During the first semester of 2020 Instituto Hidrográfico (IH, partner 19) completed the main stages of implementation of the Hidrografico+ ( https://geomar.hidrografico.pt ), the new web portal that will be used to provide user access to data, numerical forecasts and other information.
Developed and implemented by IH and Deimos, the Hidrografico+ web portal will be vehicle to JERICO-S3 Virtual Access to data collected by the real time monitoring infrastructure MONIZEE, operated by IH. At the present stage of development Hidrografico+ is providing access to the real-time data collected the observing systems that integrate MONIZEE; comprising multiparametric buoys, wave buoys, HF radars and tide gauges. Until the end of the 2020 the access will also be extended to the delay mode fully processed and quality controlled data. VA metrics based on Analytics (Grafana) are in course of implementation and should be fully operational by November2020.