(short name)
(short name)
NW Portugal (bottom depth 1600 m), W Portugal (bottom depth: 2000 m), W Portugal (bottom depth: 90 m), S Portugal

1. 41°08.9' N/009°34.9' W 2. 39°30.9' N/009°38.2' W 3. 39°33.6' N/009°12.6' W 4. 36°23.90' N/ 008°04.10' W
Bottom depth
90m - 1334 m
Legal name of organisation
The multiparametric buoys network that is part of the MONIZEE monitoring infrastructure started to be implemented in 2009. It presently comprises 4 Fugro-Oceanor Wavescan buoys, 3 of each located along the Portuguese continental slope, from the Gulf of Cadiz area to the northwestern Portuguese margin, and 1 located at the mid-shelf in the area of Nazare Canyon. The multiparametric buoys provide hourly measurements of meteorological parameters, waves, water temperature and currents at several depths for typical periods of operations of 6 months between maintenance actions. Near surface fluorometry, dissolved oxygen and turbidity are also available for shorter periods after each maintenance action. Part of the data is transmitted by satellite to Instituto Hidrografico and disseminated through IH web page. The total data sets are downloaded from each buoy during the maintenance periods. Both the real-time and archived data will be accessible to users through the HIDROGRAFICO+ portal (proposed as a service to JERICO-S3 Virtual Access). The infrastructure provides a unique view of the southwestern European coastal ocean area and of the interactions between the European margin, the Northwestern African margin, the mid North Atlantic basin and the Western Mediterranean which can support studies of biological connectivity, contaminant dispersion and slope processes among others. It is a key component of the monitoring capacities that contribute to the Iberian Peninsula Regional Integrated Research Infrastructure.
Modality of access under this proposal: MoA1/MoA2. UA:day
Modality used to declare access costs: TA-CB.
Services currently offered: Possibility of installing and operating their own sensors in the buoys, either for research purposes or for testing of new sensor technologies. Support offered under this proposal: Evaluation of the feasibility and adaptation requirements; Adaptations to accommodate sensors/samplers. Planning the installation/recovery and additional measurements.
Installation and Recovery of sensors/samplers. Support in the program of additional
measurements. Access to complimentary data..
The proposed TNA action will be conducted by Instituto Hidrografico (IH) and involved the following tasks to be developed for each interested user:
Task 1. Evaluation of the technical feasibility and adaptation requirements. Each demand for installation of a sensor or sampler in the multiparametric buoys will be evaluated by a team from IH in order to confirm the feasibility of the installation in the buoys and evaluate what level of adaptations must be introduced in the buoys to accommodate the sensor/sampler. In addition if the user wants to profit from the opportunity CTD program conducted during the maintenance of the multiparametric buoys the evaluation of feasibility of adaptation of the users sensor to IH CTD frame will also be evaluated. This stage will involve one scientist and one engineer from IH which will contact the interested user.
Task 2. Adaptations to accommodate sensors/samplers. In case a feasible level of adaptations in the multiparametric buoys structure is required to accommodate the users sensor/sampler these adaptations will be conducted at Instituto Hidrografico by a team integrating one scientist and engineers.
Task 3. Planning the installation/recovery and additional measurements. One scientist of IH will be in contact with the user to define the planning for the operations of installation of sensors/samplers and (if required) the program of opportunity CTD measurements to be conducted by IH during those missions.
Task 4. Installation and Recovery of sensors/samplers. The operations of installation/recovery of the users sensors/samplers will be conducted by IH involving the team responsible for the maintenance of the multiparametric buoys. In case the user chooses to be onboard to conduct the installation/recovery of the sensors/samplers it will be assisted by one element from IH. If the users does not participate in the mission at sea the sensor/sampler will be installed by one element from IH team.
Task 5. Support in the program of additional measurements. If the user wants to profit from the CTD program conducted in an opportunity basis by IH during the buoys maintenance actions the insertion/removal of the users sensors in IH CTD system will be conducted by an element from IH team. IH team will also conduct the CTD measurements onboard.
Task 6. Access to complimentary data. One element from IH will provide support to the user to identify and get access to the different data collected by IH and that is available to complement the users own measurements.