Short name:  IEEE France Section
Contact name:  Jay Pearlman
Email address: Please login or register to view contact information. 

Brief Description of Organisation:

IEEE will contribute to JERICO 3 best practices and virtual access. The IEEE France Section is an IEEE non-profit corporation registered in France in 1967. It has more than 3000 members with many links to both industry and universities. It has experts and experience in oceanic engineering, sensors, systems best practices and standards. Globally, IEEE is the world’s leading professional association for the advancement of technology with more than 400,000 members in over 162 countries; The IEEE is a major international standards organization with over 900 active IEEE standards, IEEE has played an active role in GEO and GEOSS through management and contributions to architecture and interoperability development. In projects such as H2020 AtlantOS and ODIP, IEEE has led an international team (the Ocean Best Practice Working Group) for best practices system and applications development. IEEE has had a important role in information brokers, which facilitate virtual access. IEEE also leads the GEO Standards and Interoperability Forum (SIF) that works with the Earth observation community in addressing standards and interoperability issues. IEEE has a management role in ocean research and applications as well as addressing societal issues such as marine debris.

JERICO-S3: Main tasks attributed under Work Packages:

Best Practices under WP 5; Virtual Access under WP 7 and 8; sustainability under WP9

Relevant Projects- previous and existing:

1. H2020 “Optimizing and Enhancing the Integrated Atlantic Ocean Observing System (AtlantOS)”, Coordinator: GEOMAR, Grant agreement No 633211, (2015-2019)
2. H2020 “Ocean Data Interoperability Platform (ODIP)”, Coordinator: NERC, Grant agreement No: 654310(2015-2018)
3. FP7 NeXOS (2013-2017) – Coordinator: PLOCAN Ref. GA- 614102: To develop new cost-effective, innovative and compact integrated multifunctional sensor systems (ocean optics, ocean passive acoustics, and sensors for an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF)). These sensors can be deployed from mobile and fixed ocean observing platforms, as well as to develop downstream services for GOOS, GES of MFSD and the CFP packages for future ocean observing stations.
4. FP7 COOPEUS, A Project for Building a Framework for a Sustainable Transatlantic Cooperation in the Field of Environmental Research Infrastructures. Coordinator University of Bremen, Germany, (2012 –2014).
5. Marine Collaborative Ground Segment. This is a GMES/Copernicus
collaborative ground station project in the maritime domain. It contributes to a list of
networks and activities that connect in-situ, oceanographic models and satellite radar data.
Associated with document Ref. Ares(2015)717964 – 19/02/2015, Grant Agreement number: 633211


Short name: ACRI-ST
Contact name:  Antoine Mangin
Email address: Please login or register to view contact information. 

Brief Description of Organisation:

ACRI-ST is a French SME with strong expertise in Earth Observation of marine environment especially from visible imagery (sensors like MERIS, MODIS, SeaWiFs, OLCI, VIIRS…). ACRI-ST is working on all aspects of the value chain, from the satellite observation (sensors calibration and quality evaluation), to the final applications (e.g. support to aquaculture or marine pollution). ACRI-ST is contributing to the Copernicus Marine Service, as supplier for Ocean Colour products at global level. In parallel to these activities ACRI-ST is deploying tools and networks for participative observation opened to experts and general public (crowd-sourcing) to complement the existing observation systems. A very large network of reporting for beached jellyfish has therefore being put in place and is operated since 6 years in the Mediterranean. Both expertise (EO and participative networks) will be exploited during the project.

JERICO-S3: Main tasks attributed under Work Packages:

ACRI will be involved in Task 2.3 “Interfacing with COPERNICUS, Coastal-based industries and citizen science” and more precisely will be leading subtask 2.3.2 about Cooperation between JERICO-RI and COPERNICUS and Subtask 2.3.4 about Engaging with citizen science.

Relevant Projects- previous and existing

FP7 –Eaims (2012-2015)

FP7 – SAFI (2013-2016)

H2020 – Atlantos (2015-2019)

H2020 – IMPAQT (2018-2021)

French supported project NAOS (2012-2017)


Short name: EURO ARGO ERIC
Contact name:  Sylvie Pouliquen
Email address: Please login or register to view contact information.  

