(short name)
(short name)
Location: 1) Tavastland, VOS, Lubeck-Oulu-Kemi, 2) & 3) Svea, Swedish research vessel, monthly monitoring cruises in the Baltic Proper, Kattegat and Skagerrak

Bottom depth
Legal name of organisation
Name of the infrastructure (and its installations, if applicable):
Tavastland VOS infrastructure
Svea, Swedish research vessel, VOS infrastructure
Svea, Swedish research vessel, monitoring infrastructure
Location (town, country) of the infrastructure:
Tavastland, VOS, Lubeck-Oulu-Kemi
Svea, Swedish research vessel, monthly monitoring cruises in the Baltic Proper, Kattegat and Skagerrak
Web site address:
Annual operating costs (excl. investment costs) of the infrastructure (€):
Description of the infrastructure:
Tavastland, VOS infrastructure:
SMHI is running the ferrybox on Tavastland since several years. The system has sensors for salinity, temperature, oxygen, chlorophyll fluorescence, turbidity, CDOM, phycocyanin fluorescence and pCO2. The data from the ferrybox is sent to SMHI every hour.
Svea, Swedish research vessel
Svea is the new Swedish research vessel that is being built in Spain in 2019. SMHI will use Svea to do monthly monitoring in the Baltic Proper, Kattegat and Skagerrak. The research vessel have several new platforms for ocean monitoring, such as ROTV and MVP. The ferrybox will be equipped with sensor measuring salinity, temperature, oxygen, chlorophyll fluorescence, turbidity, CDOM, phycocyanin fluorescence, phycoerythrin fluorescence, pCO2 and spectrophotometric pH. The will be a IFCB installed next to the ferrybox and automatic samplers that can take water samples at given positions.
The system also includes a passive sampler system with six tubes ready for filtration of, for example, zooplankton.
Services currently offered by the infrastructure:
Tavastland VOS installation is available for researchers.
Svea is being built at the moment and will be operational during fall 2019.
Modality of access under this proposal: MoA1/MoA2. UA: day Modality used to declare access
costs: TA-UC
Services currently offered:
1) Tavastland VOS installation is available for researchers. 2) Svea is being built at the moment and will be operational
during fall 2019.
Support offered under this proposal: 1) Tavastland: technical help with additional installations within
the ferrybox. 2) Svea: technical help with external sensors for the ferrybox or additional water sampling at the stations
along the route.