The JERICO-S3 Research Infrastructure is opening a final 4th call for the Transnational Access (TA) funding program. The call is open from 20th October to 21st November 2022. Please note, all proposed projects must be scheduled to complete the experiment by September 2023 with the final report submitted no later than October 2023.
Transnational Access provides free of charge access to high-quality infrastructures and support services at unique multi-disciplinary facilities consisting of a range of gliders, fixed platforms, ferryboxes, cabled observatories, HF radar, benthic stations, and bio-sensors. Applicants will be able to apply for a travel grant for the purpose of visiting the host facility for conducting their experiment. More than 4400 days of Transnational Access is offered between June 2020- January 2024 to 43 integrated marine coastal observation infrastructures located at 21 JERICO-RI partners throughout Europe. Detailed information about each JERICO-RI facility, technical design, and available resources etc. can be found here.
Successful applicants will be facilitated in conducting first-class experiments on one or more of the multi-disciplinary coastal observing systems thus maximising impact for science, environmental managers, industries and other relevant stakeholders. Users will have access to the best available equipment and knowledgeable personnel at each of the facilities to enable improved research outputs and scientific excellence. JERICO-S3 TA supports a diverse international user group and proudly supported International Women in Science Day this February by highlighting 3 women Principal Investigators of TA projects.
The three successful JERICO-S3 TA calls have supported 42 projects with a list of project summaries online. From these projects, we’ve seen tremendous work in the JERICO-RI Pilot Supersites (PSSs) as seen by Lase-Nopah and EuroFluoro in JERICO-S3 Cretan Sea Pilot Supersite. More recently, SYKE hosted three JERICO-S3 TA – AQUACOSM-plus projects in a unique collaboration of international scientists. We welcome and encourage projects from all user groups including those from non-EU countries subject to the terms and conditions outlined in the guidance notes.
We strongly encourage all TA applicants to contact the respective facility providers as early as possible in the proposal process about possible usage of facilities and cooperation at the infrastructures. Please ensure that the objectives and aims of the call are fully addressed before submitting a proposal for Transnational Access. The TA application form and Guidelines can be found online.
This is a unique opportunity for scientists and engineers to avail of high-quality, interlinked instrumented infrastructures operating in coastal and shelf-sea areas for conducting research and/or testing activities.
Contact JERICO.TA (at) / for more details.