WP8-TA: Transnational Access

  Work package leader: Marine Institute
Contact:  Alan Berry
Email address: Please login or register to view contact information.


Establish and facilitate access to JERICO-S3 RI’s & Resources through well-established EC Trans national Access instruments. General Objective: Provide smooth and efficient access to JERICO-S3 Research Infrastructures and Resources for researchers or research teams from academy and industry using EU funded TA and VA instruments, assuring integration of TA activities in VA framework and enhancing the access to BCG and biological observing systems, thus reinforcing the ocean data value chain. The access opportunities will build long-term, collaborations between users and JERICO-S3 RIs. Specific objectives for TA:

  1. Provide coordinated ‘free of charge’ trans-national access to researchers or research teams from academy and industry to mature coastal infrastructures;
  2. Build long-term collaborations between end users and JERICO-S3 RIs;
  3. Promote innovation and the transfer of know-how in the coastal marine sector that offers rich promise for the future.;
  4. Assure integration with VA task.


Task 8.1: Trans-national Access

Transnational access will support a wide range of users by giving free of charge access to high-quality mature infrastructures and support services at unique multi-disciplinary sites consisting of a mix of gliders, fixed platforms, ferryboxes, cabled observatories, HF radar, benthic stations, and bio-sensors. The users will be able to carry out first-class experiments on the multi-disciplinary, multi-platform coastal observing systems thus maximising impact for science, environmental managers, industries and other relevant stakeholders. The TNA will run in collaboration with WP3 (Integrated Regional Sites), WP4 (Pilot Super Sites), WP5 (Harmonisation), WP7 (Technological Innovation) and WP10 (Dissemination, communication and engagement with stakeholders).

  1. Located in different coastal areas in a partnership and selected for scientific and sustainable reasons, they will offer the technical support to the users for their experiments as well as the data management framework in WP6. They will be described in D8.1 (Description of facilities participating in TA provision) [M9].
  2. All data collected under TA frame will be discussed with WP5 during the preparatory phase. From testing and validating new techniques, technologies and sensors to proof of concept studies, the data and information collected under TA should be stored in WP5 (in the agreement conditions).
  3. All TA projects will clearly define outreach objectives in collaboration with WP10 (Outreach & Communication).
  4. Proposals related to WP7 (Technological Innovation) will be encouraged and will have priority as well as proposals including private companies.

Modality of access (MoA) under this proposal

A user or group of users shall be given access to the infrastructures listed from TA providers to test instruments or make innovative multidisciplinary integrated observations. Modality of Access can be of the three following types: MoA 1: Remote: the presence of the user or user group is not required at any time during the access period, MoA 2: Partially remote: the presence of the user or user group is required at some stage, e.g. for installing and uninstalling an instrument. MoA 3: In-person (“hands-on”): the presence of the user or user group is required/recommended during the whole access period. If unspecified, the default MoA will be considered as likely to be partially remote (MoA 2).

As multidisciplinary installations are generally able to host multiple users and handle multiple activities simultaneously, the access can be shared simultaneously by several user groups. Users, unless otherwise specified, shall preferably bring their own measuring system to be installed/tested (MoA2: Partially remote). The start and end of the access period will preferably coincide with maintenance operation on the installation for financial efficiency. More specific and detailed modalities may be specified in the description of the infrastructure and will also be addressed and updated during the project.

Outreach to users

The work package will promote access to users and user-groups through engagement with WP10 (Dissemination, communication and engagement with stakeholders), facilitating users from countries where similar facilities are not available using outputs from T9.2 (Community of users in JERICO-RI: Analysis of Users and usage strategy), stimulating the testing of new sensors and equipment being developed in WP7 (Technological Innovation). In particular JERICO-S3 will organise three calls for proposals through Task 11.7.2 (Launching calls and evaluation of proposals). The open calls will be published widely through the web, mailing lists and through other public access media with respective milestones at M10, M23, and M35.

Review procedure under this proposal

The detailed procedures for the assessment of TA applications, the common rules, and access conditions to the infrastructures will be defined at the beginning of the project under Task 11.7.1 (Setting procedures and teams for access provision), following the principles of transparency, fairness and impartiality. After submission, preliminary screening of the technical feasibility of the proposals will be done by each relevant provider and results will be communicated to the selection panel for evaluation under Task 11.7.2 (Launching calls and evaluation of proposals). To implement the review procedure, a Selection Panel, composed of independent experts from the scientific community will be set up in agreement with Article 16.1 of the Grant Agreement. TA proposals will be selected on the basis of scientific excellence, innovation and impacts for the research community, but with priority to users of PSS defined in WP4 and users coming from countries where requested infrastructure is not available. Advancement of the activities conducted through the Transnational Access programme will be through the signing of user agreements between users and JERICO-S3 infrastructure TALTECH owners. The TA activities will the promoted on the project web page, including web-articles, final reports, publications and presentations to conferences and workshops. The users will be committed signing the agreement to provide all the necessary information through Task 11.7.3 (Implement access, Reporting and Dissemination)

Provision of access to the following infrastructure(s)

ID 1.1: Participant: IFREMER.  Infrastructure: Ifremer Metrology Laboratory (METLAB) Location: Plouzané, France. Website: http://www.ifremer.fr/ic/fr/etalonna_moyens.htm. Annual operating costs: € 84881 Description: Laboratory in charge of the calibration of the oceanographic sensors used by Ifremer scientists and provides calibrations for external customers. The laboratory is equipped with high quality reference devices. Services currently offered: The metrology laboratory provides: sensor calibrations for Ifremer scientists, external customers and oceanographers from other institutes, metrology trainings, audits and guidance for Ifremer laboratories or external collaborators and customers; Modality of access under this proposal: MoA3. UA: week. Modality used to declare access costs: TA-CB Support offered under this proposal: Visiting researcher will be given access to the laboratory facilities, experimental areas for doing calibration. An engineer and a technician will be fully dedicated to the service for TNA.

