TNA Final
During its lifetime JERICO offered Transnational Access to a number of unique European Coastal Observatories and Calibration Facilities for international research and technology development.
The primary objective of the JERICO Transnational Access activity was to enable scientists and engineers to freely access coastal infrastructures not available in their own countries. The JERICO Consortium includes research structures such as Ferryboxes, Fixed Platforms, Gliders, and associated support facilities, i.e. Calibration Laboratories.
Access to these facilities will contribute to
- building a long-term collaboration between users and JERICO partners, facilitating staff exchange and scientific cooperation;
- building an European facility for science dedicated to innovation (new sensors, new automated platforms), open to Europe and also to countries of common regional interest (South Mediterranean, Black Sea, Baltic Sea);
- promoting the infrastructure by transferring know-how from the partners to users, with a view to future expansion that will include new partners (possibly also from non-European countries).
JERICO has organized three Calls for proposals requesting Transnational Access to targeted facilities. Visiting scientists and technical personnel working on approved projects have been provided assisted access to relevant facilities. Single researchers or a research team composed of more researchers (from a single organisation or from a group of organisations) have applied for free of charge access provided they satisfied specific rules set by the Commission and the JERICO Consortium.