Short name: RWS
Contact name:  Kees Borst
Email address: Please login or register to view contact information.  

Brief Description of Organisation:

Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management; Directorate-General for Public Works and Water Management Rijkswaterstaat ( RWS)

The Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management is committed to improving quality of life, access and mobility in a clean, safe and sustainable environment. The Ministry strives to create an efficient network of roads, railways, waterways and airways, effective water management to protect against flooding, and improved air and water quality.

Rijkswaterstaat is responsible for the design, construction, management and maintenance of the main infrastructure facilities in the Netherlands. This includes the main road network, the main waterway network and water systems.

One of its aim is to provide advice and information on the sustainable use of estuaries, coast and open seas, and on coastal flood protection. RWS develops and maintains a nowledge and information infrastructure. It co-operates with various agencies and organisations at international level. Rijkwaterstaat has experiences with assimilation of storm-surge models, 3D-hydrodynamic, water quality and bio-ecological models and is are also very active in the field of environmental policy assessments, real-time monitoring, storm-surge forecasting and data- and Information-management.

JERICO-S3: Main tasks attributed under Work Packages:

WP 2.5.1:  Lisette Enserink WP-leader and Kees Borst linking to PSS Pilots

WP 4.3.3:  Kees Borst and Machteld Rijkeboer partner in WP 4.3.3 North Sea-PSS and Channel-PSS 

WP 6:  Kees Borst partner in Data management tasks, where Peter Thijsse (MARIS) is WP-leader

JERICO-NEXT: Main tasks attributed under Work Packages:

WP-3: Integration and implementation of flow cytometry and FRRF with a ferrybox.

WP-4: Validation of the integrated system during several sampling campaigns in the North Sea and by running the stand-alone system for several months at a permanent coastal monitoring station.

Relevant Projects- previous and existing:

Partner in INTERREG IVa second seas project DYMAPHY (2009-2013)

Arnold Veen is project manager of TA-Coast2a-project “In-flow multidimensional particle analysis/characterization technology (IMPACT, NWO 053.21.112 2014-2019)

Participating in RWS-CIV KPP project on Innovative monitoring of eutrophication of the North Sea


Short name: MARIS
Contact name:  Peter Thijsse
Email address: Please login or register to view contact information. 

Brief Description of Organisation:

MARIS originates from a governmental initiative in the Netherlands to improve the overview and access of data, information and knowledge about the sea. The MARIS foundation was established in 1989, and established the MARIS company, which has been active and successful since 1996. MARIS develops and manages projects and internet systems for management and provision of marine and ocean data. MARIS is very much involved in the development and implementation of the Pan-European infrastructure for ocean and marine data. In particular as coordinator of EU Sea-Search project (2002-2005), and technical coordinator of its successor projects EU SeaDataNet (2006-2011), EU SeaDataNet II (2011-2015) and EU SeaDataCloud (2016-2020). MARIS is also very active in the implementation of the European Marine Observation and Data network (EMODnet) as coordinator of EMODnet Bathymetry and EMODnet Ingestion, and as technical coordinator of EMODnet Chemistry, EMODnet Physics, ODIP and ODIP-II. MARIS is also involved in the series of EuroFleets and JERICO projects, Marinet2, AtlantOS, MicroB3, and soon in ENVRI-FAIR. In all projects data management of the marine data life cycle is key. As other main activity MARIS develops and operates data access infrastructures, responsive web portals, internet applications (including mobile apps) incorporating databases, content management systems, mapping services, responsive design, crowdsourcing, and with support for multiple platforms.

JERICO-S3: Main tasks attributed under Work Packages:

MARIS will act as WP6 Data management lead, and will work with partners in streamlining data access from platform to European aggregators (and all steps in between). In addition MARIS will be involved WP7 to work on the Virtual Application, and cooperate within WP10 on project dissemination and the uptake of citizen science initiatives as additional resource and stakeholder.

JERICO-NEXT: Main tasks attributed under Work Packages:

Contribute with expertise concerning marine data management, use of SeaDataNet standards, and formulation of data management approach for JERICO adopting and adapting SeaDataNet standards and services.

Relevant Projects- previous and existing

Technical coordinator of EU SeaDataCloud (2016 – 2020), further developing and operating a pan-European infrastructure for marine and oceanographic data, based upon the network of NODC’s. Includes development and implementation of common standards for metadata and data formats, vocabularies, and retrieval, delivery and visualisation services. Also includes making use of cloud services and deploying a Virtual Research Environment (VRE) for supporting cloud computing using marine data resources;

Technical coordinator of EU HORIZON 2020 ODIP II (2015 – 2018), developing an Ocean Data Interoperability Platform between leading EU, USA and Australian organisations and infrastructures, aiming at common standards and interoperability solutions, including for VRE developments;
WP leader on portal development in EU FP7 CLIPC (2013 – 2016) Climate information portal for Copernicus, a project to create a one-stop-shop to climate data and information with as main output a toolkit for assessing climate impact on european and regional scale;

Technical coordinator of EU EMODnet Chemistry 3 (2017 – 2019), aiming at gathering marine chemistry monitoring data for all European sea basins, using the SeaDataNet infrastructure, and developing and publishing basin-scale data products;

Coordinator of EU EMODnet Bathymetry (2013 – 2016) and technical coordinator of EU EMODnet HRSM (2016 – 2018), aiming at gathering marine bathymetry survey data for all European sea basins, using the SeaDataNet infrastructure, and developing and publishing a medium resolution unified digital bathymetry for all European sea waters;

Partner in EU projects Eurofleets 2, EMODnet Biology, EMODnet Physics, Micro-B3, CitClops, Marinet II, EOSC-HUB, AtlantOS, and ENVRI-FAIR.

