Sustain and develop JERICO-NEXT web presence for dissemination of products and knowledge
Lead: Blue Lobster (Simon Keeble)
Email address: Please login or register to view contact information.
To update, sustain and further develop the JERICO web site as an information hub and data portal (T8.9) for outreach and dissemination of products, knowledge and data to key stakeholder user groups.
- Review the current JERICO web site. Revise the specification to meet new requirements.
- Update the website to meet current standards and optimise performance, security and accessibility.
- Identify and prepare initial content. Upload initial content and launch the website.
- Design and launch a complementary Social Media campaign to support an effective, product and information dissemination / communication strategy.
- Provide access and links to JERICO products, documents and data.
- Provide access to project information, Virtual-SA products and services.
- Maintain, host and update website and Social Media accounts with content, data and information.
D8.7: Launch of revised JERICO-NEXT web presence. (M12)