Task 6.1

Task 6.1: Coordination
Task 6.2: Data management for coastal platforms
Task 6.3: Data management activities on selected biological and biogeochemistry sensor types
Task 6.4: Data management support activities


M1-48 (Lead: MARIS, partners: HCMR, CEFAS)

Under this task the following activities take place: (a) Project progress reporting towards coordinator and following EU requirements, (b) Participation in Steering Committee, (c) Preparation for yearly General assembly, (d) Dissemination of data management related messages to WP10. Following the requirements in the call, a first version of the DMP (includes an update of the data policy) will be created early in the project (D6.1) and will be updated in the years of the project’s duration (D6.12).


Task 6.1: D6.1 Draft Data Management Plan (M6)

Task 6.1: D6.12 Final release Data Management Plan (M48)