ID 1.2: Participant: IFREMER.  Infrastructure: COAST-HF MAREL Carnot buoy (IR-ILICO) Location: Boulogne sur mer harbour, France Website: https://www.seanoe.org/data/00286/39754/ Annual operating costs: € 75838 Description: Moored buoy equipped with continuous and autonomous physico-chemical and biological measuring devices;  high performance systems for seawater analysis, NRT data transmission, and  a COSTOF2 (Communication and Storage Front-end, 2nd generation data communication and backup tool, from 2019). Services currently offered: NRT access to physico-chemical and biological data (QA/QC + operational data flow via Coriolis). Specifically devoted user interfaces to process data.  Modality of access under this proposal: MoA2. UA: day. Modality used to declare access costs: TA-UC Support offered under this proposal: At least one technician and one head scientist will assist the user group and take care of installing/uninstalling operations. Access to specific MAREL Carnot data processing user interfaces will be provided. Possibility to add sensors thanks to a complementary 12v/220v power supply.

ID 1.3: Participant:  IREMER Infrastructure: COAST-HF SCENES buoy (IR-ILICO). Location: Le Havre – Seine Estuary mouth, France. Website: http://www.coriolis-cotier.org Annual operating costs: €72 074 Description: Moored buoy and a benthic station equipped with hydrodynamics, physico-chemical and biological sensors working in continuous and autonomous conditions. Services currently offered: Ifremer is leading 4 field surveys per year at the station, permitting sensor deployment and maintenance, but also cross calibration vertical profiles from the research vessel (CTD+Turbidity+LISST (PSD), SPM concentration, OM content, chla concentration). Modality of access under this proposal: MoA2. UA: day. Modality used to declare access costs: TA-UC Support offered under this proposal: Scientists would be invited to participate to these cruises to test and deploy their sensors both from the RV or from the buoy.

ID 1.4: Participant: IREMER  Infrastructure: COAST-HF SMILE buoy (IR-ILICO). Location:  Luc sur Mer – Seine Bay, France Website: https://www.seanoe.org/data/00425/53689/ Annual operating costs: € 5672 Description: The SMILE buoy was developed and implemented in 2015. It consist in a moored buoy physico-chemical and biological sensors working in continuous and autonomous conditions. Services currently offered: Four field surveys per year at the station, permitting sensor deployment and maintenance, and cross calibration vertical profiles from the research vessel (CTD+Turbidity+LISST (PSD), SPM, OM content, chla). Modality of access under this proposal: MoA2. UA: day Modality used to declare access costs: TA-UC Support offered under this proposal: Scientists invited to participate to the cruises to test and deploy their sensors both from the RV or from the buoy.

ID 3.1: Participant: AWI Infrastructure: COSYNA Underwater Node Helgoland (UNH) Location: German Bight, North Sea. Bottom depth: 11m  Website: https://www.awi.de/en/science/biosciences/shelf-sea-system-ecology/main-research-focus/cosyna/underwater-node-helgoland.html Annual operating costs: € 1000000 Description: Cabled underwater observatory with; 10 underwater pluggable access points. Equipped with:ADCP,CTD plus Chl-a fluorescence, O2 and turbidity sensorsy, Zooplankton Observatory (ZooObs), underwater imaging system (Video Plankton Recorder). Services currently offered: Data delivered in RT or NRT to the COSYNA open data server . A “virtual computer” is provided for full access to the instruments installed underwater. The underwater node is regularly used by scientists to test new and stationary sensor developments. Modality of access under this proposal:  MoA2. UA: 6 months. Modality used to declare access costs: TA-AC Support offered under this proposal: Logistic support to bring the sensor to Helgoland, technical assistance for attachment/preparation phase of the sensor (sensor unit) to the underwater node and in establishing the connection between the users computer and the sensor unit.

ID 3.2: Participant:AWI Infrastructure: COSYNA_AWIPEV Location: Svalbard North Atlantic  – Arctic  – Kongsfjord  Website: https://www.awi.de/en/expedition/ Annual operating costs: €10000000 Description: Four underwater pluggable access points for network and power, equipped with an ADCP and a profiling CTD (Sea & Sun; depth, T, conductivity, ChlA fluorescence, O2 and turbidity).  Services currently offered: Possibility to attach users’ own sensors to the node system in the Arctic ocean in Svalbard; Access to additional environmental parameters which are measured continuously with the node system (T, S, turbidity, O2, Chlo a, currents, tides etc.).  Modality of access under this proposal: MoA2. UA: 6 months. Modality used to declare access costs: TA-AC Support offered under this proposal: Logistic support to bring the sensor to Svalbard, technical assistance for  the attachment preparation phase , the 10-day test phase , the establishment of the network between the users’ computer and the sensor unit.

ID 4.1: Participant: AZTI  Infrastructure: EuskOOS Donostia Buoy Location:  Continental slope of SE Bay of Biscay, Spain; Bottom Depth: 570m Website: http://www.euskoos.eu Annual operating costs: €  94800 Description: NRT measurement of: Spectral waves (wave height, period and direction), T, S and current down to 200 m depth, atmospheric pressure and T, wind direction and intensity, solar radiation. Services currently offered: Interested researchers or companies will be able to install their own sensors in the buoy during the platform maintenance time slot (buoy moored/recovered during operations every 6 months). Modality of access under this proposal: MoA2. UA: day Modality used to declare access costs: TA-UC

ID 4.2: Participant:AZTI Infrastructure: ITSASDRONE Location: Pasaia, Gipuzkoa (SPAIN) Website: www.azti.es Annual operating costs: €  50,000 Description: Autonomous surface vessel equipped with echo sounder and a weather station for  pelagic monitoring. Length: 190cm; Beam: 117cm; Draft: 50cm; Weight: 50kg; Electric propulsion (Speed: 3-4 knots). Endurance: >3 months (solar panels). Services currently offered: Acoustic field surveys. Modality of access under this proposal: MoA2. UA: week. Modality used to declare access costs: TA-AC Support offered under this proposal: Scientists would be invited to use the infrastructure for field surveys with assistance for design, operation and data delivery.

ID 6.1: Participant: CEFAS Infrastructure: SmartBuoy monitoring network Location:  Warp, West Gabbard Website: http://wavenet.cefas.co.uk/Smartbuoy/Map Annual operating costs: €125,000 Description: High-frequency NRT series of surface S, T, turbidity, O2 saturation, Chlo fluorescence and nutrient concentrations. Water samples collected and preserved onboard for later analysis of nutrients and phytoplankton species.  Services currently offered: Deployment and testing of new instrumentation with many partners including manufacturers and universities, and for deployment of passive samplers within JERICO-NEXT and other research programmes. Modality of access under this proposal: MoA2. UA: day Modality used to declare access costs: TA-UC  Support offered under this proposal: Access to the data, mooring infrastructure to deploy new sensors/instruments and rosette sampling for collecting additional samples.Access to the routine SmartBuoy data.