Brief Description of Organisation:

The Community legal framework for a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) entered into force on 28 August 2009. This specific legal form is designed to facilitate the joint establishment and operation of research infrastructures of European interest It is signed at ministry level and must have at least three member states as members. The Euro-Argo ERIC goal is to develop a long-term global ocean monitoring system to better understand and predict the ocean and its role in the climate system. It coordinates and strengthens the European contribution to the international Argo program as endorsed by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission (IOC) of UNESCO and by the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). Ministries from 9 European countries have agreed to form this new legal European entity ( to organize a long-term European contribution to Argo. The ERIC was set up in May 2014. The Euro Argo infrastructure is made up of a central infrastructure based in France (Ifremer, Brest) which is owned and controlled by the Euro-Argo ERIC and distributed national facilities which operate with direct national resources.

JERICO-NEXT: Main tasks attributed under Work Packages:

Within the task 1.4 ” Interaction with European and international Ocean Observing networks” , Euro-Argo will ensure the link between JERICO-Next and the ERIC Euro-Argo that coordinate the European contribution to the international program Argo.

Relevant Projects- previous and existing

Euro-Argo-PP : Euro-Argo having been endorsed by the ESFR (European Strategic Forum on Research Infrastructures), the Preparatory Phase Project main objective was to organize and consolidate the European contribution and to set up a research infrastructure in support of the global Argo programme

SIDERI main objectives were to strengthen the links and the integration of the Euro-Argo European research infrastructure into the Argo international strategy of global ocean observations, and to seek participation by, and to develop cooperation with, potential participants in the European neighbouring areas which have a maritime interest.


Short name: FLUIDION
Contact name:  Andreas Hausot
Email address: Please login or register to view contact information.  

Brief Description of Organisation:

Fluidion is a high-technology company providing innovative, self-contained, autonomous sample collection and real-time analysis solutions for environmental and water quality monitoring. Protected by multiple international patents, the technology relies on integration of microfluidic circuits and hydraulic micro-actuators batch manufactured using silicon MEMS technology. Fluidion addresses the pollution monitoring and water quality markets, from the urban setting (drinking water, rain water and sanitation) to the natural environment (lakes, rivers, coastal waters and ocean waters), to large industrial sites (chemical facilities and nuclear plants).

JERICO-Next: Main tasks attributed under Work Packages:

The ocean is an essential part of our environment, providing shelter to a diverse and rich ecosystem, being the principal source of food for billions of people, acting as the largest natural greenhouse gas scavenger, and acting as an economic driver for activities as diverse as the fishing industry and tourism.

Accurate low cost pH measurements are essential to understand effects of green house gas on the health of the ocean (through CO2 acidification), and to protect important economic benefits. As part of Jerico NEXT fluidion will develop a high-accuracy pH sensor based on in-line Ag/AgCl electrode with periodic in-situ spectrophotometric calibration, that will insure a combination of high resolution. Fluidion will also perform testing and metrological characterization of the sensor, in conjunction with Ifremer.

Relevant Projects- previous and existing:

French government-sponsored Startu-Up prize for developing environmental sampler and analyser for river applications (low pressure).

Paris-region financed project for experimentation of river sampler with local water company. 

City of Paris financed project to develop test bench for high pressure MEMS sampler.

Project SWN – FEDER-funded project for developing multiparameter water quality sonde.

Project MICADEAU – French academic-industry partnership to develop high-accuracy microfluidic chlorine sensor.


Short name: CNRS
Contact name:  Antoine Grémare
Email address: Please login or register to view contact information. 

Brief Description of Organisation:

CNRS (National Center for Scientific Research) is the principal organization for fundamental scientific research in Europe. CNRS carries out research in all fields of knowledge through its 10 thematic institutes, such as the National Institute for Earth Sciences and Astronomy-Insu. Insu elaborates, develops and coordinates research and projects in astronomy, earth and planetary science, ocean and atmosphere sciences and space sciences. Within its field, INSU undertakes and coordinates research performed at national and international levels by CNRS and other public French research bodies. It develops, pilots and implements instruments for large facilities: platforms (networks of geophysical and geodesic instruments and borehole measurements), observatories (astronomy, seismology, oceanography, meteorology, geophysical hazards, land use), observation services, software facilities. CNRS earned the HR Excellence in Research” award from the European Commission for its Human Resources Strategy for Researchers (HRS4R) in February 2017. CNRS co-leads the National Research infrastructure on Coastal Ocean and Seashore observations, ILICO (“Infrastructure de Recherche Littorale et Côtiêre”), established in 2016 with the support of French Ministry for Research. JERICO-S3 will contribute to the development of ILICO through a better integration between disciplines and countries on the three French maritime facades and enhanced harmonisation. Ten laboratories associated with the CNRS will be involved in JERICO-S3. They are identified in the subsequent “THRID PARTIES” section as “linked third parties”.

