The JERICO-DS General Assembly took place at Deltares in Delft (Netherlands), from 25th to 27th October 2022, and gathered around 35 participants. The JERICO-DS project develops the design study of the Joint European Research Infrastructure for Coastal Observatories (JERICO-RI) and is funded by the European Commission’s H2020 Framework Programme under grant agreement No.951799.

The JERICO-DS General Assembly started with a presentation and discussion about the status of the different JERICO-DS work packages. Subsequently, a series of dedicated sessions were held during the three days of the meeting to discuss the progress and difficulties on specific aspects of the design of the JERICO-RI, such as the Scientific Strategy, the implementation of the JERICO-CORE (the hub for access to the products and services of the JERICO-RI), the technology roadmap, the JERICO-RI future governance, legal entity and status, the JERICO Label, Human Resources, Key Impact Indicators, Business Case, Funding Plan, and Sustainability and Communication Strategy. The second day included the meeting of the National Representative.

The JERICO-DS General Assembly was concluded in the afternoon on 27th October 2022, with a ‘wrap up’ of the different sessions and enthusiastic thanks from all partners to the team of Deltares for the excellent organisation of the event. This ended three exciting days during which JERICO-DS partners shared ideas and experiences about the design and future evolution of JERICO-RI, having the beautiful city of Delft as a background.