Short name: ACRI-ST |
Contact name: Antoine Mangin |
Email address: Please login or register to view contact information. |
Brief Description of Organisation:
ACRI-ST is a French SME with strong expertise in Earth Observation of marine environment especially from visible imagery (sensors like MERIS, MODIS, SeaWiFs, OLCI, VIIRS…). ACRI-ST is working on all aspects of the value chain, from the satellite observation (sensors calibration and quality evaluation), to the final applications (e.g. support to aquaculture or marine pollution). ACRI-ST is contributing to the Copernicus Marine Service, as supplier for Ocean Colour products at global level. In parallel to these activities ACRI-ST is deploying tools and networks for participative observation opened to experts and general public (crowd-sourcing) to complement the existing observation systems. A very large network of reporting for beached jellyfish has therefore being put in place and is operated since 6 years in the Mediterranean. Both expertise (EO and participative networks) will be exploited during the project.
JERICO-S3: Main tasks attributed under Work Packages:
ACRI will be involved in Task 2.3 “Interfacing with COPERNICUS, Coastal-based industries and citizen science” and more precisely will be leading subtask 2.3.2 about Cooperation between JERICO-RI and COPERNICUS and Subtask 2.3.4 about Engaging with citizen science.
Relevant Projects- previous and existing
FP7 –Eaims (2012-2015)
FP7 – SAFI (2013-2016)
H2020 – Atlantos (2015-2019)
H2020 – IMPAQT (2018-2021)
French supported project NAOS (2012-2017)
260 Route du Pin Montard, 06410 Biot, France