ID 6.2: Participant: CEFAS Infrastructure: Ferrybox system on RV Cefas Endeavour Location: Operates in UK waters throughout the year Website: n/a Annual operating costs: €38,000 Description: System for autonomous, cost-efficient and continuous collection of sea surface oceanographic HF, high resolution data:S, T, fluorescence, turbidity, flow cytometry. Services currently offered: Data has been used within the eutrophication monitoring programme and as an essential component of fisheries surveys to study environmental drivers of small pelagic fishes (eggs, larvae and adults) with specific focus on S, T and Chl-a maps. Modality of access under this proposal: MoA2. UA: day Modality used to declare access costs:TA-UC Support offered under this proposal: Access to the Ferrybox data, Ferrybox infrastructure to deploy new sensors/ instruments and the associated Ferrybox data. Automated water sampler offered  for collecting additional underway samples.Technical assistance with integration of additional sensors.

ID 7.1: Participant: CNR Infrastructure: Sicily Channel Observatory – MPLS (SiCO) Location: Sicily Channel Website: http://www.ismar.cnr.it/infrastructures/observational-sites/catene-correntometriche/il-canale-di-sicilia Annual operating costs: €118250 Description: Twin-mooring system in a key area connecting the Eastern and Western Mediterranean Sea, moored at about 500 m depth. Continuous monitoring by traditional current meters and ADCP.  Services currently offered: Available for TA to JERICO-S3 users for specific experiments, tests of sensors and in-situ validation.  Modality of access under this proposal: MoA1/MoA2 UA: 6 months. Modality used to declare access costs: TA-UC Support offered under this proposal: A technician, a sea-man, a head scientist will provide assistance to the user group, for installing/uninstalling operations. The user will have access to the infrastructure by boat (service arranged by the operator) and the delayed-mode data at the end of the 6 month access period.

ID 7.2: Participant: CNR Infrastructure: S1-GB Dynamic pylon Location: Po delta, Italy, Website: http://s1.bo.ismar.cnr.it/perl/s1_home.pl Annual operating costs: € 50000 Description: Made up by an elastic beacon, it consists of a aerial platform at 6.5 m asl, a steel pipe structure, an submerged float and an elastic joint for mooring to the sinker. Logging and NRT transmission devices, power systems, and double winch accommodating oceanographic instrumentation at different water levels. Services currently offered: Instruments and sensors for in-situ experiments, research and monitoring activities and data for local authorities, national and European Project and private companies. It can accommodate additional oceanographic and meteorological sensors for test, research and calibration activities.  Modality of access under this proposal: MoA2 UA: day. Modality used to declare access costs: TA-CB  Support offered under this proposal: A support team (two technician, one sea-man and one head scientist) will assist the user group, and installing/uninstalling operations. The user will have access to the infrastructure by boat (service arranged by the operator).

ID 7.3: Participant: CNR Infrastructure: “Acqua Alta” Oceanographic Tower Location: Gulf of Venice, Italy. Website: http://www.ve.ismar.cnr.it/piattaforma/  Annual operating costs: € 123640 Description: The tower allows specific dedicated campaigns, long term measurements and in-situ experiments. Sophisticated instruments can be hosted on board reducing drastically the risk of loss. Services currently offered: Meteorological data: wind speed and direction, air T, humidity, solar radiation, precipitation. Oceanographic data: T, sea level, waves, ADCP currents, Surface and scuba webcams. A wet and a dry lab are available for hydrological operations and equipment maintenance and electronics devices, respectively.  Modality of access under this proposal: MoA2 UA: day. Modality used to declare access costs: TA-CB  Support offered under this proposal: A support team (one technician, two sea-man and one head scientist) will assist the user group, and the installing/uninstalling operations. The user will have access to the infrastructure by boat (service arranged by the owner).

ID 7.4: Participant: CNR Infrastructure: Corsica Channel Mooring – MPLC (CoCM) Location: Ligurian sea – Tyrrhenian sea, Website: http://www.ismar.cnr.it/infrastructures/observational-sites/catene-correntometriche/il-canale-di-corsica Annual operating costs: €44687 Description: Continuous measurement of ocean currents and thermohaline properties of water masses in predetermined depths (surface and intermediate circulation of the Mediterranean Sea, and exchanges between the two adjacent basins). Services currently offered: The underwater installation is available for TA to JERICO-S3 users for specific experiments, tests of sensors and in-situ validation. Modality of access under this proposal: MoA1/MoA2 UA: 6 months. Modality used to declare access costs: TA-UC Support offered under this proposal: A support team (one technician, one sea-man and one head scientist) will assist the user group, and installing/uninstalling operations. The user will have access to the infrastructure by boat (service will arranged by the operator).

ID 8.1: Participant: CNRS  Infrastructure: Environmental Observatory Littoral (EOL) coastal buoy Location: Bay of Villefranche-sur-mer, Ligurian Sea Website: http://data.coriolis-cotier.org Annual operating costs: € 50,000 Description:Equipped with a package of sensors (within a seabird mooring profiler) near surface with RT transmission. Solar panels and a cabin large enough to install power hungry instruments and a profiler that allows measurements in the water column (80 m depth). Hourly SBE19 data for T, S, fluorescence, DO at 1.5 m depth. A fixed pH sensor is also deployed.  Services currently offered: Contributes to the network COAST HF (IR ILICO). Offers validated time series data, and high frequency data are implemented within a long biochemical time series (from Point B site). Modality of access under this proposal: MoA1/MoA2 UA: 8 weeks Modality used to declare access costs: TA-AC Support offered under this proposal: This infrastructure is available for researchers to conduct projects on ecosystems dynamics and on the evolution of the Mediterranean Sea within the context of climatic changes and/or anthropogenic forcings.