Main driver of the EyeOnWater concept (app and website) for citizen science:


Short name: DELTARES
JERICO-S3 contact name: Anouk Blauw
JERICO-S3 email address: Please login or register to view contact information.  
JERICO-DS contact name: Anouk Blauw
JERICO-DS email address: Please login or register to view contact information.  

Brief Description of Organisation:

Deltares is a leading international research institute for applied geophysical, ecological and policy-related research and development applied to delta areas (marine, coastal, estuarine, and riverine) based in the Netherlands. The primary aim of Deltares is bringing together science and application by translating scientific knowledge into innovative solutions. Throughout the world, the institute’s advanced expertise enables safe, clean and sustainable living in deltas, coastal areas and river basins. With this goal in mind, the organisation aims to develop and manage knowledge, products and services for people, the environment and society. Deltares has expert knowledge of the entire effect chain from physical conditions to ecosystem functioning including the fields of hydrodynamics, hydro-ecological modelling, water quality, microbiology and aquatic eco(toxico)logy, and is involved in (integrated) research studies and projects in many aquatic systems in relation to e.g. EU legislation (a.o. MSFD, WFD, North Sea Ministerial Conferences, OSPAR, and ICES). Deltares has a long record of defining information, data-assimilation strategies, data sciences and developing data management and data dissemination tools. The organisation supplies answers to social issues by combining technical expertise with an understanding of political, legal, administrative and socio-economic processes.

JERICO-S3: Main tasks attributed under Work Packages:

WP2: co-Work Package leader and participating in all tasks of WP2
WP4: participant: subtask 4.3.3.: North Sea & Channel pilot supersites
WP6: participant:subtask 6.2.3: Inventory on citizen science initiatives focus on coastal observation WP10: participant: task 10.3: Organisation of a webinar.

JERICO-DS: Main tasks attributed under Work Packages:

To provide information on monitoring efforts and expertise that can be used in JERICO-RI and on requirements from a future Jerico-RI from the Netherlands in WP1-7 as nation representative. Co-lead of WP2: Technical Design for an Operational JERICO-RI (physical part of the RI).

JERICO-NEXT: Main tasks attributed under Work Packages:

Within WP3 Deltares will develop and share expertise in the use of HF radar in combination with a model to estimate current patterns in Dutch coastal waters. Within WP4 (task 4.1) Deltares will develop a methodology to process phytoplankton observation data from different platforms to information products for eutrophication assessments. In WP 8 Deltares will organize a summer school.

Relevant Projects- previous and existing:

JERICO-NEXT, EU: Contribute to the monitoring strategy and data analysis for phytoplankton in the North Sea. Evaluate the applicability of novel sensors such as imaging flowcytometry for the eutrophication monitoring strategy in the North Sea.

JMP-EUNOSAT, DG-ENV (2017 – 2019): Joint Monitoring Programme of the Eutrophication of the North Sea with Satellite data. This project aimed to provide a monitoring and assessment strategy for coherent OSPAR and MSFD assessments of Eutrophication for the North Sea. The monitoring strategy combines satellite data with Ferrybox data and national in-situ data to come up with coherent information on actual chlorophyll concentrations. The assessment strategy includes novel coherent areas and coherent assessment levels. The latter are based on a modelling chain combining hydrological modelling (with E-HYPE) and marine modelling (with the Delft modelling suite). 

OSPAR’s ICG-EUT responsible for the assessments has decided to adopt this approach for their upcoming assessment cycle. 

EOMORES, Netherlands: role:phytoplankton modelling expert. Contribute to the development and improvement of a forecasting model for cyanobacterial blooms, based on high-frequency sensor data and weather data.

ECOPOTENTIAL – Ecopotential is a large European-funded H2020 project that focuses its activities on a targeted set of internationally recognised Protected Areas, blending Earth Observations from remote sensing and field measurements, data analysis and modelling of current and future ecosystem conditions and services. ECOPOTENTIAL considers cross-scale geosphere-biosphere interactions at regional to continental scales, addressing long-term and large-scale environmental and ecological challenges.

ODYSSEA – operating a network of integrated observatory systems in the mediterranean sea ODYSSEA will develop, operate and demonstrate an interoperable and cost-effective platform that fully integrates networks of observing and forecasting systems across the Mediterranean basin, addressing both the open sea and the coastal zone.
Development and application of suspended sediment model for the Dutch Wadden Sea, Netherlands. Set-up of model (in collaboration with NIOZ) model calibration application to investigate the impact for dredging activities and shrimp fisheries