EOOS event at the European Parliament


The need for an end-to-end integrated and sustained European Ocean Observing System (EOOS) has been expressed by the oceanographic and scientific community during the development of the Integrated Maritime Policy in 2007. In 2008, EuroGOOS and European Marine Board released a joint vision document to outline the concept of this framework. Since then, EOOS has featured in a number of scientific and science-policy documents.

In 2016, after a successful brainstorming workshop, EuroGOOS and European Marine Board convened an expert panel acting as EOOS Steering Group. The Steering Group will develop a draft roadmap for the EOOS implementation and launch it for a wide stakeholder consultation.

On 8 September 2016, the EOOS progress and the draft roadmap will be presented at a dedicated event at the European Parliament hosted by MEP Ricardo Serrão Santos.

EOOS is seen as a light and flexible coordinating framework to help manage and improve the existing observing effort, making it more efficient and effective at different geographical scales, and for different end-users.

Click here for further information and to register. http://eurogoos.eu/events/eoos-event-european-parliament/

European Parliament