(short name)
(short name)
Galway Bay, Ireland, Atlantic Ocean

53.22762°N - 9.2611°W
Bottom depth
23 m (Chart Datum)
Legal name of organisation
Marine Institute
SMARTBUOY is an autonomous data buoy used by the Marine Institute for testing environmental and meteorological sensors and to efficiently collect metocean time series.
All data is transferred via a variety of wireless communication options and onto users through an online data portal or specialized access.
Different mooring designs are adaptable to any specific testing environment; the buoy allows for easy integration of sensors and instruments into the available power and data transmission facilities, with deployment in air, at the ocean surface or deeper in the water column.
Web site address:
Instrument | Measured Parameter(s) | Elevation / Depth | Sampling | Frequency of data recovery |
Vemco VR2C | Fish tag detector | Surface | Continuous | On detection event |
Triaxys | Wave characteristics (statistical and spectral) | Surface | Continuous | 3 min |
Airmar | Wind velocity, air temperature, air pressure | Surface | Continuous | 1 min |
- Remote: the measuring system is implemented by the operator of the installation and the presence of the user group is not required,
- Partially remote: the presence of the user group is required at some stage e.g. installing and un-installing user’s equipment.
Unit of access (UA): month.
TNA projects supported by JERICO-NEXT:
The whole infrastructure for both SBI CPO and SMARTBUOY installations includes the following data services: acquisition, storage, normalisation, presentation and visualisation and data standardisation. The infrastructures are being used by several Irish research bodies, universities and companies in research and development projects. Testing and validation of novel devices or instruments will typically allow devices to move up TRLs 4 to 7. In addition, SMARTBUOY currently offers: power and data communications to near surface or atmospheric devices; pre-deployment integration testing; dedicated operational team (bench testing, deployment, operations and maintenance, recovery of the sensor/equipment); data processing support; device deployment in a marine environment; real-time data transmission to shore.
Users of SMARTBUOY will be offered a high-quality, end-to-end service including:
1) Project specific ICT team for data acquisition and data transmission support;
2) Real-time data transmission and visualization through a dedicated and secure log-in via the SBI online data portal. All data transmitted and visualized via SBI is encrypted to ensure client data security. A SOS (OGC compliant) web service is also available for automatic data retrieval.