Task 7.1: Day To Day management
(M1 – M36), (Ifremer)
Being a permanent contact point for all the partners regarding their participation in the project, the project Coordinator is responsible for the technical, financial and administrative management on a day-to-day basis. In order to ensure an efficient and active management of these tasks, the project office will be composed of Ifremer personnel including the Coordinator, the scientific coordinator and a deputy project manager. The project office will have the following duties:
Coordination of meetings: Co-organising the meetings and workshops such as yearly JERICO-DS General Assembly (GA) meetings (including Kick-Off) and Steering Committee (SC) meetings (one in between each GA). This is described in section 3.2 Management Structure of the proposal. Management of agreements and updates: Consortium & Grant Agreements.
Financial management and reporting: Delivery and the follow-up of administrative and financial documents. Control of costs according to EC requirements including: monitoring cost performance to detect deviations from plan, preventing incorrect, inappropriate, or unauthorised changes (contract) & informing the EC. Take the necessary measures to ensure the appropriate use of the grant between the participants by providing a time schedule for transferring of funds allocated by the EC within the consortium according to the procedures set in the Consortium Agreement (D.7.1).
Technical management and reporting: To ensure that the technical objectives are fulfilled and the project is completed within the approved budget. Follow up of actions according to the Description of Action (annex 1 to the Grant Agreement) and decisions (from GA and SC).
Ifremer will ensure an efficient organisation for the Technical Reporting by:
- Proposing common templates and tools adapted for official progress reporting, notifying due dates and reminding deadlines, and assisting partners.
- Collecting the WPs contributions through the WP leaders. Ifremer with the support of the task and WP leaders will consolidate the progress, deliverables and milestones reports to be submitted to the Steering Committee for final approval before submission to the EC. In addition, since a yearly reporting is not sufficient for a good internal follow-up, WP leaders will be requested to update the Coordinator every 6 months, synchronised with Steering Committee meetings, with a synthetic written report. It is their responsibility to track any deviations and/or delays and propose appropriate solutions.
Other topics: The coordination team in collaboration with the Steering Committee will coordinate other related topics that will be addressed in the course of the project e.g. gender equality, relations with other projects, standardisation and dissemination aspects, ethics. The Coordinator is responsible for all issues linked to the Consortium Agreement (D7.1).
- T7.1-D7.1 – Consortium Agreement (M6)
- T7.1-D7.3 – Final project report (activity financial, societal) (M36)