- Deadline for Third TNA Call Extended to Monday 25 NOVEMBER 2013
The third Call for access to the JERICO Coastal Observatories and Calibration Facilities is open with activities scheduled to start early in 2014 subsequent to a formal screening and selection process.
The schedule of the Call is as follows.
Opening of the call | 19 September 2013 |
Deadline | extended upto 25 November 2013 |
Evaluation end | 31 January 2014 |
Feedback to applicants | 28 February 2014 |
Formal agreement between parties and other administrative issues | Within April 2014 |
Implementation of approved projects | From April to September 2014 |
Delayed date for the end of the TNA projects will be allowed over October 2014 only because of JERICO timeline.
The JERICO project is offering access to different ferrybox lines in the North Sea, various networks offixed platforms and other single fixed point installations (buoys, towers, shore stations and underwater installations), and glider fleets based in the North Sea and the Mediterranean. Calibration laboratoriesare also being put up for access.
This is a unique opportunity for scientists and engineers to avail of high-quality, interlinked instrumented infrastructures operating in coastal and shelf-sea areas for carrying out research and/or testing activities.
Interested users can request access to one or more facilities. JERICO will provide them with technical assistance, travel support and often many core measurements that may be necessary to their work. Visitors and projects will be selected on the basis of the quality and novelty of the proposed activities.
Detailed information on the facilities offered for access, the eligibility of users, rules and selection procedures can be found on this website using the following links
Preparing the proposals, the users are asked to verify the particulars of access to the facility they wish to utilize by contacting the relevant operator (find the contacts at the Available facilities page).
It is mandatory that user groups interact directly with the manager of the facility/ies they wish to use during the preparation of proposals. This will permit a better understanding of the feasibilities of the proposed projects by the very parties who will be working together if they are approved, while also fostering closer cooperation between them in addressing practical concerns.
Proposals have to be drawn up following the attached template and sent by email within
25th of NOVEMBER 2013 23:59 HOURS (CET)
at the following email address:
JERICO.TNA (at) ismar.cnr.it
The email address for proposal submission will no longer be accessible after this date.
This is the last call opportunity