ID 8.2: Participant: CNRS  Infrastructure: GNF Glider National Facility Location: La Seyne sur Mer, France. Website: http://www.dt.insu.cnrs.fr/gliders/gliders.php Annual operating costs: € 280,000 Description:The GNF operates 10 gliders, is equipped with: a glider ballasting tank, an electronic lab for pre-deployment preparation, servers and communications devices for glider operations. CTD, O2 Optode, Fluorimeters (ChlA, CDOM, Phycoerythrine, turbidity), Back scattering (470-880 nm) sensors can be mounted on the gliders.Services currently offered: Access to one or more gliders of the fleet for autonomous operation at sea to collect data in specific experiments. High quality data (regular calibration/control procedures) and full resolution post-processed data provided shortly after glider recovery.  Modality of access under this proposal: MoA1. UA: day Modality used to declare access costs: TA-UC Support offered under this proposal: Complete coordination of measurements; preparation, at sea operations, maintenance, communication infrastructure including NRT data set for the scientist. Support to the user groups working on shift for continuous service (including piloting in close contact with the users).

ID 8.3: Participant: CNRS  Infrastructure: Sediment Profile Imaging Hardware & Software (SPI H&S) Location: Station Marine d’Arcachon, Bordeaux, France Website: https://spiarcbase.epoc.u-bordeaux1.fr/ Annual operating costs: € 416000 Description: In situ acquisition of sediment profile images in cohesive sediments. Exists in two versions: one for shallow bottom (down to 30m) waters (can be operated from small ships), and one for deep waters (requires large oceanographic ships).  Services currently offered: Technical assistance to the use of the SPIArcBase software for the semi-automated analysis of sediment profile images. Complete and comprehensive service offer including both field deployments (hardware) and image analysis/interpretation (software). Modality of access under this proposal: MoA3. UA: week. Modality used to declare access costs: TA-AC Support offered under this proposal: Transport to the place of use, Field deployment, Image acquisition, transfer and storage, Assistance in image processing and interpretation, Computation of synthetic indices (e.g. benthic habitat quality, bioturbation,etc)

ID 8.4: Participant: CNRS  Infrastructure:  Sea Water Sensing Laboratory @ MIO Marseille Location: Marine Station Endoume, Marseille.  Website: n/a Annual operating costs: €69915 Description: Continuous and high frequency analysis of the chemical, biological and BCG properties of the sea water. The laboratory corresponds to a temperature regulated (22°C) space of 65 m², the sampling point is at ~2 m depth, 10 m from the coast. Services currently offered: The laboratory is temperature regulated and will offer space for installation and tests of chemical, biological and biogeochemical sensors. Data from a Cytosense flow cytometer with image in flow analysing sea water on a semi continuous way will be available. Modality of access under this proposal: MoA3. UA: day. Modality used to declare access costs: TA-AC Support offered under this proposal: Two bench tops of 2 m each will be available for users to implement their sensors. Infrastructure is available for researchers and companies to deploy additional sensors, to test new sensors and to collect water for additional measurements.

ID 15.1: Participant: FMI  Infrastructure: Utö Atmospheric and Marine Research Station (Utö) Location:Utö Island, Archipelago Sea, Baltic Sea Website: http://swell.fmi.fi/Uto/latest.html Annual operating costs: € 300000 Description: Marine observations: Surface waves; currents; T, S, O2, Chla, turbidity; Sea-ice cover; nutrients profiles; algae species imaging (flowcytobot). Greenhouse gases and marine carbonate system: Atmospheric CO2 and CH4, pCO2; pH, sea-atmosphere CO2-flux. Meteorology: wind speed and direction, T, PAR, diffuse and global radiation, spectrally-resolved solar radiation,  boundary layer 3D-wind profiles, weather camera; atmospheric trace gases; physical, chemical and optical properties of aerosol particles; BC, AOD (sunphotometer), phosphorus deposition, solar energy production, AIS-data, radioactivity. Services currently offered: Station available for additional stand-alone underwater, flow-through and atmospheric instruments. Technical support for installation and maintenance, data transmission and supporting data from other observations at Utö. Modality of access under this proposal: MoA2. UA: day. Modality used to declare access costs: TA-UC  Support offered under this proposal:  FMI will provide necessary technical support for installation and maintenance, data transmission and supporting data from other observations at Utö

ID 15.2: Participant: FMI Infrastructure: FMI Slocum G2 Glider “Uivelo” Location: Northern Baltic Sea (100 km from the Finnish coast – possibility to use other parts of the Baltic Sea if a local ship for deployment and recovery is available).  Website: https://www.finmari-infrastructure.fi/autonomous-platforms/gliders/  Annual operating costs: € 75000. Description: Glider is equipped with CTD, O2 optode and fluorometer (Chlo, turbidity and CDOM). The glider also includes a propeller for improved operability. The maximum operating depth is 200m. Services currently offered: FMI provides Glider “Uivelo” for maximum one month per year. Modality of access under this proposal: MoA1. UA: day. Modality used to declare access costs: TA-CB. Support offered under this proposal: The support include battery, data transmission and sensor calibration costs, preparing the glider for the mission, deployment and recovery, remote piloting and NRT data.

ID 16.1: Participant: HCMR Infrastructure: POSEIDON – Monitoring, Forecasting and Information System for the Greek Seas. Installations: Poseidon FerryBox (PFB), Heraklion Coastal Buoy (HCB), Cretan Sea E1-M3A (M3A), Saronikos Gulf Buoy (SB), Poseidon Glider (PG) Location: Piraeus-Heraklion; Heraklion Gulf, Cretan sea; Saronikos Gulf; Cretan Sea. Mission in other areas in Greek Seas can also be planned after agreement.  Website: www.poseidon.hcmr.gr Annual operating costs: €360500  Description: FerryBox marine data: T, C/S, DO, pH, pCO2, fluorescence, chl-a, turbidity, waves, currents (ADCP) and physicochemical and biological parameters in the euphotic zone. Air-sea interaction data (wind speed and direction, air pressure, T, relative humidity, precipitation). Services currently offered: Has participated to TNA activity of several projects, including FIXO3, JERICO and JERICO-NEXT, providing data and hosting novel equipment for scientific (CIEBIO, MEDACID, TOFU, LO3CAted, CarbonAS, FluorMed-1, MicroPlastox, MONICOAST) and industry (AGE-CO-DEEP, IMLOC-AISPAR, INPOW-AISPAR, LETS-SAT) experiments and studies.  Modality of access under this proposal: MoA2. UA: 6 months. Modality used to declare access costs: TA-UC. Support offered under this proposal: From these nodes, the fixed platforms SB, HCB and E1-M3A as well as the Poseidon glider, and the FerryBox are open for access to users.

