Task 7.1: Day To Day management |
Task 7.2: Common workshop organisation: General assembly |
Task 7.3: Committees |
Task 7.4: Quality Assurance Plan |
Task 7.5: Promoting ethics, environmental and safety guidelines within the JERICO-RI |
Task 7.6: Representation of JERICO-RI in EU and International meetings |
Task 7.6: Representation of JERICO-RI in EU and International meetings
By presenting JERICO-RI vision and strategy during key EU and international events such as ESFRI forum meeting, EOOS conferences, GEO summits, important events of other RI initiatives, etc, we will spread the voice of the coastal observing community and maximise and extend the impacts of the consortium beyond JERICO-RI. These actions will be reported to WP6 on a yearly basis to feed T6.1 as a case for T6.2.