In framework of the Sea Tech Week 2016, the CEFAS organized a meeting focused on the task “Harmonizing new network sensors” led by Dave Sivyer (CEFAS) and Rajesh Nair (OGS). This workshop on nutrient sensors and the current use and status in the marine community was attended by representatives from several institutions around Europe. The first speaker was Wilhelm Petersen (HZG) who briefly introduced the workshop in the context of JERICO-Next and work package 2.4. Next, Dave Sivyer presented the responses to an online questionnaire which had previously asked participants in WP 2.4 to answer. This presentation included an outline of all nutrient sensors currently in use, their operational status, what they measure, calibration and quality assurance, ease of use and many other aspects that will be fully reported elsewhere (Deliverable 2.2). A general discussions followed around the room including a useful insight to the ISUS nitrate sensor from Rajesh Nair and an over view of the development, range of measured parameters and current application of the CHEMENI analyzers from Laurent Delauney (Ifremer).
The main users of nutrient sensors would be responsible for contribution of each section of the report required for the milestone of the work package. A template for the report was compiled, including all the questions from the on-line questionnaire, but further expanded to take account of the group discussion. This will be circulated amongst the participants for final approval.
Those responsible for the workshop would like to thank the local support, especially Anne Schmidt, for her great patience and help in the organization of the event.