Finnish Marine Research Institutes have started a national marine research infrastructure consortium (FINMARI) here in Finland. The aim is to facilitate international and national use of experimental resources efficiently. This is done in a close co-operation with other international and national infrastructures and ESFRI’s as ICOS, EMBRC and EURO-ARGO.
The infrastructure includes research infrastructures of 3 Finnish research institutes, 3 universities, and a state-owned shipping company. The infrastructure network consists of several field stations, research vessels and multi-purpose icebreakers, laboratory facilities, ferryboxes, fixed measurement platforms and buoys in the Northern Baltic Sea. FINMARI is listed as a nationally essential RI on “Finland’s Strategy and Roadmap for Research Infrastructures 2014–2020” by the Finnish government.
The aim is to provide an easy access to all Finnish marine research infra and coordinate national infrastructure building. More information can be found on the website.