(short name)
(EusKOOS Donostia buoy)
(short name)
Buoy on the continental slope of SE Bay of Biscay offshore San Sebastian (Spain):

Bottom depth
Bottom Depth: 570m
Legal name of organisation
The Donostia buoy is part of the Basque Operational Oceanography System EuskOOS. Aiming to improve the understanding on the ocean processes governing the ocean circulation and to develop an Operational Coastal Observatory in the Basque Country Region, the Directorate of Emergency Attention and Meteorology (Euskalmet) of the Basque Government (Regional administration) has promoted, since 2001, the progressive installation of different in-situ observing marine platforms in the area. Starting by a network of shallow waters coastal stations (water depth 20m), the observing system was extended offshore in 2007 through the mooring of the Donostia metocean buoy (located over the slope) and, in 2009, through the installation of a HF Radar system.
The Donostia buoy is sending in NRT the following parameters: Spectral waves (wave height, period and direction, Sea water temperature and salinity and marine currents profiles down to 200 m water depth, Atmospheric pressure and temperature, Wind direction and intensity, Solar radiation.
It’s a unique operational platform providing high frequency (hourly) water column information from surface down to 200m with 7 TS Seabird SBE25 (transmitting in real-time through an inductive cable) and 1 RDI WS 300 looking downwards; and it is located in the centre of the EuskOOS Long Range HF Radar footprint.
The southeastern part of the Bay of Biscay is confined, to the south, by the west-east oriented Spanish coast and, to the east, by the north-south oriented French coast. The SE BoB is an area characterized by complex circulation patterns and where relevant human activities linked to marine resources is concentrated (sport, artisanal and commercial fishing, tourism, industry, increasing offshore aquaculture and marine renewables, etc.) and thus, represents a particular challenge for the accurate monitoring and forecast of 4D transport patterns.
MoA2. UA:day Modality used
to declare access costs:TA-UC
Services currently offered: Interested researchers or
companies will be able to install their own sensors in the buoy during the platform maintenance time slot (buoy moored/ recovered during operations every 6 months).