Task 5.1

Task 5.1: Data policy and distribution
Task 5.2: Integration of biological data
Task 5.3: Platform registration and metadata management system
Task 5.4: Interoperable data flow from in situ measurements to archiving in data centers
Task 5.5: Enhancement of Quality Control procedures for sensor based biochemical data
Task 5.6: Definition of Quality Control procedures for HF Radar data
Task 5.7: Scientific calibration procedures on gliders data collection
Task 5.8: Linking JERICO-NEXT activities to a Virtual Access infrastructure 

Data policy and distribution

Lead: EuroGOOS (Patrick Gorringe)

Email address: Please login or register to view contact information.

The JERICO-NEXT data policy will be a free and open data policy. This task will define how JERICO-NEXT data will be made accessible, fully compliant with the INSPIRE directive. The task will also ensure that data and data providers are given maximum visibility, with data and metadata made available through the main marine data infrastructures including the EuroGOOS ROOSs and SeaDataNet’s NODC network, as well being accessible via EMODnet and its thematic portals. In addition, this task will address the specifications for a European scale FerryBox data management system, defining a roadmap for making the most of these data available in a consistent way.

The subtasks will address the following issues.

  • Recommend methods for a free and open data access policy according to the specific data domain (physical, chemical, biological). These recommendations will be applied also on WP4 data flows.

  • Include digital citation of data as an important component of data policy.

  • Deliver a catalogue of metadata which is fully compatible with the INSPIRE directive, as part of the INSPIRE theme “Environmental Monitoring facilities”, and made available to the European Environment Agency and other organisations. The JERICO-NEXT data and metadata will be described using ISO discovery metadata and will be accessible via Open GIS (data access and visualization, usage metadata), see task 5.2. The JERICO-NEXT data and metadata will extend and improve existing catalogues for MyOcean, SeaDataNet and EMODnet. This will be applied in a web interface within task 5.3 that will help the JERICO-NEXT partners to describe their data.

  • Define the specifications for a European system for handling FerryBox data, including physical, chemical and biological parameters from automated measurements as well as data from water samples. A technical management solution will be proposed after consulting the key partners involved in this activity and a roadmap for implementing the system will be proposed. Ongoing developments for the management and release of FerryBox data that were accomplished in other projects such as MyOcean will be taken into account.


D5.1: Preparation of a document with recommendations on open and free data policy as derived from IOC, WMO, ICES and other organization documentations (M24)

D5.2: Release of a JERICO-NEXT catalogue comprising data and products based on task 5.3 output. The catalogue will include the JERICO coastal observing systems and products using also (but not only) the existing NODC infrastructures (coordinated in SeaDataNet), EuroGOOS ROOSs and EMODNet.(M36)

D5.3: Specifications for a European FerryBox data management system (M24)