ID 16.2: Participant: HCMR Infrastructure: POSEIDON Calibration Laboratory (PCL) Location: Hellenic Centre for Marine Research, Former American Base, Gournes, Crete, Greece Website: www.poseidon.hcmr.gr  Annual operating costs: €30250  Description: Lab is equipped with a special designed large calibration tank, two smaller glass tanks and a number of reference sensors and equipment for T, S, Chl-a, turbidity, pH and dissolved O2 sensors calibration. Services currently offered: Support of activities for a wide range of sensors (T, S, O2, Chl-a, Turbidity, pH) providing state-of-the-art laboratory calibration services and field validation/calibration experiments. It has participated to the TNA activity in JERICO and JERICO-NEXT (CIEBIO, TOFU, FluorMed-1). Modality of access under this proposal: MoA3 UA: week. Modality used to declare access costs: TA-UC Support offered under this proposal: The team consists of the HCMR technicians and scientists who can perform a wide range of sensor calibrations.

ID 17.1: Participant: Hereon  Infrastructure: COSYNA Coastal Observing System for Northern and Arctic Seas Installation: COSYNA Stationary FerryBox system (COSYNA SFB) Location: Cuxhaven, German Bight, North Sea Website: https://www.hzg.de/institutes_platforms/cosyna/index.php.en Annual operating costs: € 1000000 (COSYNA) Description: Stationary FerryBox system, including self-cleaning features, installed in a container at the mouth of the Elbe River (sensors: T, C/S, turbidity, DO, pH, chl-a-fluorescence, CDOM fluorescence, nutrients (NOx, NO2, PO4, SiO2 and a sampler). Services currently offered: Data delivered in RT to the open access COSYNA data server and in NRT to the NOOS portal, including data quality flags. The system has a remote access via mobile phone (in the harbour) and partly via satellite. The stationary FerryBox in Cuxhaven is regularly used by scientists to test new sensor developments (e.g. in JERICO FP7, JERICO-NEXT /”MEPHY”). Modality of access under this proposal: MoA2. UA: 120 days. Modality used to declare access costs: TA-AC Support offered under this proposal: A support team will prepare the instrumentation; service the instrumented container; support in processing the data.

ID 17.2: Participant: Hereon Infrastructure: COSYNA Coastal Observing System for Northern and Arctic Seas Installation: Two COSYNA Gliders (COSYNA GL) Location: German Bight, North Sea  Website: https://www.hzg.de/institutes_platforms/cosyna/index.php.en  Annual operating costs: €1000000 (COSYNA) Description: COSYNA_GL are two of the 3 gliders of the system (TWR Slocum Electric, 100 m and 1000m) equipped with CTD, Wetlabs ECO puck FLNTU (fluorescence and turbidity) and CDOM fluorescence. Services currently offered:  Access to the two gliders of the fleet (prior contact to Hereon required to assure piloting and operation capabilities) for a dedicated experiment following the implementation of an automated measurement programme agreed between the user group and Hereon. Modality of access under this proposal: MoA1 UA: month. Modality used to declare access costs: TA-AC Support offered under this proposal: A support team will prepare the instrumentation; service the instrumented container; support in processing the data.

ID 17.3: Participant: Hereon Infrastructure: COSYNA Coastal Observing System for Northern and Arctic Seas Installation: 3 COSYNA FerryBox Lines (COSYNA FB) Location: Three different routes in the German Bight and North Sea (Between the English channel to Germany and Skagerrak, Southern North Sea up to Norway).  Website: https://www.hzg.de/institutes_platforms/cosyna/index.php.en Annual operating costs: €1000000 (COSYNA) Description: COSYNA_FB includes three FerryBox systems on different routes in the southern North Sea equipped with sensors T, C/S, turbidity, DO, pCO2, pH, Chlo-a-fluorescence, partly nutrients (NOx, NO2, PO4, SiO2) and a cooled water sampler. The first vessel is a ferry (FunnyGirl) and operates between Büsum and the island Helgoland from April to October on a daily basis, the second vessel (Magnolia) goes from Cuxhaven (DE) to Immingham (GB) ~6 times/week year-round  and the third vessel (Lysbris) cruises between Bergen (NO), Skogen (NO), Amsterdam (NL), Glasgow (UK)  and Kolding (DK) year-round. Services currently offered: Data from the COSYNA nodes are delivered RT or NRT to the open access COSYNA data server. Furthermore, all underway FB data are delivered in NRT to the NOOS portal, including data quality flags.  FB data have been used in different studies about the North Sea , and were also used for data assimilation in numerical models .  Modality of access under this proposal: MoA1/MoA2. UA: 120 days. Modality used to declare access costs: TA-AC Support offered under this proposal: A support team of technicians and scientists of Hereon will prepare the instrumentation; service the instrumented ferry; support operations at sea; support in processing the data.

ID 17.4: Participant: Hereon Infrastructure: COSYNA Coastal Observing System for Northern and Arctic Seas Installation: COSYNA Mobile Underwater Observatories (MUO) Location: German Bight, North Sea, Flexible locations Website: https://www.hzg.de/institutes_platforms/cosyna/index.php.en Annual operating costs: €1000000(COSYNA)  Description: COSYNA_MUO node system is under development (will be operational in 2020). It will provide power, network connection and server support for the permanent operation of in situ sensor systems (will have 6 underwater pluggable access points for network and power, and a standard sensor carrier with an ADCP, a CTD plus Chl-a fluorescence, O2 and turbidity sensors). Services currently offered: All data from the COSYNA nodes are delivered in RT or NRT to the COSYNA data server open to the public via free internet connection. Modality of access under this proposal: MoA1/MoA2. UA: 2 weeks. Modality used to declare access costs: TA-AC Support offered under this proposal: Support for preparing the instrumentation; service the instrumented node, support diving for installation and recovering. A “virtual computer” is also provided to the user for full access to the instruments installed underwater.

