Objectives: Many of the Grand Environmental Challenges affect several environmental domains (land-sea-air) and cannot be studied in isolation within one domain only. Streamlining observations, experimentation and data-analysis within European RI-landscape requires that regional and practical bottom-up collaborations between RIs develop parallel to a higher level and strategic top-down collaborations (which are dealt with in WP2). Connecting RIs at the regional level will highlight existing synergies, helps to identify overlaps and research topics where collaboration needs to be strengthened. Specifically, in GoF PSS we seek to establish connections to other RIs by contributing to carbonate system measurement guidelines for coastal seas (ICOS ERIC), sharing data (AQUACOSM-plus, EURO-ARGO ERIC, ICOS ERIC), and seeking possibilities for future joint activities (ACTRIS PPP, EMBRC-ERIC, EUROFLEETS+, MINKE)
Action Lead and other Partners (with contact persons): FMI (Laakso), TALTECH (Liblik, Lips), IOW (Rehder), SYKE (Seppälä)
JS3 Platforms included: FerryBox: Silja Serenade and Finnmaid (SYKE, FMI, IOW), Silja Europa (TALTECH), Utö Observatory (FMI, SYKE), Keri Observatory (TALTECH); Gliders (FMI, TALTECH), profiling buoys (FMI, SYKE, TALTECH), Argo floats (FMI), Wave riders (TALTECH, FMI), monitoring by R/V (All), calibration lab (SYKE).
Other data sources and external partners for implementation: TBD
Overall timetable of action: January 2021- August 2022
Description of action: The action starts by defining and contacting the key regional actors of other RIs. Already shared actions and collaborations will be mapped. For practical regional work, the geographical, scientific and technological interfaces between RIs will be identified. Some actions at GoF PSS (6 and 8) already have clear between-RI components and these demonstrations will be analysed in terms of scientific advances and other synergies achieved and disseminated towards other RIs and also between PSS. Potential new schemes of collaboration will be mutually discussed.
Best practices used or developed: Sharing the best practices between RIs will be promoted.
Data flows: Sharing data flows will be promoted
Data QC routines Action will support the transfer of knowledge on QC
Data management issues: Data management practices of different RIs will be studied
Expected results: This action will result in an improved exchange of knowledge between regional actors of various RIs. It is expected that opening the forum for joint activities and planning will result in improved efficiency of observations and the use of data. Action will also inform WP2 on the ongoing practical collaborations, future collaboration possibilities and possible obstacles to cooperation, providing important bottom-up feedback on how future RI-collaborations need to be developed.
Users of results: All RIs, JERICO-S3 WP3 and WP9, JERICO-DS, also national RIs and national authorities responsible for RIs
Dissemination of results: Work is disseminated during workshops where several RIs are present
Links: Action provide direct inputs to WP2 T2.2 and various task in WP9