Available facilities

Facilities available for the 3rd Call

Facilities available for the 3rd Call picutre

JERICO offers Transnational Access to a number of unique European Coastal Observatories and Calibration Facilities for international research and technology development.

Transnational Access is an opportunity for scientists and engineers to obtain free of charge access to coastal observing infrastructures that do not exist in their own countries. These infrastructures include ferryboxes, fixed platforms, gliders, and associated support facilities, i.e. calibration laboratories.

The 3nd Call is open from Thursday 19 September to Monday 18 November, 2013 for access time request to the following facilities (planned experiments should be concluded within October 2014):


Facility ID Facility Provider Unit of access Maximum available access quantity Contact Website
COSYNA_1 (FB) HZG (Germany) day (24h) 30 days Wilhelm Petersen
Please login or register to view contact information.  
Colour Fantasy NIVA (Norway) day (24h) 30 days

Kai Sorensen      

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Fixed Platforms

Facility ID Facility Provider Unit of access Maximum available access quantity Contact Website
ACQUA ALTA CNR (Italy) day (24h) 30 days Mauro Bastianini
Please login or register to view contact information. 
MPLC CNR (Italy) 6 months 6 months

Mireno Borghini
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Katrin Schroeder Please login or register to view contact information. 

MPL Genoa CNR (Italy) 6 months 6 months Paola Letardi
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Pierluigi Traverso
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COSYNA_2 (PILE) HZG (Germany) day (24h) 30 days Götz Flöser
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Website Website


Facility ID Facility Provider Unit of access Maximum available access quantity Contact Website
MARS gliders NERC (United Kingdom) day (24h) 60 days David White
Please login or register to view contact information. 
COSYNA_3 (GLIDER) HZG (Germany) day (24h) 60 days Lucas Merckelbach
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CSIC-Glider CSIC (Spain) day (24h) 60 days Simon Ruiz
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CETSM INSU/CNRS (France) day (24h) 60 days Pierre Testor
Please login or register to view contact information. 

Support Facilities (calibration and validation laboratories)

Facility ID Facility Provider Unit of access Maximum available access quantity Contact Website
OGS-CTO OGS (Italy) week (5 days) 2 weeks Rajesh Nair
Please login or register to view contact information. 
POSEIDON CAL HCMR (Greece) week (5 days) 2 weeks George Petihakis
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