ID 19.1: Participant: IH Infrastructure: MONIZEE Installations: Multiparametric buoys: Leixoes Oceanic (NW Portugal), Nazare Oceanic (W Portugal), Nazare Coastal (W Portugal), Faro Oceanic (S Portugal) Locations: NW Portugal  (bottom depth 1600 m), W Portugal (bottom depth: 2000 m), W Portugal (bottom depth: 90 m), S Portugal (bottom depth: 1334 m) Website: www.hidrografico.pt Annual operating costs: € 670000 Description: Four Fugro-Oceanor Wavescan buoys providing hourly measurements of meteorological parameters, waves, water T and currents at several depths. Near surface fluorometry, DO and turbidity (for shorter periods after each maintenance action). Services currently offered: Possibility of installing and operating their own sensors in the buoys, either for research purposes or for testing of new sensor technologies.  Modality of access under this proposal: MoA1/MoA2. UA: day Modality used to declare access costs: TA-CB. Support offered under this proposal: Evaluation of the feasibility and adaptation requirements; Adaptations to accommodate sensors/samplers. Planning the installation/recovery and additional measurements. Installation and Recovery of sensors/samplers. Support in the program of additional measurements. Access to complimentary data..

ID 23.1: Participant: MI Infrastructure: SmartBay Observatory Location: Spiddal, Galway, Ireland (West Coast) Website: www.smartbay.ie Annual operating costs: € 125000 Description: Underwater cabled observatory located within the Smartbay test site c.1.5km from the coast in a depth of 20-25m. Access to the observatory is through scuba and surface supplied diving from medium sized vessels. A power supply of 400 VDC and fibre optic speed of 100 mbps are controlled remotely via a shorestation. Services currently offered: Five ports are available for third party use. The ports provide power and can support RT 2-way ethernet, serial or optical communications. The instruments include CTD, ADCP, Hydrophone, DO2, EcoFL, WQM and HDTV footage. Modality of access under this proposal: MoA1/MoA2. UA: day Modality used to declare access costs: TA-UC Support offered under this proposal: Pre-deployment testing; Dedicated operational team providing bench testing, deployment, operations and maintenance, recovery of the sensor/equipment; Data acquisition and data transmission support. RT data transmission and visualization through dedicated and secure VMware

ID 23.2: Participant: MI Infrastructure: SmartBay Buoy Location: Spiddal, Galway, Ireland (West Coast) Website: www.smartbay.ie Annual operating costs: € 91500 Description: Buoy for testing environmental and meteorological sensors and to efficiently collect metocean data. Different mooring designs are adaptable to any specific testing environment. Services currently offered: Different mooring designs are adaptable to any specific testing environment. Modality of access under this proposal: MoA1/MoA2. UA: day Modality used to declare access costs: TA-UC Support offered under this proposal: Pre-deployment testing. Dedicated operational team providing bench testing, deployment, operations and maintenance, recovery of the sensor/equipment. Data acquisition and data transmission support. RT data transmission and visualization through a dedicated and secure VMware.

ID 23.3: Participant: MI Infrastructure: SmartBay Glider Location: Spiddal, Galway, Ireland (West Coast) Website: www.smartbay.ie Annual operating costs: € 19500 Description: The Smartbay Glider is a Slocum G1 Electric Glider capable of operating to a maximum depth of 1000m. The glider used to efficiently collect oceanographic data. All data is transferred to the MI via Iridium communications. Services currently offered: Capable of collecting data to a depth of 1000m over a period of 7 days. Instruments include CTD, Optical DO2, Fluorescence and Turbidity. Modality of access under this proposal: MoA1/MoA2. UA: week Modality used to declare access costs: TA-UC Support offered under this proposal: Dedicated operational team providing bench testing, deployment, operations and maintenance, recovery of the sensor/equipment.

ID 25.1: Participant: NIVA Infrastructure: NorFerry/NorSOOP  Installations: 1 – M/S Color Fantasy (FA) FerryBox, 2 – M/S Trollfjord (TF) FerryBox, 3 – M/S Norrona (NO) FerryBox  Location: 1 – S Baltic Sea and North Sea, 2: Norwegian Sea and Barents Sea , 3: North Sea, Norwegian Sea, North Atlantic  Website: www.niva.no/norsoop Annual operating costs: €380000 (NorFerry/NorSOOP) Description: Five Ferrybox. Thermosalinograph, inlet T sensor, O2, chl-a fluorescence, turbidity and system for water sampling, sensors for PAH, phycocyanin, cDOM, pCO2, pH, and microplastics sampling units, radiometers for marine reflectance of the sea surface. Services currently offered:All installations are available to do research on eutrophication, biodiversity, chemistry, and biogeochemistry. NorFerry has supported research activities of between 3-6 international users using the facility per year.  Modality of access under this proposal: MoA1/MoA2. UA: day Modality used to declare access costs: TA-CB Support offered under this proposal: Dedicated NIVA personnel are available in Oslo and Bergen to assist with the installations. A typical access duration can be from a few days on the short 2 days trip between Oslo and Kiel (FA) or ~1 week for TF, NO, and NRS installations. Preparations of tests and sensors are possible in advances at NIVA premises, NRS, or onboard ships since workshops can be made available. NIVA chemical and biological laboratories are available for calibration purposes.

ID 25.2: Participant: NIVA Infrastructure: NorFerry/NorSOOP Installation NIVA Research Station (NRS) FerryBox and calibration laboratory Location: Oslofjord Website: www.niva.no/norsoop Annual operating costs: €380000 (NorFerry/NorSOOP) Description: Fixed station (NRS) with FerryBox that include a core sensor package with thermosalinograph, inlet temperature sensor, O2, chl-a fluorescence, turbidity and system for water sampling; with additional sensors for PAH, phycocyanin, cDOM, pCO2, pH, and microplastics sampling units on some installations. Services currently offered: Research on eutrophication, biodiversity, chemistry, and biogeochemistry. Research activities of between 3-6 international users per year. Modality of access under this proposal: MoA1/MoA2. UA: week. Modality used to declare access costs: TA-CB Support offered under this proposal: Preparations of tests and sensors are possible in advances at NIVA premises, NRS, or onboard ships since workshops can be made available. NIVA chemical and biological laboratories are also available for calibration purposes.