JERICO-S3: Main tasks attributed under Work Packages:

CNRS and associated third parties will contribute to JERICO S3 WP1 to 9. CNRS will co-lead WP1 (Strategy and Design). CNRS will be involved in two Pilot Super Sites (NW Mediterranean Sea and English Channel-North Sea) within WP4. CNRS will contribute to the interactions between JERICO-RI and other infrastructures (WP2). It will also be part of the elaboration of the Bay of Biscay Integrated Research site (WP3). CNRS will contribute to the spread of best practices and their harmonization through the JERICO-RI (WP5). It will also take an active part in the optimization of data management procedures within this infrastructure (WP6). CNRS will strongly contribute to technological innovation (WP7) through dedicated developments allowing for a better monitoring of both pelagic and benthic systems. CNRS will contribute to TNA/VA (WP8 & 11) by providing access to different infrastructures including sediment and water column profilers, and a glider fleet). CNRS will finally contribute to the design and long-term sustainability of the JERICO-RI (WP9).

JERICO-NEXT: Main tasks attributed under Work Packages:

CNRS INSU and associated third parties will contribute to: (1) NA (co-lead of WP, and participation to various aspects of WP2 including HF radars and gliders); (2) TNA (by providing to different infrastructures including gliders, sediment and water column profilers, and access including a specific imaging software; and (3) JRA (co-lead of WP4, responsibility of JRAP 2 and participations to several others, developments of several innovative equipment within WP3 including new optical sensors and a new eddy covariance system).

Relevant Projects- previous and existing



Short name: Ifremer
JERICO-S3 contact name: Laurent Delauney
JERICO-S3 email address: Please login or register to view contact information. 
JERICO-DS contact name: Ingrid Puillat
JERICO-DS email address: Please login or register to view contact information. 

Brief Description of Organisation:

Ifremer, the French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea, contributes through its work and expertise, knowledge of the oceans and their resources, monitoring of the marine environment and coastal zones and the sustainable development of maritime activities. To these ends, Ifremer conceives and operates tools for observation, experimentation and monitoring, and manage oceanographic databases. It also operates a great part of the ocean research fleet, including all underwater systems and large-scale mobile facilities and equipments. Ifremer performs targeted applied research to address the questions posed by society (climate change effects, marine biodiversity, pollution prevention, seafood quality, etc.). Results include scientific knowledge, technological innovations, and systems for ocean observation and exploration.

The units of “coastal environment dynamics” and “physical and space oceanography” are yet involved in global and coastal operational oceanography. They have a major role in the development of European operational networking activities in Europe (MyOcean, EuroGOOS, JERICO.RI) and in Data management (CORIOLIS, SeaDataNet). Ifremer also co-lead the National Research Infrastructure for coastal observation ILICO (lnfrastructure de recherche Littorale et côtière).

JERICO-S3: Main tasks attributed under Work Packages:

Ifremer is strongly involved in all Work Packages due to its scientific background and experience. Ifremer as such will assume the coordination and management of the project (WP13) and leads WP9.

JERICO-DS: Main tasks attributed under Work Packages:

Ifremer is involved in all Work Packages due to its scientific background and experience. Ifremer as such will assume the coordination and management of the project (WP7) and leadership of WP5; and Ifremer’s third party CNRS will co-lead WP1.

JERICO-NEXT: Main tasks attributed under Work Packages:

Ifremer is strongly involved in all Work Packages due to its scientific background and experience. Ifremer as such will assume the coordination and management of the project (WP9) and lead WP3 and WP4.

Relevant Projects- previous and existing:

Ifremer involvement in recent European projects:
As coordinator: ESONET NoE (IP), MarinERA (ERANet), Spicosa (IP), SeaDataNet 1 & 2 (I3), Euro-Argo (ESFRI PP), EUROFLEETS 1 & 2 (I3), JERICO (I3) JERICO-NEXT (I3).
As also major partner in EMSO (ESFRI PP), My Ocean 1 & 2 (Copernicus Marine Services), Sea-Era (ERANet/WP4 leader marine research infrastructures), FixO3 (I3), Emodnet and coordinates the FP7 E-AIMS project, ENVRI and ENVRI+., EMSOdev, EMSO-Link, ENVRI+, ENVRI-FAIR