(short name)
Corsica Channel Mooring - MPLC (CoCM)
(Corsica Channel Mooring - MPLC (CoCM))
(short name)
Corsica Channel Mooring - MPLC (CoCM)
(Corsica Channel Mooring - MPLC (CoCM))
Ligurian sea -Tyrrhenian sea,

Bottom depth
Legal name of organisation
Mireno Borghini
Forte Santa Teresa, 19036 Pozzuolo di Lerici (SP), Italy
Tel: +39 01871788913
Corsica Channel, MPLC has a strategic location in the area of the NW Med where the Northern Current develops. It is located nearby the HF radar network coverage as part of the NW Med PSS. Mooring and HFR (proposed in the VA) will provide complementary information both along the water column and at the surface to describe water masses characteristics and current transport. Moreover, along the mooring chain, the automated imaging system (GUARD1/DEEP-EYE) installed in 2019 to provide macrofauna images at different depths.
In detail, the Corsica Channel Mooring is an underwater station at about 450 m depth moored between the islands of Capraia and Corsica, at the sill of the Corsica Channel. Operative since July 1985, it continuously measures ocean currents and thermohaline properties of water masses in predetermined depths, for the monitoring of the surface and the intermediate circulation of the Mediterranean Sea, and exchanges between the two adjacent basins (Tyrrhenian Sea and Ligurian Sea). The site is part of the CIESM Hydro-Changes Programme.
Instrument |
Measured Parameter(s) |
Elevation/Depth |
Sampling |
Frequency of data transmission |
SBE37 |
Temperature, Conductivity/Salinity, Pressure |
-70 m |
30 min |
ca. every 6 months |
Camera for Microfauna
– 340 |
20 min |
ca. every 6 months |
SBE37 |
Temperature, Conductivity/Salinity, Pressure |
– 380 m |
30 min |
ca. every 6 months |
ADCP WH Long Range Microplastic Cage |
Currrent Velocity, temperature Quantity of macroplastics |
-400 m to -70 m |
60 min |
ca. every 6 months |
Modality of access under this proposal:MoA1/MoA2 UA:6 months. Modality used to declare access costs:TA-UC Support offered under this proposal:
A user or a user group shall be given access to the infrastructure for specific experiments, tests of sensors and in-situ validation, or to collect additional data to the ones already acquired by the operator.
The access will be remote (the measuring system is implemented by the operator of the installation and the presence of the user group is not required) or partially remote (the presence of the user group is required at some stage e.g. installing and uninstalling user’s equipment). The MPLC site is visited twise a year. CNR offer a total of 3 access to the infrastructure. The user will have access to the infrastructure by boat, this service will be arranged by the operator. The modality used to declare access cost is TA-UC (Unit Cost shared with a permanent user).
Access duration corresponds to the period of installing, operating and un-installing a measuring system by the users (partially remote access) or in his/her behalf by the access Tprovider (remote access).
NA projects supported by JERICO-NEXT: DYNAS
A support team will assist the user group, helping during installing/uninstalling operations of their equipment. The user will have access to the installation by boat or research vessel. The operator will arrange this service.
Data will be available in delayed mode at the end of the 6 months access period.
Researchers accessing the installation by boats must provide an insurance statement and must bring their own safety equipment.
Whenever possible, the start and end of an access interval will be set to coincide with times scheduled for the ordinary maintenance of the installation in the interests of financial economy (e.g. limiting the costs of boat-time, etc.).