ID 27.1: Participant: OGS. Infrastructure: MAMBO Miramare Buoy Location: Trieste, Italy Website: http://neTALTECHno.ogs.trieste.it/ilter/GoTTs/mambo.html Annual operating costs: €60000 Description: The MAMBO Miramare buoy is equipped with weather station, carbon cycle system pCO2 Pro-Oceanus sensor, Ph SeaFET sensor, CT SBE37-ODO with optical O2 sensor; SBE16 multi-parameter probes.  Services currently offered: Installation of the instrumentation; Power supply; Access to the buoy with boat and technical staff; Technical support for all installation operations required; Support and assistance from our scientific staff in installation methods and in the evaluation of acquired data. Modality of access under this proposal: MoA1/MoA2. UA: day Modality used to declare access costs: TA-UC Support offered under this proposal: Technical support for instrument deployment planning, interfacing with observatory, and access to RT instrument data after deployment. Quality control of data is offered.

ID 29.1: Participant: PLOCAN Infrastructure: Plataforma Oceánica de Canarias (PLOCAN) – Coastal Observator Installations: Test Site area, Platform, Coastal buoy,  Gliders, ASVs, Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV), HF RADAR Location: PLOCAN Test Site in Northeast of Gran Canaria Island, Canary Islands, Spain. Website: www.plocan.eu Annual operating costs: € 415625 Description: PLOCAN is a multipurpose service centre with land- and sea-based novel infrastructures to support marine research, technology development and innovation. The centre provides a cost-effective combination of services, such as an observatory, a test site, a base for underwater vehicles, laboratories, training and an innovation hub. Services currently offered: PLOCAN installations included in the coastal observatory are open to offer services to regional, national and international interested parties. The coastal buoy can host additional instrumentation for atmospheric and (sub)surface tests. Gliders operate four times a year to and from PLOCAN to our oceanic ESTOC site serving the Test Site too. Modality of access under this proposal: MoA1/MoA2. UA: day Modality used to declare access costs: TA-UC Support offered under this proposal: PLOCAN installations included in the coastal observatory are open to offer services to regional, national and international interested parties. Besides logistical, technological and scientific support for all installations, the gliders are available for measurements in the vicinity of the Platform and Test Site.

ID 30.1: Participant: RBINS  Infrastructure: Benthic Landers & Research Platform Location: Benthic lander (tripod) at MOW1 focusing on the lower 2 m of the water column / Continuously operated platform Research Vessel Belgica Website: https://odnature.naturalsciences.be/belgica Annual operating costs: € 384375 Description: 1) Benthic lander parameters measured are current velocity, S, T, SPM concentration, and Particle Size Distribution (PSD), fluorescence and turbulence. 2) RV Belgica with a AUMS (automatic underway measuring system) and hull mounted ADCP. Services currently offered: Over the past years, the data have been used by around 10 national and international users. The parameters for the water samples are included in the Belgian Marine Data Centre (BMDC) and are made available through SeaDataNet. Modality of access under this proposal: MoA1/MoA2. UA: day Modality used to declare access costs: TA-UC Support offered under this proposal:Technical support include support  for instrument deployment and sampling at the three stations and underway using the research vessel, and support in laboratory for analysis.

ID 32.1: Participant: SMHI  Infrastructure: Ferrybox and research vessel Installations: 1) Tavastland VOS infrastructure. 2) Svea, Swedish research vessel, VOS infrastructure, 3) Svea, Swedish research vessel, monitoring infrastructure Location: 1) Tavastland, VOS, Lubeck-Oulu-Kemi, 2) & 3) Svea, Swedish research vessel, monthly monitoring cruises in the Baltic Proper, Kattegat and Skagerrak  Website: http://www.smhi.se/hfa_coord/BOOS/Ferrybox/Transpaper/TransPaper_latest_table.htm Annual operating costs: € 175750 Description: 1) Tavastland, VOS infrastructure: ferrybox with sensors for S, T, O2, Chlo fluorescence, turbidity, CDOM, phycocyanin fluorescence and pCO2. 2) Svea is the new Swedish research vessel with ROTV and MVP and sensor measuring S, T, O2, Chl, fluorescence, turbidity, CDOM, phycocyanin fluorescence, phycoerythrin fluorescence, pCO2 and spectrophotometric pH.  Services currently offered: 1) Tavastland VOS installation is available for researchers. 2) Svea is being built at the moment and will be operational during fall 2019. Modality of access under this proposal: MoA1/MoA2. UA: day Modality used to declare access costs: TA-UC Support offered under this proposal: 1) Tavastland: technical help with additional installations within the ferrybox. 2) Svea: technical help with external sensors for the ferrybox or additional water sampling at the stations along the route.

ID 33.1: Participant: SOCIB Infrastructure: SOCIB Glider Facility (SGF) Location: Mallorca (Balearic Islands, SPAIN) Website: http://www.socib.es Annual operating costs: €448594 Description: Fleet of 5 TWR Slocum gliders, equipped for collecting both physical (T, S) and biogeochemical data (fluorescence, O2, etc.) at high spatial resolutions (1km). Technical laboratory, data-centre services (on-line mission tracking and data processing), warehouses, customs-deposit, salt water ballasting tank, 100bar pressure chamber, and vehicles customized for glider operations (9.2m/60Nm Professional-Grade RIB; Lab-Van, etc.). Services currently offered: Glider experiments (gliders, definition, preparation, logistics, survey and conclusion). Users will be required to provide a detailed and precise survey plan. SGF fulfilled more than 140 days-in-water of glider survey in the frame of the JERICO-NEXT European Project with very fruitful and positive outcomes, with stable and productive partnerships between SOCIB and users. Modality of access under this proposal: MoA1/MoA2. UA: day Modality used to declare access costs: TA-UC Support offered under this proposal: Access to glider platforms prepared and ready for operation including logistics for deployment and recovery, a 24/7 operational system to pilot the gliders at sea, collaborative piloting system; collaborative Data Management system.

