020 - AQUACOSM)- Responsible for the design, development, maintenance and management of the AQUACOSM project website, Metadata platform and data visualisation products.
Fixed Point Open Ocean Observatories (FP7 -FixO3) - Work package leader for Outreach and Training and responsible for the design and development of the FixO3 project website and implementation of the EarthVO Framework for data and metadata visualisation and extraction. Preparation and publication of a variety of graphical products. - Joint European Research Infrastructure network for
Coastal Observatory - Novel European eXpertise for coastal observaTories (H2020 - JERICO-NEXT) - Work package leader for Outreach, Communication and Education and responsible for the design, development, hosting and maintenance of the JERICO-NEXT portal.
Optimising and Enhancing the Integrated Atlantic Ocean Observing Systems (H2020 - AtlantOS)
Responsible for the design, development, maintenance and management of the AtlantOS project website, visual outputs and web & social media communications.
Blue Lobster IT Limited
United Kingdom
LL74 8SG