Dr. Gisbert Breitbach, Institute of Coastal Research, Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht
Within the framework of the JERICO-NEXT EU project, the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht (HZG) has recently upgraded the FerryBox database for permanent routes to an European FerryBox database (http://ferrydata.hzg.de). Besides the previously already existing routes, including Hurtigrouten (IMR/Norway), Helsinki-Travemünde (SYKE/Finland) and Peraues-Irakleion (HCMR/Greece) three new routes performed by NIVA/Norway have been added in November (Hurtigrouten, Oslo-Kiel and Tromsø-Longyearbyen). All routes now automatically provide the data in near-real time (within days).
As an additional service the data are exported from the database in netCDF format using an Opendap web service (e.g. http://opendap.hzg.de/opendap/data/cosyna/ferrybox_niva/contents.html) for delivering the specific data to the corresponding ROOSes of Copernicus Marine Services (CMEMS) as well as EMODnet. Furthermore, a SOS V2 web service based on the 52N service can be accessed via the web interface for visualization, which is also available from outside the database (see figure or SOS V2 link).