ID 34.1: Participant: SYKE  Infrastructure: SYKE-ALG@LINE; SYKE Marine Research Centre, Ferrybox network in the Baltic Sea. Installations: 1. Ferrybox at m/s Finnmaid (FINNMAID) 2. Ferrybox at m/s Silja Serenade (SILJA SERENADE) Location: Installation 1. Transect Helsinki (FI) – Travemunde (DE). Installation 2. Transect Helsinki (FI) – Stockholm (SE) Website: http://www.syke.fi/en-US/Research__Development/Research_and_development_projects/Projects/Real_time_algal_monitoring_in_the_Baltic_Sea_Algline Annual operating costs: €125000 Description: Two ferrybox systems: m/s Finnmaid and m/s Silja Serenade. Flow-through system with thermosalinograph, Chl-a, phycocyanin, phycoerythrin and CDOM fluorometers, turbidimeter and O2 and pH measurements. Refrigerated sampling unit for laboratory analyses.  Services currently offered: Algaline data available e.g. through CMEMS. Assessment of the state of the Baltic Sea and coastal waters. Host measurement systems from other countries (Germany), and periodically used as platforms for national and international short-term studies.  Modality of access under this proposal: MoA1/MoA2/MoA3. UA: day Modality used to declare access costs: TA-CB. Support offered under this proposal:  Use data of the available sensors, install additional sensors and gather water samples for instrument. Assistance provided during installation of new instrument and during basic maintenance, selection of methods and instrumentation and measuring protocols, analyzing the data from contemporary ferrybox devices.

ID 34.2: Participant: SYKE. Infrastructure: SYKE MRC-LAB; SYKE Marine Research Centre, Laboratory Location: Helsinki, Finland Website: https://www.finmari-infrastructure.fi/laboratories/syke-mrc-marine-ecology-laborato/ Annual operating costs: €185 875 Description: Flow cytometer, FlowCAM, Imaging FlowCytobot, microscopes, spectrofluorometers, plate readers, spectrophotometer with integrating sphere, PsiCAM spectrophotometer, FRRF fluorometers, controllable LED panels, nutrient analyzers and isotope laboratory, MRC phytoplankton culture collection,  Services currently offered: Validation and intercomparison  for fluorometers are carried out using natural samples and phytoplankton cultures. Additional tests, related to brackish waters, cold environments can be carried out for sensor calibration, validation and intercomparison. Modality of access under this proposal: MoA2/MoA3. UA: day Modality used to declare access costs: TA-CB Support offered under this proposal: SYKE MRC-lab offers possibilities for testing sensors with various types of natural samples and phytoplankton cultures. It offers facilities and technical and scientific support for studying optical properties of phytoplankton.

ID 35.1: Participant: TALTECH Infrastructure: Central Gulf of Finland Autonomous Observing System.  Installations: 1: Ferrybox system in Tallinn-Helsinki line; 2: Keri bottom mounted profiler. Location: Installation 1 from Tallinn, Estonia to Helsinki, Finland; Installation 2: Central Gulf of Finland, Estonia; Website:  http://ferrybox.msi.TALTECH.ee/ Annual operating costs: €80000 Description: The observing system includes high-resolution measurements in the surface layer along a ferry route and through the water column in a centrally located deep area of the Gulf of Finland. T, conductivity, Chl-a fluorescence, turbidity sensors and water sampling system. Services currently offered: Data from existing measurement devices as well as electricity and communication. Vertical profiling data to investigate dynamics of this stratified basin. Ferrybox data for physical, biogeochemical and biological studies. Assessment of the environmental status of the Gulf of Finland regarding eutrophication.  Modality of access under this proposal: MoA1/MoA2. UA: day Modality used to declare access costs: TA-UC Support offered under this proposal: Physical and biogeochemical studies in the highly variable estuarine environment, or for testing new sensors. Installation of current profilers or other devices, both on the island or in water, is possible.

ID 35.2: Participant: TALTECH  Infrastructure: Vertical buoy profiler and Glider. Location: Tallinn, Estonia, but it can be deployed, where necessary (also foreign waters). Website:https://www.TALTECH.ee/institutes/department-of-marine-systems/marine-information/observation-data/profiling- buoy-stations-2/ Annual operating costs: €60000 Description: Autonomous vertical profiling in the Baltic Sea. High-resolution vertical profiles of T, S, Chl a, fluorescence, turbidity, and O2. Glider can operate in water depths down to 200 m and vertical profiler down to 90 m depth. Services currently offered: We have used vertical buoy profilers and glider to study the interplay between open Baltic Sea and local waters of the Gulf of Finland and Gulf of Riga. The set of these autonomous devices has been proved to be an effective tool in the estuarine environment. Modality of access under this proposal: MoA1/MoA2. UA: day Modality used to declare access costs: TA-UC Support offered under this proposal: We offer deployment, piloting and recovery of the devices. We also take care of data processing.

ID 37.1: Participant: UPC  Infrastructure: Expendable Seafloor Observatory (OBSEA) Location: Vilanova i la Geltrú, Spain, Website: www.obsea.es Annual operating costs: €245000 Description: OBSEA is an underwater cabled observatory connected with 4 km of cable to the coast of Vilanova i la Geltrú (Barcelona, Spain) and placed at a depth of 20m in a fishing protected area. Services currently offered: Power, communications and synchronization to instruments or systems to be deployed in the area. Quality controlled data of permanent instruments like: CTD, Hydrophone, Seismometer, Video Camera, AWAC, Meteo Station. Modality of access under this proposal: MoA1/MoA2. UA:day Modality used to declare access costs: TA-UC Support offered under this proposal: Technical support for instrument deployment planning, interfacing with observatory, and access to RT instrument data after deployment. Quality control of data. Logistics: ship and scuba divers for instrument deployment. Biological assessment of species through RT video cameras and cabled observatories is being carried.

ID 38.1: Participant: VLIZ Infrastructure: VLIZ coastal observatory Installations: a) RV Simon Stevin (Ferry Box / Automatic Underway Measuring System) b) Thornton Buoy c) bottom moored tripods d) regular sampling stations e) Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) f) Automated unmanned vehicle (AUV) g) Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV)  Location: Belgian Part of the North Sea Website: www.vliz.be, http://vliz.be/en/vliz-monitoring, http://vliz.be/en/marine-robotics-centre Annual operating costs: €300,00 Description: Multi platform monitoring of physical, biogeochemistry, and biological parameters. Underwater ultrasound and porpoise echolocation. Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV), Automated unmanned vehicle (AUV). Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV). Services currently offered: Serve marine scientists in Flanders and abroad. The installations of the observatory are operated on a regular basis in the framework of the collection of long-term data series. Modality of access under this proposal: MoA1/MoA2. UA: day Modality used to declare access costs: TA-AC