Task 13.3

Task 13.1: Day To Day management 
Task 13.2: Common workshop organisation: JERICO-Weeks
Task 13.3: Committees
Task 13.4: Quality Assurance Plan
Task 13.5: Coordination and Management of the Transnational Access Programme
Task 13.6: Coordination and Management of Virtual Access activities
Task 13.7: Promoting ethics, environmental and safety guidelines within the JERICO-RI


M1-M48 (Lead: Ifremer) 

Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee (STAC). Three STAC meetings will be organized. Its  involves members external to the project, to avoid any conflict of interest. Its membership will be updated from JERICO-NEXT and will be defined in the consortium Agreement.

Steering Committee: eight Steering Committees meetings will be held during the project: one every 6 months (4 of them will be side-events of the JERICO-Weeks, to reduce travel costs). In addition, Virtual SC meetings will be led monthly by the coordination to follow up the project progress and mitigate any problem in due time.

JERICO Label committees (science, technical & data management, Ref. WP1, 5 & 6): these committees are dedicated to step further ahead after JERICO-NEXT Label. Coordinated by the Ifremer, their follow-up will be organized by the WP1 for the science, WP5&6 for the technology and data harmonisation procedures.

Committee for Long Term Governance (LTG, ref. WP9) Chairperson: COVARTEC: France: ILICO (Ifremer or CNRS), Germany: COSYNA (HZG), Finland: FINMARI (SYKE), Greece: POSEIDON (HCMR), Spain: SOCIB (SOCIB/Puertos del estado), Norway (IMR), Italy (CNR), Croatia (IRB), Ireland (MI), Belgium (RBINS), Portugal (IH), Sweden (SMHI), Netherland (RWS), Danmark (DMI). Members of this committee will be nominated in the consortium Agreement.

JERICO-User Committee (JUC, ref. WP9) will be consulted to give feedback on services delivered by JERICO-RI at the hardware level thanks to the return on JERICO-RI TNA experiences (since JERICO-FP7, 2011), at the virtual level: services access in the e-JERICO-RI initiated prototype phase in JERICO-S3.  It will interact with the User panel dedicated to VA.

RIs Board (Ref. WP2): Representatives of marine, river and terrestrial RIs such as EMSO, EuroArgo, EMBRC, ICOS, DANUBIUS, LIFEWATCH, AQUACOSM, e-LTER will be involved in the RIs-Board in order to foster interoperability and synergies for contributing to a comprehensive European RI service during yearly workshops (Task 2.2).